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Ist ja praktisch das online verbindung gut zu Cryteks neuer F2P strategie passt

Yerli ist ein dummer affe der zu jedem thema seinen furz abgeben muss.


Keine Lust in die staubigen BF2 Unterforen zu gehen:

Project Reality 2 will be a free-to-download multiplayer game being developed on Cryengine 3 Free SDK. Project Reality 2 will see the popular mod from Battlefield 2, being completely re-built with the aim to create the most realistic and demanding virtual combat environment using the powerful tools that Cryengine 3 has.




Keine Lust in die staubigen BF2 Unterforen zu gehen:

Project Reality 2 will be a free-to-download multiplayer game being developed on Cryengine 3 Free SDK. Project Reality 2 will see the popular mod from Battlefield 2, being completely re-built with the aim to create the most realistic and demanding virtual combat environment using the powerful tools that Cryengine 3 has.


Glaub ich erst, wenns da ist. :kritisch:


wo du´s Grad erwähnst:

Project Reality 2 will be a free-to-download

*Hust* Pay to play *hust*

wo du´s Grad erwähnst:

Project Reality 2 will be a free-to-download

*Hust* Pay to play *hust*

:gehtsnoch: ?

Pay to win meinst du wohl.... free Download wäre ja sinnlos, wenn du es dann zahlen musst. :rolleyes:

Edit: Davon ab, wo steht das eigentlich? Ich find das gar net grade... :kritisch:

Keine Lust in die staubigen BF2 Unterforen zu gehen:

Project Reality 2 will be a free-to-download multiplayer game being developed on Cryengine 3 Free SDK. Project Reality 2 will see the popular mod from Battlefield 2, being completely re-built with the aim to create the most realistic and demanding virtual combat environment using the powerful tools that Cryengine 3 has.


BäM hat doch sogar die Quelle angegeben. :trollface:

Keine Lust in die staubigen BF2 Unterforen zu gehen:

Project Reality 2 will be a free-to-download multiplayer game being developed on Cryengine 3 Free SDK. Project Reality 2 will see the popular mod from Battlefield 2, being completely re-built with the aim to create the most realistic and demanding virtual combat environment using the powerful tools that Cryengine 3 has.


BäM hat doch sogar die Quelle angegeben. :trollface:


Ich meine die Stelle wo das steht, überles ich wohl dauernd. Passiert halt. :confused:

About Us

Project Reality 2 will be a free-to-download multiplayer game being developed on Cryengine 3 Free SDK. Project Reality 2 will see the popular mod from Battlefield 2, being completely re-built with the aim to create the most realistic and demanding virtual combat environment using the powerful tools that Cryengine 3 has.

Project Reality 2 will continue to be inspired from the worlds current conflicts, which will feature the armed forces of the United Kingdom, United States, Germany, Russia, Israel, China, and Canada, as well as numerous insurgent and irregular forces.

Project Reality contains some of the deepest cooperative gameplay seen in video games today and is designed to promote both technical realism and teamwork without sacrificing accessibility in doing so. The result is a virtual battlefield that continually proves itself to be both enjoyable and intense to all manner of players, whether they be military enthusiasts or gamers looking to experience an intense and challenging firefight with friends where teamwork is just as important as a quick trigger-finger.

Overcoming fierce competition from over one hundred other mods, the Project Reality team won ModDB.com's definitive Mod Of The Year award in 2008 having come in second place in both 2006 and 2007. Project Reality is also one of only 21 mods inducted into ModDB's prestigious Hall Of Fame. Project Reality continues to boast a large player population seven years after its initial release, a testament to its continued development support, lasting appeal, and widespread popularity.

The Project Reality 2 development team comprises of a group of dedicated and skilled modders, some of whom have backgrounds in armed services, whose ultimate goal continues to be the release of a Project Reality 2 standalone game.

"Project Reality walks a beautiful line of realism and accessibility. The result is a united sense of satisfaction, addictive gameplay, and engaging warfare that rewards you as you march deeper into the battlefield." (GameSpy.com)

Current Project Progress:

Currently the Project Reality 2 team are on their way to releasing an internal alpha test prototype in March 2013.

Current Position(s):

Vegetation artist

Prop modelers

3D Artists - Structural modeling and texturing

3D Weapon Modellers

Texture Artist

Environmental Sound designer

ToD / Lighting Artist

Environment Artist

Level Designer

Programmers / Coders

Joining Process

All applicants must have a portfolio of work with which they can demonstrate their skills. As has always been traditional in the Project Reality MOD team, new applicants after being accepted will first be on a probation period during which time they will be expected to contribute actively to the project. Once their work is in the build and they show consistent enthusiasm, they will be accepted into the core team. If after a probation period they have been unable to produce any work, they will be asked to reconsider their options.

Siehst es jetzt?


Jup danke, das tat gut. :ugly:


wo du´s Grad erwähnst:

Project Reality 2 will be a free-to-download

*Hust* Pay to play *hust*

ja genau, jedes free 2 play spiel wird pay to win, weil darum halt, is halt so :facepalm:


im Grunde heist es ja das man das Kostenlos runter-laden kann was danach kommt weiß man nicht! (Muss man monatlich zahlen, wirds free to play/pay to win etc.)


jo, man munkelt bereits es soll 150€ bei release kosten :facepalm:

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