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Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 update.

Today we are showing off a render of the most well know Soviet artillery piece: the BM-13 "Katyusha".


In mid 1938, the Jet Propulsion Research Institute of Leningrad was ordered to develop a mobile mount for the launching of multiple RS-132 aircraft rockets. The eventual winning design consisted of 16 launch rails attached to a simple frame that could be moved to aim at the target. The nickname "Katyusha" came from a popular wartime song of the same title.

Initially shunned by the artillery branch because of their long reload time and low sustained fire rate, they were ordered into mass production following successful combat trials. While not as accurate as normal artillery, the launchers had several advantages. The noise and effect caused fear amongst the German's, who knew the weapon as "Stalin's Organ". They were also cheaper to make and required less complex machinery than howitzers.

The BM-13, and its derivatives the smaller BM-8 and larger BM-30 were mounted on a wide variety of trucks and in a wide variety sizes. Initially, ZiS-5 and ZiS-6 trucks were favoured, but the BM-13 design was soon standardised onto the newly available Lend-Lease Studebaker US6. Our Katyusha and Studebaker were made by Toddel.


Ich glaube ich habe es noch gar nicht spielen können. Wenn das Ding so einschlägt wie der Nebelwerfer dann... :aww:


Sehr schön, was wären die Sowjetes ohne Katyusha`s ;)


Wie niedlich, die Sowjetes bekommen einen Doppeldecker ;)


Today we have a render of one of the most produced aircraft of all time, the Polikarpov Po-2.




Originally known as the U-2, the aircraft was designed in the late 1920s by Nikolai Polikarpov as a replacement for the U-1. It saw extensive use by civilians and the military. Its application as a crop duster gave it the nickname Kukuruznik, derived from the word for maize. At the start of the war, the Soviet Air Force was using the Po-2 for all kinds of work, including liaison, medivac, reconnaissance and general supply.

Its most famous use was as a night bomber. With a machinegun added to the observer's cockpit and space for up to 350 kg of bombs or RS-82 rockets beneath the wings, it was used in daring low level attacks. The distinctive engine sound, and the near silence of the gliding bombing runs in the dead of night gave these missions a psychological effect in excess of any material damage caused. Perhaps the most notorious pilots were the all female 588th Night Bomber Regiment - the so called Night Witches.

The Po-2 was hard to detect, and a challenging target for fighters to shoot down. Its simple construction could absorb many hits with little effect, the pilots flew incredibly low to the ground, and it was so slow compared to Bf 109 and Fw 190 fighters that keeping on target for any decent length of time was nearly impossible. Between 30 and 40 thousand Po-2 were assembled between 1928 and 1959, and our one was made by Herc.




klasse :dwarf:

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


Schau, Schau, die waren auch in Stalingrad!

Bearbeitet von Costello

Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 devblog. You may have noticed that there was quite a pause after the last one, but we are glad to report that we are officially back in business and working hard on the next patch.

Today we have some ingame screenshots of new equipment, as well as a new map to show you.

The first new tank is the Churchill AVRE (Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers). As the name suggests, this conversion of the heavy Churchill infantry tank was designed to support during engineering operations. To this end it was equipped with a 290mm Spigot mortar, which shot a huge projectile called the "Flying dustbin". The gun was able to destroy bunkers and clear obstacles from a safe distance.
Ingame you can use it to blow breachers in antitank barriers, creating new avenues of approach for the attacking British forces.


The second Churchill conversion is the Churchill crocodile, which mounted a flamethrower instead of the hull mg. This will make it extremely useful for clearing out bunkers or trench lines ingame. The Churchill tanks were made by Toddel.


Both new tanks will be used on an upcoming map by Schism-Rvtl, which will be shown in more detail in a later news update. Have fun speculating until then.


Es ist sehr schön nach der langen Zeit mal wieder ein Lebenszeichen von FH2 zu hören. Ich freue mich schon darauf die beiden Churchill Varianten auszuprobieren. Nur fehlt beim Crocodile der hänger für die Munition ;)




Aber ich glaube das geht mit BF2 auch garnicht :kritisch:


ello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2 update.

We know that it has been some time since we last had a news update, and we'd like to thank our fans for being patient. To help make up for this, we'd like to use this update to announce the first new map coming to the next patch.

That map of course is Gold Beach. This beach landing map was brought to you by the work of Beregil and Schism.

On the morning of the 6th of June 1944, the 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division landed on the beaches between the Normandy towns of Le Hamel and Ver sur Mer. The code name given to this landing ground was Gold Beach. Opposing the landing was the 716th Static Infantry Division, formed from Germans unfit for the Eastern Front and conscripts from occupied nations. The initial bombardment and the support of the "Funnies" from the 79th Armoured Division led to the creation of a beachhead six miles wide and deep by the end of the day.












Hmmm sie sieht immer noch richtig gut aus! :)


Mal gespannt wie sich das neue Schadensmodell so anfühlt beim zocken :)

Da könnte doch mal endlich jemand ne News schreiben oder? Gibt ja mit den neuen Churchills,der neuen Karte und dem neuen Schadensmodell mehr als genug Content,früher wären das 3 News gewesen.


Früher hatten wir in der Redaktion auch mehr Zeit. :/

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Und wo ist die Ostfront? :(

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