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News zu Forgotten Hope 2

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Wir haben die goldenen Straße nach 2.26 erreicht :awesome:

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope. Today we are very happy to announce the release date for the latest FH2 patch: 2.26. We also have a large amount of in-game screenshots of most of the new content you will find in 2.26.

Forgotten Hope 2.26 Release Date!

Firstly, the announcement you've all been waiting for! After several months of development, we are proud to bring you the news that Forgotten Hope 2.26 will be released on Friday, May 14th, 2010 at 18:00 UTC. We will be releasing the torrent and server files on Tuesday, May 11th.

We would also like to give a special 'thank you' to our beta testing team. We've spent almost an entire 5 months fixing bugs and glitches, and without the dedication of our testing team to find those bugs, and test the fixes, this release would not be possible. In addition to a large number of 'squashed' bugs, we are also releasing some brand new content for all of you to enjoy. You can read a quick list below.

-New Port-en-Bessin map

-BF1942-style spawn waves

-Team specific spawnpoints on many maps

-Two new planes (Bf-109 F4; P-47D)

-M-18 Hellcat and SdKfz 231

-Several new handweapons

-Fixed Operation Cobra/El Alamein/Supercharge crash

And now for your viewing pleasure, we have several in-game screenshots of already shown off content, as well as a few items that never made it into the news updates.






Bearbeitet von SirGutz

Du Layout-Mörder, aber die News is nett ;)

Gibts eigentlich jemanden aus der deutschen Community der eine Custommap für FH2 macht?

Ja. :whistling:

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

OH JA!!! :whistling::whistling:

1.366 kbit/s download-geschwindigkeit!!!!! ohne worte!

downloadzeit des patches in 16 minuten!!! :daumenhoch:

thanks PunK :danke:

Bearbeitet von fenderkicker
Gibts eigentlich jemanden aus der deutschen Community der eine Custommap für FH2 macht?

Ja. :whistling:

dringend mit mir kontakt aufnehmen pls


Frag doch einfach Knoffi oder Tom wennst was brauchst.


ich brauch fertige maps, keine tips, lass dich überraschen


Und nochmal hier:

Der FH2 Newsposter ist seit Gestern MiA und daher nun hier die verspäteten Torrents.

FH 2.26 Full version (3GB)

Patch 2.25-2.26 (1GB)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

.. und die goldene Straße führt weiter... :awesome:

Road to Forgotten Hope 2.26: Part 2 by: azreal

Hello and welcome back to another update of Forgotten Hope 2. Today, we've got the download links for the torrent files, the dedicated server files, and the changelog for 2.26. But first we have a video tribute to recently deceased developer Rad.

As many of you already know, Jim 'Rad' Rogers passed away on April 8th of last month. Today we present to you a video filmed by tester Kubador that we think fits his personality well. You can view the video below.


" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />

Bearbeitet von SirGutz
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Und hier der angekündigte Changelog. :xD:

Edith: Nachdem die Size Funktion irgendwie nicht will, dann hier etwa nur 1/20 des Logs. ^^

Forgotten Hope 2



This is version 1.7.722 built 2010-05-04 07:46:40.499825



Changes from Version 1.7.715 to Version 1.7.722




* Fix ancto crash (natty)



* Typo in localization (toddel)



* Fix wrong Ai Bot Template names. (gunnie)

* Fix wrong AI Bot Template name. (gunnie)

Changes from Version 1.7.680 to Version 1.7.715




* Fix Bug that allows player to survive in "littlebridge" (toddel)



* Fix spitfire idle loop sound. (spitfire)

* Something nobody wants to know (toddel)



* Add bessin hud name to localisation (toddel)



* Fix lewishandheld realod sound. (spitfire)

* Fix typo in tweak, causing a syntax error.. (gunnie)



* Anctoville (natty)



* Make emitters of muzzle flashes unique. (gunnie)

* Remove light emitter from explosions (kev4000)

* Delete drilling muzzleflash (natty)

* Make small arms effects emmiters use one smoke emmiter template instead of dozen templates

tweaked the same way. (spitfire)

Changes from Version 1.7.672 to Version 1.7.680




* Fix typo in constants.py causing crash. (spitfire)



* Sprintbreath sound (natty)



* Revert radio sound (lobo)



* OLYMPUS showstoppers fixed (natty)

* Anctoville update (natty)

* Bessin roads fixed (natty)

Changes from Version 1.7.622 to Version 1.7.672




* Ticket #1594 fix bad colision of townhouse021 (toddel)

* Fix Ticket #1601 enterable mc 202 italian plane static (toddel)

* Nicer cow. For new maps, use this one instead. (remdul)

* France_stair_350cm (toddel)



* Fix bug 1622. Opel Blitz Flak 38 Dak. Missing part of Engine Template name. (gunnie)

* Update Collision Mesh on M18 Hellcat. Fix bug #1623. (gunnie)

* Fix exit bug part of bug report #1623. Exit location on Hellcat. (gunnie)

* Fix bug #1446. Riders on rear deck of PIIIN. (gunnie)

* Update Rider position on Rear Deck of PZIIIN France. (gunnie)

* Add Missing Network Info on Engine. Change Kill Message to read "M18 'Hellcat'". Readd engine

sounds to engine. (gunnie)

* Change driver camera from regular driver cam, to a geom0 camera in an effort to fix bug #1635.




* Tweaked tinnitus sound (natty)



* M39 ukko pekka bayonet (sethsoldier)

* Puukko (sethsoldier)

* Add dummy collision to rotational base part of 81mm_mortar_m1 (ctz)

* Fix M1 Garand heat grenade material (kev4000)

* Grenade Defensive modele 37 (sethsoldier)

* Grenade Offensive modele 37 (sethsoldier)

* Pistolet Automatique modele 1935 A (sethsoldier)



* Fix luttich ambients and python (fenring)

* Bessin updated (natty)

* Olympus updated (natty)

* Anctoville update (natty)



* New sprintbreath (natty)

* Tweaked sprintbreath (natty)

Changes from Version 1.7.585 to Version 1.7.622




* Villers-Bocage updates by Guderian (natty)

* New battle ambience to Pdh (natty)



* Remove ignore.txt for this folder.. This tank has not been exported yet (gunnie)

* PZIII N France - Fix Main Gun sounds and Effect Template for muzzle. Added rotating idlers to

chassis. (gunnie)

* M18 HellCat updates.. Add Ai Templates. Add Additional passenger. Fix Wreck BundledMesh Alpha

Channels. (gunnie)

* Fix Ai Template. (gunnie)

* Tweaks to flyover plane sounds (natty)

* Add M4A3E2 Jumbo Tank Variants. (gunnie)

* Updated JagDPanther to include Lods and fix shiny roadwheels. (gunnie)

* Raise car horn sound distance BUG#859 (natty)

* New rocket sounds for planes (natty)

* Fix bug 1597. Tested in game. I could not duplicate it, but made the change in code anyway.

Still seems fine on my machine. (gunnie)

* Fix Bug #1597. Issue with Turret sounds. (gunnie)

* Sound for pushed AT guns (natty)



* Ambient sounds for PDH (natty)

* New tinnitus sound (natty)

* Silence (natty)



* Distant battle ambient effects (natty)

Changes from Version 1.7.487 to Version 1.7.585




* Revert Canadian AT kit to unstocked hi-power (kev4000)

* Revert Africa Bren pickup to use Bren (kev4000)



* Firewood_snow (toddel)

* AlliedTent_snow (toddel)

* Junowall/junowall_20m (toddel)

* Add junowall/junowall_10m (toddel)

* Fix junowall_5m (toddel)

* Junowall_corner_5m (toddel)

* Junowall_broken_A (toddel)

* Fix vehicle exploding when driving over wooden poles. (remdul)



* Make spawnwave behave better with mandowntime (spitfire)



* Fix bug #1564 - bombs turned backwards on hurri and swordfish (spitfire)

* Fix bug #1458: sdkfz251_d_spawn not resupplying ammo and rear gunner unable to duck (spitfire)

* Fix bug #1392: flak38 ejects emtpy shell from wrong position (spitfire)

* APC physics tweaks (kev4000)

* Correct sdkfz251_d_spawn armour (spitfire)

* Sound distance tweaks (natty)

* Willys GP physics standardization + tweaks (kev4000)

* Kubelwagen, Schwimmwagen, and Beetle standardization (kev4000)

* Update Speed of Hellcat. (gunnie)

* Make Civilian Coupes and Trucks capable of getting from A to B (kev4000)

* Vehicle mounted MG42s now use 1p model (kev4000)

* C47 flyover sounds (natty)

* Fix shader technique on Hellcat Wheels to prevent glossy look. (gunnie)



* Add Sten MKII (s) spawn menu icon (kev4000)

* Add Drilling, pitchfork, and fix couple bugs in localization (kev4000)

* Patcher performance/reliablity improvements (ctz)



* Fix bipod mgs collisions. (spitfire)

* Change materials on HEAT rifle grenades to fix the strange sound on hit. (spitfire)

* Add camerashake when being hit by AP rounds (kev4000)

* Tweak explosion force (camerashake) on handheld explosives (kev4000)

* K98 grenade mesh rotation fix (kev4000)

* Piat revert drop to 2.25 setting + camerashake tweak (kev4000)

* Standardize handheld explosives vs infantry (kev4000)

* Add Zoom To ZW36 Twin AA gun..Fix Bug #899. (gunnie)

* Flak cannons use 20mm explosion instead of the AA explosion (kev4000)

* 20mm rounds now use large MG tracer instead of tank tracer (kev4000)

* Fix bad tellermine up/down cameraspring (kev4000)

* Standardize hip fire camerasprings (kev4000)

* Fix bug #1506: Pickup medic kits: ammo indicator not working properly (spitfire)

* Fix bug #1569: suppressing flares (spitfire)

* Handweapon sound tweaks (natty)

* Stiffen Sten MK2 up/down camera spring (kev4000)

* Shiny new MG42 texture (kev4000)

* Berthier modèle 1916 (sethsoldier)

* Mounted MG42 deviation increase, camera recoil increase, and proper 3p LoD (kev4000)

* Berthier modèle 1916 Bayonet (sethsoldier)

* Mounted MG34 camera recoil shake (kev4000)

* Berthier modèle 1916 Tromblon (sethsoldier)

* Berthier modèle 1916 Apx21 (sethsoldier)

* MG more deviation less recoil (kev4000)

* Ppsh41 Drum and Banana mag (sethsoldier)

* M39 Ukko Pekka (sethsoldier)



* Remove opelblitz w36 temporarily in Alam Halfa and Supercharge (lobo)

* Bessin update (natty)

* Falaise bugfixes (natty)

* Luttich tweak (natty)

* .30Cal kit on PHL (natty)

* Gazala minor tweaks, add some more better tanks for germans (fenring)

* Hyacinth: Lewis handheld as menu class (lobo)

* Cobra update: (benseras)

* Lewis kits: Giarabub, Fall of Tobruk, Bardia (lobo)

* Cobra update: (benseras)



* Add Wreck Particles to fix bug with non exploding US Willy Jeep. Bug #1334. (gunnie)

* Sound updates (natty)

* Stop bazooka making a long range fire sound (natty)



* Smooth out common soldier camerashake variables (kev4000)

Changes from Version 1.7.391 to Version 1.7.487




* Add reference cross for easy sight debugging in editor. (remdul)



* Fix wired stairs behavier of townhouse_ruine013 (toddel)

* Match Lebisey trench cover Texture (toddel)



* Stug40_g (toddel)

* Correct bomb rotations on beaufightermk1_b (spitfire)

* New spitfire sounds by CharlesBrown (natty)

* Fix cupola gunner camers on m5a1_stuart. Bug #1450 (spitfire)

* More P-51D and P-47 sound tweaks (spitfire)

* Ammo reload fix. Bug #1403. (gunnie)

* Fix VehicleHud.hudName "M5A1 Light Tank" to show proper name of tank in message bar. (gunnie)

* Fix Bug #381. Add Duck Camera and fix soldier position in coupola. (gunnie)

* Fixed bug #1538. Tracks not moving. (gunnie)

* Fix shiny GMC wheels. (remdul)

* Center sherman firefly sight (kev4000)

* Update Flak 38 to fix bug #1523. Sides now open with up/down arrow keys instead of

automatically. (gunnie)

* Fix uncentered tank sights (kev4000)

* Bug # 1509. Fix collision mesh issue with wreck. Re-aligned Gunsight as well. (gunnie)

* Update Gunsight. ReCenter Crosshairs. (gunnie)

* Fix Bug #1509. Update collision mesh on wreck model to stop bouncing wrecks. (gunnie)

* Fix bug #1545, #1508. Kettenkrad unable to climb small hill. Readjusted engine. Reset

Materials. Other tweaks. Will make some more changes soon, but try this one out. (gunnie)

* Assigned new fire sounds (natty)

* DE distant sounds added (natty)

* Fix bug #1536. Turret Speed. (gunnie)

* Somua S35 (sethsoldier)

* Update gunsight alignment. (gunnie)

* Fix Bug #1502. Camera too close to gun sight. (gunnie)

* Updated Mesh to include Lods. Updated Wreck Collision Mesh. Reworked seating arrangement for

passengers. (gunnie)

* Updated Turret rotation and mantle elevation sounds to use "Hydraulic" motor sound instead of

"Electric". (gunnie)

* New Engine sound for Cromwell. (gunnie)

* Add new engine sound for Cromwell and Hydraulic motor sound for hydraulic turrets. (gunnie)

* Proper M10 diesel engine sound (kev4000)

* Update Wreck Effects. ie.. Fire, smoke, etc. position on tank hull. (gunnie)

* Update Panthers to use new Hydraulic turret sounds. (gunnie)

* Small Camera Tweaks on FW190. (gunnie)

* Fix bug #773. Tailgate on Civi truck can hit ground. Re-sized tailgate col 1 mesh. (gunnie)

* Fix Bug #773 Part two. Tailgate issue on Bedford oyd. Where col1 on tailgate could hit ground

and cause damage or flip the truck. Same issue as Civi Truck. (gunnie)

* Fix Bug #1296 Damage on Tractor. Most Civilian vehicles are one shot killed by 'Shreck or

'Zook. Tractor would take two, due to too high damage/hit points. (gunnie)



* Remove drilling shell ejection, bug#1558 (kev4000)

* Lower lewis_bipod and lewis_bipod_ai to 47 round magazines, bug#1512 (kev4000)

* Add Lewis Handheld and Colt 1917 (kev4000)

* Cannon fires volume increased (natty)

* More weapon standardization (kev4000)

* Mosin Nagant Sniper with PU (sethsoldier)

* Fix K98 grenade reload times and lower bazooka/schreck deviation (kev4000)



* Bessin updated (natty)

* Falaise Pocket update (natty)



* Add proper flash to grenades (kev4000)

* Large and medium explosions give off proper flashes (kev4000)

* Muzzleflashes updates (natty)

* More distant sound updates (natty)

* Fix sound distance of grenade explosions (spitfire)



* Attempt to fix kits disappearing every 3rd time after spawning (USA only). (remdul)



* Slightly lower crouch height (feels more intuitive). (remdul)

* Increase camerashake (kev4000)

Changes from Version 1.7.321 to Version 1.7.391




* Fix fh_na_house4_dest bug from the pulicforum that allows you to glitch inside africa houses

#1535+1537 (toddel)

* Give Roadsigns correct Material Bug 1539 (toddel)



* Fix "kit not available" bug (spitfire)

* Fix python going fubar if it cannot reach backend server. (spitfire)



* Cobra update: (benseras)



* Fix PdH CTD. (remdul)

* Add RightClickCameraSwitch to marder I and III (spitfire)

* StuK_IV (toddel)

* Improved halftrack physics (kev4000)

* Universal carrier physics tweaks (kev4000)

* E_muzz_tunguska distant sound changed (spitfire)

* P51D sound tweak (spitfire)

* P47 sound tweak (spitfire)

* Add M18 Hellcat. (gunnie)

* Updated sdkfz231 1 variants bundledmesh, so that slots in wheel rims are visible. (gunnie)

* Update M18 Hellcat to use proper 76mm Projectiles and sound templates. (gunnie)

* Reduce Flak 38 rounds/magazin from 50 to 20 (toddel)

* Standardize reloading. All equipment should now auto reload ammo irregardless of game option

settings. Should not have to press "R" to reload. (gunnie)

* Add Turret Gunner Animations. (gunnie)

* Bug #1425 Remove extra un-needed camera and fix rotation issue on Spotter Position. (gunnie)

* Add new Aircraft Cameras for P-47 and P-51 to adjust Nose Camera view. (gunnie)

* Bug #1482 Update Pilot Cameras to adjust "Backwards View" to match other airplanes, so Pilots

can see aircraft behind them. (gunnie)



* Remove ramboing rolling from colt1911, shovel and claymore (ctz)

* Colt 1917 1p reload anim speed redistributed to be more consistent. (killi)

* HE shells tweaks (spitfire)

* Fix HE shells bouncing of roads (spitfire)

* PIAT, Bazooka, Panzerschreck, Panzerfaust: 3p fire sound levels reverted to 2.2 values.


* Fix p14 sniper zoom mouse sensitivity (kev4000)



* Fix Villers and Cobra 1.7.321 CTD (kev4000)

* Add NA medic kit meshes (BA & GA). (remdul)

* Fix medic dropkit mesh for Normandy Brit and add Canadian medic kit. (remdul)



* Explosion sounds tweaks. (spitfire)



* Revert/change soldier jump/prone responsiveness. (remdul)

* Prevent soldier from flying up in explosion, reduce motion controls while jumping, stop head

twitching (remdul)

Changes from Version 1.7.060 to Version 1.7.321




* Polish Hud stuff (toddel)

* Attempt to increase number of vehicle occupants displayed on HUD to 8. (remdul)

* Added FH-ified HUD icon for wrench. (remdul)



* Fix tankcammonet missing net part on some older maps. (remdul)

* WindowPlanks_france correct Color uvw ( bug 1474) (toddel)

* Allow player to crawl under Iron balustrade (toddel)

* Make bathtub look less sucky. (remdul)

* Add Wooden planks to townhouse_ruine009 (toddel)

* !add Wooden planks to townhouse_ruine010 (toddel)

* Snow Cracktexture for walltops (toddel)

* Farmwall_snow and farmwall_low_now (toddel)

* Woodenshed_snow (toddel)

* Woodenfence/WoodenFence_250_high_des_snow (toddel)

* Woodenfence/WoodenFence_250_high_3m_snow (toddel)

* Woodenfence/WoodenFence_250_high_1m_snow (toddel)

* Disable Double_ladder climbing. (remdul)

* Dragonteeth colisionmesh update (toddel)

* Stack of logs snow (toddel)

* Dragonteeths snow (toddel)

* Fix green camo nets on Mareth Line. (remdul)

* Copplestonebridge_big_snow (toddel)

* Fix haystack material, and make col2 more player friendly. (remdul)

* Attempt to fix future haystack lightmaps. (remdul)

* Add deatch material to closed sheds (toddel)

* Make 25Pdr_Ammobox_C.dds darkerso it looks less bright (toddel)

* Fix Elalamein skirt textures/PSD/common_rock_de.psd (toddel)



* Revert push core to 2.25 (spitfire)

* Completely reworked the spawnwave system in limitKit plugin. (spitfire)

* Spawnwave: improved behaviour for sv.spawntime < 10 (spitfire)



* Port-en-Bessin updates (natty)

* Bessin bug fix on secondary terrain (natty)

* PHL Singleplayer update (natty)

* Fix Falaise LeFH18 (natty)

* Falaise Pocket updated again (natty)

* Replace african Panzer III on lebisey (natty)

* Moar eglise updates (azreal)

* Alamein: skfzd 231_1 and opelblitz flak (lobo)

* Cobra update for next beta patch. Replaced Opel ZW36 with Opel with Flak 36. Uploaded to map

ftp. (benseras)



* Fix issue with commander camera. (gunnie)

* Fix alpha channel error with gunsight. (gunnie)

* Updated max scenes. (gunnie)

* Fix Typo on Roadwheels and Drive Sprockets that kept them from working (Rotating.) (gunnie)

* Ready for Testing. (gunnie)

* Fix rotated bombs. (gunnie)

* Revised Ammo Load out. More HE and Less AP. HEAT unchanged. (gunnie)

* Add Lods to PIII N France. (gunnie)

* Update Hull MG Gunner PCO and Update Main Gun Barrels. (gunnie)

* Turn Smoke off wreck model when destroyed (gunnie)

* Lots of Cars. Ready for use. (gunnie)

* Unique Universalcarrier tracks for better Performance on France maps (toddel)

* Unicarrier_polish Textures (toddel)

* Bedford_QLT_polish (toddel)

* M10 Polish (toddel)

* Add Polish Equipment. M10, Bedford QLT and Bedford QLT Ammo (gunnie)

* M18_Hellcat by Pointblank (toddel)

* WillyMB_polish (toddel)

* M5a1_halftrack_polish (toddel)

* Bedford_OYD_polish (toddel)

* Updated Bedford QLT Polish Bundled and Collision Mesh. Added lods. (gunnie)

* Updated Bedford QLT versions to add Lods. (gunnie)

* M10_achilles_IIC_polish (toddel)

* M5a1_stuart_polish (toddel)

* Updated M10 Polish version. Ready for use. Has been tested in game. (gunnie)

* Change M5a1 Stuart minimap icon to Light Tank (toddel)

* Proper shell ejections for 25pdr and Hanomag+Pak35. (remdul)

* Fix Deacon wreck not being destroyed preventing respawn. (remdul)

* Sdkfz 231_1 versions. Optimize collision meshes. (gunnie)

* Fix different helmet/gear being shown on vehicle driver/gunners. (remdul)

* Kidplane for Toddel. (gunnie)

* Turned off external views on M8 cameras. Bug #1498 (spitfire)

* Correct crusader mk3 armour. Bug #1504 (spitfire)

* Reduced Willys Jeep explosion radius/damage. (remdul)

* Increase Ammo count for All P-47 versions. 425 rds. x 8 per gun on the "Gunfighter". 350 rds.

x 8 on other variants. Increase hit points slightly to reflect "Armored" areas. Increased

speed slightly to simulate "better speed overall". (gunnie)

* Update Ammo count on P51 Variants. Tweak roll rate "slightly". (gunnie)

* Initial Re-export of Universalcarrier with new tracks. May need some more work. It is

testworthy. (gunnie)

* Re-export of UniversalCarriers. Adjust exit points on all versions. (gunnie)



* Fix bessin map discription space (toddel)

* US airborne scout kit limited (natty)



* Some camera spring fixes (kev4000)

* Turn smoke off when wrecked. (gunnie)

* Mosin Nagant M1930 Hex Receiver (sethsoldier)

* New icons (kev4000)

* American SMG changes (kev4000)

* SMG fire smoothout (kev4000)

* Sten Mk2 repositioned sprint (kev4000)

* Remove bipod deploy sound from bipod folded weapons! (kev4000)

* Major pistol standardization (kev4000)

* More ammo for FG42 (kev4000)

* F1 Grenade (sethsoldier)

* New bazooka and panzerschreck velocities, deviation, accuracy, drop (kev4000)

* Piat tweaks (kev4000)

* Add stocked Browning Hi-Power (kev4000)

* Re-add Sten MKII select fire (kev4000)

* New pistol zoom_fire animations (kev4000)

* POMZ2 (sethsoldier)

* M30 Drilling fire sounds by Engineer (kev4000)

* Fix PZB39 ironsights (kev4000)

* Fix Webley arm interesecting camera on reload (kev4000)

* Tankovaja_Mina_35 (sethsoldier)

* 13mm airplane bullet does not explode (spitfire)

* Give .50 cal 100 round belt (kev4000)

* Colt 1917 1p anims (killi)



* Tweak US helmet colors. (remdul)

* More unique pistol layout (kev4000)

* Add M30 Drilling Kits (kev4000)

* French Army Kits (sethsoldier)

* Rearranged British gear and added commando (Green Beret) (remdul)

* Add proper dropkits meshes for Heer and Waffen-SS medic. (remdul)

* Updated Canadian gear as well (clone of British). (remdul)

* Fix flamethrower colliding with backpack. (remdul)

* Add M1919A4 to the tripod's kitmesh (kev4000)



* Global fix for "rifle in head / no kit gear" bug (spitfire)



* Tweaked US player model colors. (remdul)

* French Soldier (sethsoldier)

* Tweak unresponsiveness of controls after jumping. Feedback please! (remdul)

* Remove odd seam on 1p arms sleeve normal map. (remdul)



* Shellejections update (spitfire)

* New explosion effect (smaller) for 13mm air projectile. (spitfire)

Changes from Version 1.6.987 to Version 1.7.060




* Add Black Secular to Trench covers (toddel)

* Remove sdkfz231_1 ignore.txt (lobo)

* Set correct Loddistances (toddel)

* Add new wooden barrel (please use these instead of "Wood_Barrel"). (remdul)

* Add rocks for European forest/future jungle environments. (remdul)



* Spawnwave: add minimal time to spawn. (spitfire)

* TeamSPs: fix bug with some spawnpoints being disabled after round restart (spitfire)



* FH1 Panzer III N (toddel)

* C47_spawn_flyover timeToStayAsWreck 0 (spitfire)

* Added Bedford QLT LODs and clean up smooth groups. (remdul)

* Initial Re-export and code. (gunnie)

* More Updates.. Still needs some uvwork on wheels. Almost ready. (gunnie)

* More Updates. (gunnie)



* Bessin sounds (natty)

* Bessin map descriptions (natty)

* Wreaking havoc (natty)



* Add sauer 38h LoDs (kev4000)

* Lower SMG up/down limitations (kev4000)

* Fix lots handweapon of LoD code (kev4000)



* Australian voices in olympus (fhbeta_natty)

* Singleplayer: Alam Halfa (lobo)

* Uploaded 2.26 version, changes: (fhbeta_benseras)

* Ancto updates (otolikos)

* Tunis: lightmaps clean up (lobo)

* Port-en-bessin update (natty)

* Ramelle updates (otolikos)

* Ancto updates (otolikos)

* Marteh Line: singleplayer, bf109f4_trop multiplayer (lobo)



* C47 wreck particles (spitfire)

* Add new destruction to c47 flyovers (spitfire)

Changes from Version 1.6.966 to Version 1.6.987




* St mere eglise load music (azreal)



* Bulge_house_11_cls (toddel)

* Bulge_house_09 cls (toddel)

* Add eu_church4 (smig)

* Fix Ramelle01 play colision mesh (toddel)

* Bulge_house_12_cls (toddel)



* Spawnwave updates. Made sure it doesn't compute info about disconnected players, added support

for sv.spawntime lower than WAVE_TIME (also 0). (spitfire)



* Anctoville gamemode description (fhbeta_natty)



* New Browning Hi-Power model (kev4000)



* Anctoville update (fhbeta_natty)

* PHL update (fhbeta_natty)

* Falaise update by fuchswiesel (fhbeta_natty)

* Eglise update (azreal)

Changes from Version 1.6.963 to Version 1.6.966




* Fix Noc_c chrash (toddel)

Changes from Version 1.6.903 to Version 1.6.963




* M30 drilling updates (kev4000)

* M30 drilling ironsights (kev4000)

* Invert weapon up/down when moving forward/backward (kev4000)

* Rotated and re-xported German SC Bombs to fix ai issue. (gunnie)

* Fix spade normal map and tweak diffuse. (remdul)



* Spawnwave: increase time that wave lasts to 5 seconds. (spitfire)

* Spawnwave lasts 7 seconds (spitfire)

* Spawnwave bug fixes: reduced probability to miss the wave. (spitfire)



* Add correct normal texture (toddel)

* Fix LOD order (toddel)

* Add correct material ID to townhouse011.collisionmesh (toddel)

* Bulge_Majorhouse (toddel)

* Bulge_farm_02 (toddel)

* Rename Bulge_Majorhouse to Bulge_Cityhall (toddel)

* Townhouse005_floor (toddel)

* WindowPlanks_france (toddel)

* Bulge_house_08_cls (toddel)

* Bulge_house_09 (toddel)

* Bulgehouse 10 cls (toddel)

* Add correct Specular to France window textures (toddel)



* Revert plane camera lag (kev4000)

* Reset time to live once destroyed. (gunnie)

* Add Variants of BF109 F4. (gunnie)

* Update churchillmkiv_75mm hit points. Bug #1448 (spitfire)

* Initial Export and code setup. (gunnie)

* Updated Airplanes to Spin bombs around 180 degrees to match recently rexported bombs. (gunnie)



* Add drilling to kit (kev4000)

Changes from Version 1.6.888 to Version 1.6.903




* Add 20mm Cannon Projectile for BF109F4 (gunnie)

* Created 76mmL52-HE-Projectile template. Bug #1453 (spitfire)



* ! NOTE to everyone, (including myself): this has to be turned off for RC !! (spitfire)



* Remove ramelle ignore.txt. (toddel)

* Remove st mere eglise ignore.txt (toddel)

* Remove ignore.txt from Ramelle statics (toddel)

* Add death material to eu_church2_closed (toddel)



* Pointe du Hoc, tweaks (lobo)



* Remove ignore.txt from c47 (toddel)

* BF109F4 and F4_Trop Ready for testing. Still need lods finalized and other tweaking, but has

been in-game tested. Variants to follow. (gunnie)

* Remove ignore.txt (gunnie)

* Add Restricted exit code. (gunnie)

Changes from Version 1.6.690 to Version 1.6.888




* Make minimap push icons a bit brighter. (remdul)



* Add knife to Sten equipped British NCO Class (toddel)

* Pilot spawnkits for Wester Theathre. (toddel)

* Add US parachute kit max files + uncompressed textures. (remdul)

* Add British dropkit mesh. (remdul)

* Add British chute to Pilot Pickupkit (toddel)



* Fix townhouse012 collisionmesh (toddel)

* Remove Soldier Colision of Drystonewalls low (toddel)

* Fix Colision on pillars which kills Tanks when driving over it (toddel)

* Townentrance_stemere (toddel)

* New church (toddel)

* France arch (toddel)



* Update ai onlyfirewhenprone python code (winterhilf)

* Update vehicle py. Added all new or missing vehicles. (gunnie)

* Epic python by spitfire05 (fhbeta_natty)

* Push mode: "force" option (spitfire)

* Spawnwave (spitfire)



* Sdkfz231_1 France; PAnzergrau; Dunkelgelb (toddel)

* Bump up Cull Factor on mounts. (gunnie)

* Add missing "cullRadiusScale" line of code. (gunnie)

* Updates to 76MM M5 AT Guns. (gunnie)

* Update Textures used on Mesh for Panzergrau colors. (gunnie)

* Fix Collision Material. (gunnie)

* Panther G late (toddel)

* Add Panzergrau colored Opel HighBack Canvas Truck. (gunnie)

* Invert Balkenkreuz on sdkfz_251_1_greece (toddel)

* Add sdkfz251_d 1p texture (toddel)

* OpelBlitz Panzergrau Variants (gunnie)

* Updated Collision Mesh skirt Material (gunnie)

* Update Skirt Inner Material (gunnie)

* Update Inner Skirt Material (gunnie)

* Fix material (gunnie)

* Add OpelBlitz Flak 38 Truck in Panzergrau. Add ai templates (gunnie)

* Add Flakvierling 38 in Panzergrau. Tweaks to regular Flakvierling 38. (gunnie)

* Updates to Flakvierling 38 France. (gunnie)

* Add Flak 38 in Panzergrau (gunnie)

* Adjust Flak 38 DAK specularmap (toddel)

* Update 1p cockpit and fix duck ability on mounted MG's (gunnie)

* Tweaks to spawn version (gunnie)

* Additional Tweak. (gunnie)

* Reset hit points on Achilles back to 575 from 2960. 2960 I think is a value from an old tweak...

Not sure how it got back in. All my tweaks up until December 31 were okay. (gunnie)

* Fix ai template (gunnie)

* Fixed Ai Template. (gunnie)

* Add Panzergrau version. (gunnie)

* Add sdkfz231 and variants. (gunnie)

* Fix ducking ability (gunnie)

* Tweaks to duck camera and gun cameras. (gunnie)

* Update mesh to use 1p cockpit and updates to duck ability of mg's. (gunnie)

* Updates to use 1p cockpit and duck abilities of mounted MG's (gunnie)

* Revert to proper hit points. Not sure how this one got changed. Seems to be values of an old

tweak? (gunnie)

* Fix bad ai template (gunnie)

* Fix bad ai template (gunnie)

* Jagdpanther (toddel)

* Jagdpanther_win (toddel)

* JagdPanzerIV fh1 port (toddel)

* M24_Chaffee by Pointblank (toddel)

* Fix bug where Flak fires when "X" key is pressed. (gunnie)

* Reload time tweak (gunnie)

* Update to 76MM Sherman M4A1 Barrel. Update to Ammo reload times and ammo count adjustment on

HVAP ammo carrying tanks. (gunnie)

* Adjust Ammo reload time. (gunnie)

* Ammo reload times adjusted. Reduced HVAP on equipment that carries HVAP. (gunnie)

* SA34 25mm (sethsoldier)

* Fix uvmap issues on mesh of truck. Bug #1429 (gunnie)

* Updated projectile name. Response to bug #1426 (gunnie)

* Flight Tweaks (gunnie)

* Update gun sounds (gunnie)

* Fix Driver Camera Position. (gunnie)

* Initial Export. (gunnie)

* Additional Tweaks (gunnie)

* Add Ammo box deploy (gunnie)

* Add ammobox launcher from Spit (gunnie)

* Add deployable ammo from Spit (gunnie)

* Add deployable ammo boxes from Spit (gunnie)

* More Tweaks.. Testing Ready. Just needs Lods. (gunnie)

* Ai template added (winterhilf)

* Fix object type. (gunnie)

* Initial export of Toddel's JagDPanther. (Replaces previous JagDPanther.) (gunnie)

* H39 SA18 model and skin (sethsoldier)

* Add Lods and other small updates (gunnie)

* Add "New" spawn flyover C-47. Update hit points of other flyovers. (gunnie)

* Updates to C-47 and C-47 Spawn Flyover (gunnie)

* Updated reload time. (gunnie)

* Update mesh with new export (smoothing groups) and camera position on gun-sight. (gunnie)

* Add updates from Spitfire for ammo launcher system. (gunnie)

* B1 Bis (sethsoldier)

* Citroen 11 cv Model and Textures by HERC (toddel)

* M4a3e2 Model and Textures by Pointblank (toddel)

* M4a3 Model and Textures by Pointblank (toddel)

* Add 6 New Camos for the Citroen 11 cv by HERC (toddel)

* Sp/coop ctd on disconnect fix (winterhilf)

* P51D for Ramelle map (gunnie)

* Update tweak..Add Mesh.. To test if it fixes crash. (gunnie)

* BF 109 F-4/trop (toddel)

* Light armored vehicles armor update (spitfire)

* Remove camera lag on airplanes (kev4000)



* Replace NeW Zealand with NZ in the Spawnmenu to make it fit the HUD. (toddel)

* Replace some .ogg files with .wav (fhbeta_natty)

* Fix bug that shows wrong team in Serverbrowser (toddel)

* Cloud for st mere eglise (fhbeta_natty)

* Reduced radio shouts volume (fhbeta_natty)

* Map stuff (fhbeta_natty)

* Bessin new sky (fhbeta_natty)



* M1 Garand and thompson animation spring test (kev4000)

* New No4 shift/bolt/cock sound by engineer (kev4000)

* Add Bren MK1 bipod folded + new ironsight (kev4000)

* Fix duplicated 76mmL50-HE-Projectile.. There were two 76mmL50-HE-Projectile templates. One

should have been labeled 76mmL52-HE-Projectile. No change in material or damage required.


* Bar1918a2 changes, Bren MK1 changes, and add FG42 deployed (kev4000)

* Ai template added (winterhilf)

* Add Lewis handheld version (kev4000)

* Lewis stationary with 47 round mag instead of 200 (kev4000)

* 90mm Gun sounds (gunnie)

* Add spotlight update from Spitfire (gunnie)

* Increased range on Bofors 40mm shell. (gunnie)

* M1919A4 without tripod or bipod for Ramelle (kev4000)

* Smoother shotgun operation (kev4000)

* Increase max stick angle on satchel, compob, geballteladung to prevent them from falling from

flat surfaces. (spitfire)

* 105mm howitzer got proper projectile - 105mmL25 HEAT (spitfire)



* Gazala: singleplayer (lobo)

* Mount olympus fixes (fhbeta_natty)

* Villers updates (fhbeta_natty)

* Big anctoville update (fhbeta_natty)

* Big bessin update by Schism (fhbeta_natty)

* Add St Mere Eglise - GAMEPLAY Beta (azreal)



* Rudolf the red nose reindeer... let it snow let it snow let it snow lalala (fhbeta_benseras)

* Changing watereffect to play .wav (fhbeta_natty)

* Remove sounds from waterpipes (fhbeta_natty)

* Fix distance sound silence. (remdul)

* Add spotlight updates from Spitfire (gunnie)



* Eglise road stuff (azreal)

* Bessin roads (fhbeta_natty)



* Increase player acceleration (kev4000)

Changes from Version 1.6.643 to Version 1.6.690




* Missing EOR NZ Flags (toddel)



* Siege of Tobruk: balance tweaks (lobo)

* Alam Halfa: balance tweaks (lobo)



* Fix barricade bed mesh flicker. (remdul)



* Adjust cool down period of .50cal. (gunnie)

* Adjust .50 Cal overheat/cool down period.. (Forgot a zero.) (gunnie)

* Fix sound path for engine sound. (gunnie)

* Tweaks to Flyovers (removed mini-map icons). Additional Tweak to overheat schedule on Mustang

and P-47 (gunnie)

* Update Armor components. Time to stay as wreck. (gunnie)

* Update Howitzer added lods. (gunnie)

* Updates to Propellors (Seperated Spinner from fuselage and add to prop.) Added Bomber version

of P-51. Added Ai Tweaks.To P47. (gunnie)

* Fix seat position of errant passenger. (gunnie)

* Fix seat position of errant passenger. (gunnie)

* Update Ammo positions to standardize it with Tanks. (gunnie)

* Standardize Ammo Positions (gunnie)

* Wip of 76MM M5 AT gun.. Should be finished soon. (gunnie)

* Ammo count adjustment. Slowed down MG Gunner "Traverse" some. Added camera code to remove

flyby view for MG Gunner. (gunnie)

* Ammo count adjustment. Slowed down traverse of MG Gunner. (gunnie)

* Changed MG Gunner Animations so Gunner would "duck". (gunnie)

* Fix select icon and add AI template. (gunnie)

* Add better wreck model. Clean up file folder. Restested in Game. (gunnie)

* Fix Ai Template. (gunnie)

* Fix Ai Template (gunnie)

* Remove Extra Networkinfo off of GenericFireArms (gunnie)

* Remove un-needed network code from GenericFireArms (gunnie)

* Remove unneeded networkable from GenericFireArms (gunnie)

* Add 76mm M5 Static and Moveable AT Guns.. Ready for Testing. Some additional tweaking needed,

but Guns are good to use. (gunnie)

* Tiger I, Reduce Black patches on Surfaces (toddel)



* Singleplayer: vehicles use (lobo)

Changes from Version 1.6.589 to Version 1.6.643




* Fix M4A1_76mm HE (ctz)

* Singleplayer: Intensity code by Legion (lobo)



* Add cobra suffix to operation cobra (toddel)

* Fix Bardia Server chrash on mapchange (toddel)

* Pointe du Hoc and Bardia: crash fix (lobo)



* GMC static wreck and GMC static by spit (kev4000)

* France_windows01_de.dds (toddel)



* LB Texture placed upon P47D with Rockets. (gunnie)

* P51 fixes (ctz)

* Add back ObjectTemplate.zoom.cameraInput PIFlareFire to weapon template. (gunnie)

* Add OpelBlitz Flak 38 Truck (gunnie)

* Updated GMC (gunnie)

* Updated Engine Sounds. (gunnie)

* Tractor Updates. (gunnie)

* Removed Canvas off of Ammo Version of Bedford Qlt. (gunnie)

* GMC engine networkable (ctz)

* Update Springs and add Dak Version. (gunnie)

* Flak38 Panzergrau (toddel)

* Add Wip C47. Needs Lods and 1p Cockpit. (gunnie)

* Fix missing HE Timed Shells on Flak18. (gunnie)

* Updates to Howitzer.. Was TESTED in game. (gunnie)

* Singleplayer update: nebelwerfer (lobo)

* Updated Gun Barrels. (gunnie)

* Remove unlimited Ammo amount. (gunnie)

* Update Wirbel Barrel(s) Try different method of firing. (gunnie)



* Fixed Typo BEST NEW ZEALAND SQUAD (toddel)

* Add Silenced sten to the Localization (toddel)

* Add Map names to the localization (toddel)

Changes from Version 1.6.563 to Version 1.6.589




* Fix MG42 soundStop bug (fhbeta_natty)

* 20mm sounds for CrusaderAA (fhbeta_natty)



* Pointe du Hoc: Flybys delay at start (lobo)



* Sound tweaks (fhbeta_natty)

* Fix crusader mk1 early side armour values (ctz)

* Change value for tank armor. Should be just 25mm tank armor. (gunnie)

* Add Flak38 France (gunnie)

* Add GMC and GMC Ammo (kev4000)



= Forgotten Hope 2.25 RC1 =



Changes from Version 1.6.440 to Version 1.6.563




* Ramelle_signs (toddel)

* More Ramelle_signs (toddel)

* New Zealand flag (lobo)

* Bedford_QLT_wreck (toddel)



* Crusader 3 AA animation systems (kev4000)

* Churchill MKIV 75mm use 75mm_fire sound (kev4000)

* Additional Adjustments to aircraft. (gunnie)

* Propellor Tweaks (gunnie)

* Additional Tweaking (gunnie)

* Wip.. Rolled from the factory into the hangar today! Needs some more wrenching, but just about

good enough to be deployed. (gunnie)

* Update Texture path to use placeholder vehicle icon instead of vanilla BF2 J10 icon. (gunnie)

* Update Texture path of vehicle icon (gunnie)

* Airplane Tweaks and additions. (gunnie)

* Airplane Tweaks and additions. Fixed CTD on mouse scroll for FW190 ALT and BF109E ALT. (gunnie)

* Remove duplicated muzzle flashes (gunnie)

* Rocket Convergence and sequence tweaks. (gunnie)

* Additional Tweaks to P-47's and added Rocket Version.. (gunnie)

* GMC Truck (toddel)

* Last Flakvierling changes to make it ready for Olympus (toddel)

* Fix Exit points on M3A1 and MG Gunner Camera on "Spawn Version". Re-index PCO seats on M8 and

Fix MG Gunner Camera. Bug 1407 (gunnie)

* Fix missing line of code for smoke shell on Sherman. (gunnie)

* Add missing line of Code for Smoke Shell. (gunnie)

* Fix Ammo Icons and Missing line of code in Smoke Shell code. (gunnie)

* Fix missing code line in smoke shell. (gunnie)

* Fix missing supply object. (gunnie)

* Add code for team locking to Spawn ACP (gunnie)

* Add code for team locking all seats to Spawn APC (gunnie)

* Fix time to load and add HE shells as option. (gunnie)


Den Rest gibt es hier: 2.26 Changelog

Bearbeitet von N24Reporter

immer wieder geil das durchzulesen, obwohl ichs ja scheibchenweise krieg !

hammerarbeit :daumenhoch:


Endlich ist es da :awesome:

PW ist :


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