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Ausgezeichnet :yiiiiha:

Wird der Hammer, dei neue Version :sabber:


Oh mein Gott! :w00t:

Und danach habe ich direkt Winterferien :D


Jojo, ich bin Anfang Feb erst mal ne Woche am CERN, da können sich dann die Noobs austoben, danach gehts dann ganz gepflegt los:D:D


Ich habe mal eine frage zur Map Beirut, sollen die Russen als Gegner für die IDF bleiben oder sind sie ein Platzhalter für die Hisbollah ?

btw : schönes update :)


Kommt auch ein Trailer raus?

Wäre geil wenn die neuen Inhalte und vor allem Maps in einem Trailer gezeigt werden :daumenhoch:

So here is something that I'm sure everyone is eager to see; all the map overviews, for all the maps in Project Reality v0.9. The result of over a week of work, these images show a preview of the map when loading, when in the server browser, and also when selecting maps when creating a local server. It gives the ability to know what a map looks like, without having to load it first.

Here are some example overviews:

020_th.jpg 039_th.jpg 056_th.jpg 092_th.jpg

You can see all 102 map overviews here in this gallery:

Project Reality Mod v0.9 Map Overviews

There are a lot of images in the gallery, please be patient while they load.

The map overviews are subject to change as we get closer to release.

- Lots of secrets


vehicle warfare :dafür:

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

was soll die kashan karte? die wollen net wirklich an DEN stellen flaggen setzen :facepalm:

edit: hat sich erledigt, hab den spielmodus beim ersten mal net gesehn...

nur massenhaft tanks, oder wie wird das gehandhabt?

Bearbeitet von Angstman

Samalia oder wie die heißt (kanadier gegen russen), operation archer und Silent Eagle (amis gegen russen)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Yamalia oder wie die heißt (kanadier gegen russen), operation archer und Silent Eagle (amis gegen russen)

fixed ;)

Bearbeitet von Bang0o

Project Reality Goes ArmA II

Neuer Franchise-Zweig

The award-winning Project Reality Studios team are proud to announce that the official first release of v0.1 of the Project Reality ArmA2 Mini-Mod will be coming very soon. Although we are now moving into the Beta Testing stage, we think the time is right to inform the community of what will be coming to you very shortly. Project Reality will enter the ArmA2 battlefield for the first time!

challenger2_overwatch_thumb.jpg apache_holding_thumb.jpg dismounts_by_warrior_thumb.jpg

scimitar_temperate_thumb.jpg merlin_overhead_thumb.jpg uk_mtp_camouflage_thumb.jpg

Our main aim for PR:ArmA2 is:

"To create a realistic and immersive modification for ArmA2, which focuses on encouraging teamwork through gameplay"

As with Project Reality's original conception on the Refractor 2 engine, at this stage PR:ArmA2 should be classed as a Mini-Mod; we have to start somewhere! Don't be fooled though, this release will by no means disappoint, due to the large number of high quality art assets already created by the Project Reality Team, and the considerable experience of the PR:ArmA2 Development Team on the Real Virtuality 3 engine!

PR:ArmA2 will exist as a standalone modification. It will remain self contained, self developing and not rely on or use externally held add ons from other sources where at all possible. What that means to the player is that it will be a 'one stop shop' as an installation package, with no requirement for additional multiple add on packs.

We also want to emphasis we are not in direct competition with any of the other great mods out there. However as a team we want to see what we can now do with the Real Virtuality 3 engine, as well as the continued full scale continued development of PR for Battlefield2. We are not in any way changing engines. We have simply expanded the team's reach into ArmA2 with new developers. It is not PR2, nor are we ceasing PR:BF2 development.

-Official Project Reality ArmA2 Mini-Mod v0.1 Release Trailer

Project Reality Studios has created the following trailer to showcase many of the features you will find in the PR:ArmA2 v0.1 release. So, dim the lights, grab your popcorn, sit back and enjoy the show!

" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />


Bevor's Frage gibt: Zusätzlich zur BF2-Version, auch von anderen Leuten entwickelt.


aha :kritisch:

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