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Was ist neu an DC Final?

Empfohlene Beiträge


Ich bin grad am ziehen. Was isn daran nun neu? :blink:


du stellst fragen :blink:

...neue skins, waffen, fahrzeuge, flugzeuge, maps...

...gibs halt nur in patchform un net als client...


ja und ruckelt nochmehr bei mir weil die fetten exposionen ja unbedingt darein mussten *lol*


-----DC Final Changelist-----

DC_Final Client Full, version 3

-Removed remaining horn and artillery spot icons

-Adjusted patriot rotation

-Spandrel rotation slowed but has a strange bug meaning it still moves fast for short adjustments

-Reduced MI24 gunner overheat, very light now

-SA-342 gunpods reduced overheat some more

-Launch effects added to all aircraft missiles

-Moved F117 bombs down slightly

-New missile smoke for aircraft

-Fixed Ural fueldrums damaging truck, can still walk through fueldums while on truck but it's now harder to get in

-Gaskin missile same as Linebacker

-Enterprise UH-60q spawn corrected for vertical takeoff

-Sparks added to metal collisions

-humvee/car explosions cause some screen shake when close to explosion

-adjusted many weapon icons in vehicles, most were still using the same BF rocket icon

-fixed bug with turret sounds

-adjusted linebacker rotation

-fixed F16 bug with some linux servers

-Gaskin lights fixed

-Gaskin turret icon removed

-F117 given f14 minimap icon

-US sniper kit has removed backpack

-Iraqi sniper helmet readded

-Patriot HP increased to match SA3

-created unexplainable, unfixable catastrophic crashing bug

-had dinner and fixed catastrophic crashing bug

-changed linebacker launch sounds

-removed patriot wreck

-random iraqi skin removed

-reduced time to live for F117 bomb down to 5 seconds, will airburst if it hasn't hit the ground. Needs some testing.

-reduced radius of F117 bomb by 20%

-increased camera stay for patriot/sa3 to 3 seconds

-patriot missile detonate changed to altfire to avoid launching second missile on detonation

-Reworked AK/AKS sounds

-Reworked Shilka third person sound

-Better explosion effects in Weapon Bunkers

-Fixed serveral projectile positions

-Removed horn icons

-Reduced muzzle smoke on some weapons

-Optimised tank explosions

-Pantsyr icon fixed

-BMP1 health and ammo added

-Iraqi AT3 kit fixed

DC_Final Client Full, version 2

-Reworked AK/AKS sounds

-Reworked Shilka third person sound

-Better explosion effects in Weapon Bunkers

-Fixed serveral projectile positions

-Removed horn icons

-Reduced muzzle smoke on some weapons

-Optimised tank explosions

-Second iraqi skin randomly chosen

-Collision of barrels on fueldrum ural fixed

-Pantsyr icon fixed

-BMP1 health and ammo added

-Iraqi AT3 kit fixed

DC_Final Client Full, version 1

-Mortar given overheat on deployment, can't drop another for about 30 seconds. The overheat per shot is 150%

and it accumulates so if you deploy one when the overheat bar is at half way it gets pushed up to 200%.

-New M1A1 reload sound

-AI added to binoculars, bots will target heavy armor when very close

-Smoke grenade effect made larger

-Blood effect added to knife stabs

-Running footsteps can be heard further away

-Reload bar added to hind FFARs

DC_Final RC3

-All TOW Missiles now shoot straight

-M82 given large muzzle flash light effect

-Skorpion ROF slightly higher

-Saiga given larger muzzle lift per shot

-MK23 ROF upped to match other pistols

-SA-342 gunpod overheat reduced

-SA-3/Patriot range increased

-SA-3/Patriot smoke effect changed

-SA-7s in SA-7 boxes

-All in-vehicle radios placed in their own sound file (Can be renamed or removed to improve performance)

-Artillery muzzle smoke slightly reduced

-Massive reduction in sound.rfa size

-Stinger's Humvee textures

-Adjusted SCUD driver camera position

-New sounds for ammo reload, reloading vehicles now different sound to soldiers

-Wrench can be heard from several meters away and has new sound

-AA classes given MP5 and Skorpion

-Stryker driver's head fixed

DC_Final RC2

-Overheats fixed

MH500 overheat

Technical overheat

DPV overheat

SA342 overheat

-Mortar wall hack fixed

-New Scoreboard icon for Spec Ops

DC_Final RC1

-Both LCAC versions should be fixed

-Mortar view adjusted

-Mortar explosions more deadly but with less force (bodies don't get thrown so far)

-US player model has new shader parameters, fixed 1st person camo.

-US and Iraqi player models have more variety in 'accessories'

-Fixed issue with Spandrel turret

-New fake crater effect for scud explosions. Large stone pieces are blown off buildings

that get hit.

-Modified most smoke trails and missile flames

-New sounds for:

Missile launchers on helicopters



TOW launch

-Reduced volume of birds

-Many small fixes to incorrect crosshairs

-Fixed missing MLRS kickback

-New minimap icons for virtually all the different vehicles

-Fixed Stryker drivers head showing

-Changed Tomahawk explosion effect

-Increased audible range of choppers for medium and high sound settings

-Slowed MI24d gunners rotation speed


-Shilka materials and health revised, splash vs. infantry removed. - It now takes 2 RPGs to kill (down from 4),

2 tank shells (up from 1), isn?t particularly vulnerable to 20mm Fighter cannons (used to be), 2 Spandrel rockets

(up from 1), 35 30mm shells (BMP2, m2a3), 1 artillery shell, 1 c4 stick (down from several). Should still be exactly

as potent vs. aircraft.

-Vulcan splash vs. infantry removed, death explosion reduced

-Stinger damage vs. Hind, Apache, Blackhawk reduced

-Larger helicopters maneuverability improved

-SU25 cannon splash set to match A10's

-M1A1/T72 maximum turret angle reduced 2 degrees

-M2A3/BMP2 round velocity increased

-Humvee and DPV strengthened to reduce terrain damage

-Most wheeled vehicles handling modified

-BDRM health upped 50% to 75, death explosion reduced.


-Added Howitzer and Howitzer battery

-Added Patriot

-Added LCAC

-Reflective US goggles

-MI8 handling improved

-Armed MI8 without spawn points added

-Radios added to most aircraft

-Radios added to Humvees

-New cockpit sounds for some aircraft

-Many silent gun positions given rotation and reload sounds

-Pantsyr front passenger added, radar fixed

-Spandrel and Gaskin turrets slowed slightly

-All Brownings and NVSTs now have improved gun camera position

-New sounds for:

Stinger and SA-7


Bullet cases

Mortar and mine deploy

-New M25 model and skin

-Freelook added to all chopper passengers

-Slightly reduced speed of freelook in aircraft

-Changed explosion effects for most airburst missiles

-Cockpit and zoom added to AH64 gunner

-Zoom added to Hind gunner

-F14b bomb position gets crosshair

-Fixed ZPU muzzle flash position

-Skorpion deviation reduced

-New theme music courtesy of Andre Hofmann

-Added dust effect to some chopper wheels to simulate rotor wash

-Removed unused artillery icon from UH-60


-New PKM, M249 and Remington animations

-Remington pump sound added

-AK47 reload animation plays slightly faster

-Reduced fall damage

-All vehicles now have gunner position as position 2

-New stationary PKMs with crouching shooters

-Horns added to several vehicles

-VSS does less damage over long distance

-Added BMP1

-Updated MP5 model

-Most voices reworked

-Standard Ural has 3 extra passengers in the back, 2 facing inwards the last sitting on the back of the tray.

-Fueldrum Ural that drops explosive barrels controlled by the driver

-Recoilless rifle Ural, mounted in the tray

-AA Ural with top half of a ZPU, ammo boxes and sandbags sitting on the tray area

-Added MK-19 Humvee

-Added Minigun Humvee

-More new effects for vehicle damages and explosions


-Fixed Humvee resupply spots

-New ammo boxes

-Adjusted zoom angle for MP5 and AKS

-Fixed recoil animation bug with pistols, sniper rifles and Remington

-Larger blast radius for mortar

-Reduced screen shake for explosions

-Reduced excessive screen shake firing sniper rifles standing

-Many muzzle flash fixes and improvements

-Rear wheels now roll on AH-64, UH-60s, MI-24, MH-53 and MI-8

-Screen shake added to ZPU

-Camera stay time on guided sa-3 reduced to 2 seconds

-New explosions for mines and C4

-Added F-117 armed with GBU-27 bomb. Same power as scud.

-Added Gaskin AA variant of BRDM

-Guided SA-3 missiles explode when out of fuel, launch effect and screen shake added

-Moved BRDM supply depot away from driver


-SMAW/RPG blast radius slightly higher

-MK19 has doubled rate of fire, damage unchanged

-Rate of fire changed for shotguns

-VSS slightly reduced power

-New Humvee handling code

-Fixed the massive blast radius of the MGs and RHIB

-1 stab kills with knife

-Reduced spiral on Hydras

-New US player model

-New M9 model

-Many new explosion effects

-New bullet impacts

-Many new sounds for weapons and vehicles

-Removed bullet whiz sounds for shotguns

-Modified muzzle flashes for many weapons

-New smoke trails

-Icons added for all useable objects in vehicles

-Modified screen shakes for weapons

-New Environment sounds added to most maps


-Artillery velocity reduction for improved arc

-Sniper rifles fire faster.

-MBTs with more momentum to the turrets, longer reload time, more powerful shell.

-MLRS and BM21 turret speed given momentum like the M109

-Created proper Iraqi SA-7 armory

-new soundscript for mortar in flight

-Renewed special impact effects for heavy calibers

-Mk19 given higher rate of fire with smaller clip and more spread

-New SA-3 system with joystick control made from Tan mod


Ich kann kein Englisch. Kannst du das wohl nochma für mich übersetzen? *lol*

Nene, okay ich überzeug mich selbst, danke :)

Ich kann kein Englisch. Kannst du das wohl nochma für mich übersetzen? *lol*

Nene, okay ich überzeug mich selbst, danke :)


jo das sagt der richtige *lol*

naja ich hab auch noch ne frage wo is die F117 ? :blink:


So ich habs mitlerweile runtergeladen und gespielt... was soll daran bitte neu sein, außer das die Granaten nun nen bissl mehr krach machen, es voll heftig stockt (GeForce 2 MX/MX 400 for ever!!! ) und das die schüsse rot sind? Gut die Maps auch noch aber sonst is irgendwie alles beim alten geblieben ????


vielleicht steht die noch auf keiner map rum, und muss erst eingebaut werden.

-> man könnte ja mal den battlecraft editor bemühen und nachschauen.

ansonsten ist das ganze ja sehr gut geworden, mal abgesehen von einigen sounds die sich sehr blechern anhören. die Iraki flugabwehr hat nen sound der hört sich nicht gerade an wie das original...

edit: es gibt ja noch neue skins für die spielfiguren, neue waffensounds, rote querschläger der mg-projektile, die fluzeuge haben einen etwas anderen sound (wenn man einsteigt hört man wie die triebwerke anlaufen) und so weiter kann hier jetzt nicht alles aufzählen, das würde zu lange dauern.

-> wer rechtschreibfehler findet darf sie behalten.

jo das sagt der richtige  *lol*

naja ich hab auch noch ne frage wo is die F117 ? :blink:


mal ne frage, ich hab ein file das heißt: dc_final_client

dc_final_beta 3.0 full_install

habs auch installiert, und kanns unter dc 0.8 spielen, aber ises jetzt die richtige version? (PS: das war der patch zu 0.7)


...japp...is die aktuellste...

...wie bei [AvT]Chris steht is das oberste das aktuellste...

Gast M16 Besitzer

Ich rall das irgentwie mit dem installieren nich, der installiert nich ins mods verzeichnis. Kann mir einer helfen? ;)


gib den pfad von deinem mod ordner beim insall an

oder meinst was anderes?


hää nix da, bei der installation nur den Battlefield 1942 ordner angeben!

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