DarkZero 9 Melden Geschrieben 6. Oktober 2007 (bearbeitet) Releasetermin der Sammler-Edition von CoD 4 Bearbeitet 6. Oktober 2007 von DarkZero
Zielscheibe 1 Melden Geschrieben 8. Oktober 2007 Halo 3 bricht Rekorde: wie stehts eigentlich um den "Halo-film", sollte ja mal einen geben!
freaky 0 Melden Geschrieben 8. Oktober 2007 (bearbeitet) Falls es jemanden interessiert, die WCG 07 ist vorbei und die Replays zu den jeweiligen Spielen werden irgendwann in naher Zukunft zum Download freigestellt. Dabei waren Spiele wie WC3, SC, C&C3, AoE3, CS1.6, Fifa 0irgendwas und vermutlich noch mehr. http://www.worldcybergames.com/6th/main.asp VODs der Finals gibt es zu einigen Spielen auch, z.T. auf inoffiziellen Seiten wie z.B. hier das AoE3 Final: http://www.brightcove.tv/title.jsp?title=1...annel=196565916 Zeigt zum Teil auch den unglaublichen Herstellersupport was einige Spiele und Features wie Observermodus etc. angeht, sowohl negativ als auch positiv. ^^ Bearbeitet 8. Oktober 2007 von freaky
metteigel 0 Melden Geschrieben 12. Oktober 2007 UT 03 DEMO DRAUßEN !!! http://www.pcgames.de/aid,617130/Download_...t_3_erschienen/
pnshr 1433 Melden Geschrieben 12. Oktober 2007 UT 03 DEMO DRAUßEN !!! http://www.pcgames.de/aid,617130/Download_...t_3_erschienen/ UT03 wär reichlich spät. UT3
Destreuer 0 Melden Geschrieben 17. Oktober 2007 Patch 1.9 für CnC 3 soll ende nächste Woche erscheinen... Hey everyone, Here is a quick update on patch 1.09 and then some further updates on some common bug issues I've seen and some answers to help out on that. Patch 1.09 will not be coming out this week. You may remember I said a couple weeks back that it was with our best intent to release the patch + battlecast viewer + battlecast website changes all by this week, but as mentioned last week, we had a legal setback which required us to modify our Read-Me and thus pushed our submission date to the final approvals back a few days. So tonight we are submitting to the final processes and they usually take about a week, give or take a few days. Right now, unless we get a showstopper that requires fixing before release, we're aiming for a late week release, next week. I want to be open and candid about our processes so hopefully you understand why we have setbacks sometimes and also why releasing patches isn't always as easy as it sounds And this is a big release between the patch and Battlecast changes. Not to mention, BattleCast Primetime Episode 3 will be dropping on you on Oct 25th as well, a lot going on next week! And on the note of connectivity issues, I am still uncertain exactly what the primary cause is for some people. I am trying to get more specific info on the thread, appreciate you baring with me, i'll do whatever I can to accomodate. Thanks, APOC (EA communtity Manager) Quelle Diese Woche kommt der Patch nicht - Sie hatten einige rechtliche Probleme, wofür sie die Readme umbauen mussten und den kompletten Patch neu dem "final approvement" übergeben mussten - diese final approvment prozesse brauchen normalerweise eine Woche, also ist als momentaner Releasezeitpunkt Ende nächster Woche anvisiert - solange kein weiteres Problem auftaucht sollten sie den Zeitpunkt auch halten können. Er weisst nochmal darauf hin, das der 1.09er ein großer Patch ist, mit Battlecast Viewer, Battlecast Änderungen und am 20.okt kommt auch schon Battlecast Primetime Episode 3. Um uns etwas mehr Einblick darüber zu geben, was sie mit den Patches auch machen hat er einige Bugreports rausgesucht, die sie mit ihrer QA Abteilung durchgesprochen haben und gibt Antworten, auch wenn einige Antworten wohl nicht die von den Usern gewünschten sind. * CnC3 hat offiziell keine Alt-Tab Unterstützung, deswegen werden Probleme die damit auftauchen wohl auch nie bearbeitet werden. (Ich muss dazu sagen, bei mir funktioniert Alt-Tab sehr gut) * Ein Problem mit Sammlern, dass sie aufhören zu sammeln, wenn neben ihrem Tiberiumkristall kein Tiberium mehr ist (das Feld aber noch voll) wurde gefixt. * Ein Problem mit dem Mutterschiff (das es nicht feuert, wenn man den Befehl gibt und sich nicht bewegt) sollte mit 1.09 gefixt sein * Devastator Schiffe fliegen in den Gegner rein anstatt von ihrere maximalen Reichweite aus zu feuern - sollte mit 1.09 gefixt sein * Devourer kann sich an Gebäuden aufladen * Es ist Design intent, dass Decoy Army Einheiten minimalen Schaden machen. * Wenn man eine Box um z.b. Panzer und Sammler zieht werden nur die Panzer ausgewählt, dass ist per Design so, also gewollt.
metteigel 0 Melden Geschrieben 22. Oktober 2007 Crysis Demo! http://www.pcgames.de/aid,618165/News/Ego-...ie_Crysis-Demo/
CoffeeFish 0 Melden Geschrieben 23. Oktober 2007 Nicht direkt eine Info zu einem neuen Spiel, dennoch lesenswert: Interview mit dem Atari-Gründer Nolan Bushell
Destreuer 0 Melden Geschrieben 24. Oktober 2007 Patch 1.9 für c&c3 erscheint morgen Nacht. Zitat von Apoc Patch 1.09 is coming out tomorrow. We will start the deploy in the morning, and it should be available world-wide by the late afternoon. We will make download mirrors available if you have trouble getting it online or on our official site. The BattleCast Viewer and BattleCast website changes are set to go live on Thursday. You should most be looking forward to the Battlecast website updates as they will grealy improve the performance of the tool and searching for replays, etc. For the free BattleCast viewer, if you already own the game, of course you do not need this, but we strongly encourage you to tell your friends to download it if they want to watch you or anyone else play online. Its a pretty awesome tool and quite a large file as well. So, Patch 1.09 will be in your hands tomorrow along with all the balance changes and new Map Wrecktropolis as well. Thanks for your patience as always, APOC Quelle Patch 1.9 Readme ================================================================== Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars™ Version 1.09 Patch Notes - October, 2007 ================================================================== This patch for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars fixes several bugs, makes balance changes across all three sides, adds a new four-player multiplayer map, and more. · Fixed an error that sometimes caused players to unexpectedly type-select multiple unit types at once due to an interface lag when rapidly switching between unit types during online play. · Structures now lose Ground Control radius as soon as they are destroyed. Previously they continued providing Ground Control for several seconds while their husks remained onscreen. · Fixed an error that caused some infantry units to continue approaching their targets while firing, rather than firing while standing at their maximum range. · Fixed an error that caused upgraded Power Plants and Reactors to continue providing power for several seconds after being destroyed. · Fixed an error that allowed players to detect enemy structures through the shroud by using the Set Rally Point marker. · Fixed an error that caused computer-controlled players with the "Turtle" personality to not build base defenses as expected. · Nod Avatar's flamethrower upgrade now correctly shows a garrison-clearing effect. /New Map: Wrecktropolis/ The ongoing conflict between the forces of GDI, the Brotherhood of Nod, and the Scrin have taken a tremendous toll on the world, as evidenced by countless ruined husks of cities. Wrecktropolis is one such example. This is a four-player map available for unranked matches. /Rebalanced Map: Barstow Badlands/ This map is now slightly larger: There is more buildable area near players' starting bases, and the chokepoints are not as narrow. Garrisonable structures should now be symmetrical for both players. /Rebalanced Map: Tournament Tower/ This map no longer has a third-tier elevation level in the center of the map, which frees up this area for battle. Expansion Tiberium fields switched from blue to green. Various objects throughout the map have been removed to free up room for base building and combat. /Rebalanced Map: Pipeline Problems/ This map no longer has pipelines near the northern starting position, to mirror the layout of the southern starting position. /Rebalanced Map: Tiberium Gardens III (Kane Edition)/ This Kane Edition map no longer has Tiberium fields along the narrow ridges. New expansion fields have been added to the far side of each basin containing a player position. The following balance changes are intended to make resource- gathering more strategic and artillery units more viable, while also further tuning the combat forces to ensure even balance across all three factions in any combination. /General Balance Changes/ · Harvesters: Carrying capacity reduced by 42% to 1400 credits of green crystals and 2800 credits of blue crystals. Gathering cycle sped up by 8 seconds. Overall rate of income reduced by approximately 35%. · GDI MCV, Nod MCV, Scrin Drone Platform: Cost/Build time increased by 40% to 3500/35, health and speed normalized. · Outposts: Health increased by 5%. This prevents them from being destroyed by one use of the Nod Shadow Team's Explosive Charges. /GDI Balance Changes/ · Grenadier Squad: Range increased by 20%. · Commando: Suppression time reduced by 70%. This means the Commando can use his C4 Charges to demolish multiple structures more quickly. · Juggernaut: Range increased by 25%. · Mammoth Tank: Turret turn rate reduced by 66%. This makes the vehicle slightly less effective at quickly changing targets. · Sonic Emitter: Attack power reduced by 25%. This means the Sonic Emitter can no longer one-shot-kill certain vehicles. /Brotherhood of Nod Balance Changes/ · Crane: Health increased by 50%, normalizing its health with that of the GDI Crane and Scrin Foundry. · Fanatics: Cost/Build time reduced by 13% to 700/7. · Commando: Suppression time reduced by 70%. This means the Commando can use her C4 Charges to demolish multiple structures more quickly. · Attack Bike: Range increased by 16%. · Stealth Tank: Attack power increased by 66%. · Beam Cannon: Range increased by 25%. This does not affect the Avatar's extra weapon gained from commandeering a Beam Cannon. · Avatar: Health increased by 25%. Pre-attack delay reduced by 33%. Main weapon's attack power increased by 25%. · Confessor: Upgrade no longer provides a rate-of-fire bonus to affected infantry squads. · Tiberium Infusion: Upgrade bonus to infantry squads' health reduced by 60%. · Catalyst Missile: Support Power cost increased by 33% to 2000. · Tiberium Vapor Bomb: Support Power cooldown time increased by 25% to 300. Attack power increased by 140%. /Scrin Balance Changes/ · Disintegrators: When crushed by enemy vehicles, attack power of explosive revenge attack increased by 30%. · Seeker: Health reduced by 13%. · Devastator Warship: Range increased by 20%. Rate of fire reduced by 200%. Attack power increased by 100%. Scatter radius reduced. · The Swarm: Support Power can no longer be used directly on top of infantry and vehicles. Cooldown time increased by 66% to 150. Now spawns 5 Buzzers instead of 7. · Phase Field: Support Power no longer affects infantry. Cooldown time reduced by 50% to 180. · Tuning to Classic Command & Conquer (Left-Click Orders) mouse interface: Bridges are no longer selected in favor of issuing move orders. Players can now issue orders on the Radar. · There is a new Fast-Forward button onscreen while watching Replays or BattleCasts. ================================================================== Version 1.08 Patch Notes - August, 2007 ================================================================== This patch for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars fixes one exploit. ================================================================== Version 1.07 Patch Notes - August, 2007 ================================================================== This patch for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars enables the Mod SDK, fixes several bugs, and makes some balance changes. · The Mod SDK installer will only work with the 1.07 patch. The Mod SDK installer is for the user to create customizable maps, units, AI, UI, and much more. Visit commandandconquer.com for more information and to download the Mod SDK. · A custom map launcher screen has been added to launch single player custom maps. This is found under the Skirmish button in the Main Menu. · Replay browser has been converted into a general game browser. There is a tab for launching replays and a tab for launching Mods. · Fixes for various cheats have been put into place. Please be advised that players attempting to tamper with the game may cause online matches to automatically desync. · Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow GDI projectile shells to track targets properly. · Fixed a bug that caused the Scrin Drone Platform to self- destruct when coming in contact with an enemy upgraded Scrin Annihilator Tripod. · Fixed a bug with decoyed GDI Mammoth Tanks created by the Nod Decoy Army support power that allowed them to crush enemy units. · Fixed a bug where support powers, Scrin Tiberium Vibration Scan and Nod Radar Jamming Missile, deducted twice the amount of credits indicated. · Fixed errors that caused some players to experience unexpected problems due to copy protection. · Scrin Mothership now takes 8 seconds to deploy over the Scrin Signal Transmitter, where it will be unselectable by user but can be attacked by opponent. Scrin Mothership speed has been increased by 33%. Weapon chain reaction delay increased by 1 sec. · GDI Pitbull: Health reduced by 20%. Mortar upgrade cost increased by 100% to 2000. Mortar scatter radius increased. · Scrin Buzzer Hive: Now leaves 1 Buzzer instead of 3 when destroyed or sold. · Cranes for all factions can no longer build defensive structures or superweapons. · Harvesters' rate of collecting Tiberium has been made equal across all factions. Harvesters will now unload at the refinery before moving to a new Tiberium field. · John Freeman and James Geiger credited for Mastering Lab work. · TransGaming Inc. credited for Macintosh conversion. ================================================================== Version 1.06 Patch Notes - July, 2007 ================================================================== This patch for Command & Conquer 3 changes the way that disconnect stats are recorded during ranked and unranked online matches, addresses a critical exploit, and fixes a number of other bugs. · Changed the way that disconnects are reported. Now, whenever the game detects that a disconnect has occurred in a 1v1 match, both players are given a disconnect stat -- neither player is given a win or loss stat. · Fixed an exploit that caused any unit or structure to become invincible if force-fired upon by a Mammoth Tank that had been upgraded with Rail Guns. · Fixed a bug that caused the Nod Cloaking Field power to deduct up to 6,000 credits from the Operations Center. The power now correctly deducts 3,000 credits. · Fixed a bug that allowed players in the online lobbies to /tell and /invite users that had marked them to be ignored. · Players can no longer send /tell messages to other players as observers during a multiplayer match. · Fixed a hang that occurred when users typed /friend or /invite without a corresponding name. ================================================================== Version 1.05 Patch Notes - May 29, 2007 ================================================================== This patch for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars fixes several exploits and bugs, makes balance changes across all three sides, adds four new multiplayer maps and assorted user interface enhancements, and more. · Fixed an exploit in which players could use GDI Engineers, Nod Saboteurs, or Scrin Assimilators to capture enemy structures without moving the units over to those structures. · Observers of multiplayer matches can no longer use hotkeys to affect spectated players' production queues. · Units affected by the Scrin Mothership's Catalyst Cannon now lose their explosive properties if teleported via the Teleport Units ability or the Wormhole support power. · It is no longer possible to stall an online multiplayer match by repeatedly pressing the Capture Screenshot hotkey. · Fixed a team exploit in which the Nod Cloaking Field support power could be used to make infantry units inside of allied GDI APCs gain stealth. The following balance changes are intended to enable a more diverse set of viable strategies for both casual and competitive play, and to further ensure that the forces of the GDI, the Brotherhood of Nod, and the Scrin are evenly matched as the Tiberium Wars rage on. /General Balance Changes/ · Some structures on each side no longer provide Ground Control for base expansion. These include: Power Plants, Reactors, Tiberium Silos, Barracks, Hands of Nod, and Portals. · Heavy infantry units' resistance to CANNON damage increased by 45%. This affects GDI's Zone Troopers and Commando, Nod's Black Hand and Commando, and Scrin's Shock Troopers and Mastermind. All other infantry resistance to CANNON damage increased by 25%. This change means infantry are less vulnerable to tank shells and similar weapons. · Infantry armor penalty to SNIPER damage removed. This change makes infantry slightly less vulnerable to Nod Shadow Teams in particular; GDI Commandos and Sniper Teams, Nod Commandos, and Scrin Buzzers are still highly lethal against enemy infantry. · Infantry attack range bonus while garrisoned reduced by 25%. · GDI Commando, Nod Commando, and Scrin Mastermind units can no longer be crushed by enemy vehicles. · CANNON weapons, such as those found on the GDI Predator Tank and Nod Scorpion Tank, now cannot miss against moving enemy vehicles. · GDI, Nod, and Scrin Harvesters' cost/build time increased by 40% to 1400/14. Standardized all Harversters' speed and turn rate. Specifically, the Scrin Harvester is now slightly more maneuverable than before. · GDI Refinery, Nod Refinery, and Scrin Extractor sale price reduced by 70% to 300 credits. · GDI Engineers, Nod Saboteurs, and Scrin Assimilators now capture enemy structures or repair allied structures as soon as they reach the edge of the structures. · Standardized the speed of GDI Surveyor, Nod Emissary, and Scrin Explorer base expansion units. Specifically, the Nod Emissary and Scrin Explorer now move 50% more slowly to match the GDI Surveyor. · Repair Drones for all sides can now repair vehicles that are under attack. Limit one Drone per vehicle. Rate of repair is now constant, rather than a percentage based on the vehicle's total health. This means vehicles with lower maximum health will be repaired faster. · Standardized repair radius on all structures. As a result, the radius on all aircraft production structures has increased. · Re-stealth time doubled for units that do not have innate stealth effects, such as units affected by Nod's Cloaking Field. This means such units will take longer to regain stealth after attacking or being detected. · Standardized the amount of Ground Control provided by a GDI Crane, Nod Crane, or Scrin Foundry. Specifically, the amount of Ground Control gained by building a Nod Crane or Scrin Foundry has increased by 50%. · Tiberium Spike tech structure's income increased by 66% to 25 credits per unit of time. · Defensive Tower tech structure's attack power increased by 60%. · Visceroids are now punishable by crushing. /GDI Balance Changes/ · Rifleman Squad: Speed increased by 20%. Attack power increased by 50%. Dig In ability cost/buildtime reduced to 100/5, now causes the Riflemen Squad to begin building a Foxhole immediately at its location. Foxhole capacity increased to two units. Foxholes no longer eject infantry units until the Foxholes are destroyed. · Missile Squad: Speed increased by 20%. Health increased by 100%. Range increased by 75%. Attack power vs. aircraft reduced by 25%. · Engineer: Speed increased by 20%. · Grenadier Squad: Speed increased by 20%. · Sniper Team: Speed increased by 20%. Health reduced by 50%. Rate of fire reduced by 50%. Re-stealth time increased by 25%. · Commando: Speed increased by 20%. · Pitbull: Health increased by 33%. Rate of fire increased by 25%. Turret turn rate and pitch rate increased, improving the Pitbull's ability to fire on fast-moving aircraft. · APC: Speed increased by 20%. Attack power vs. infantry reduced by 25%. Turret turn rate and pitch rate increased, improving the APC's ability to fire on fast-moving aircraft. · Harvester: Attack power increased by 300%. · Rig: Acceleration and deceleration times reduced, making the unit more maneuverable. Battle Base Repair Drones changed to work like all other Repair Drones. · Mammoth Tank: Speed reduced by 7%. Attack power of rockets reduced by 25%. Rate of fire with Railguns upgrade reduced by 35% but attack power increased proportionally. · Orca: Health increased by 50%. · Firehawk: Now fires its missile loadout in volleys, improving the Firehawk's ability to quickly damage groups of enemy aircraft. · Ox Transport: Health increased by 70%. · Sonic Emitter: No longer hits larger units multiple times in one attack. Attack power per hit increased to compensate. · Railguns: Upgrade cost increased by 66% to 5000. · Composite Armor: Upgrade cost increased by 100% to 2000. · Radar Scan: Support Power cost increased by 20% to 300. · Shockwave Artillery: Support Power cost increased by 33% to 2000. Attack power reduced by 38%. · GDI Airborne: Support Power cost increased by 50% to 1500. · Bloodhounds: Support Power cost increased by 50% to 3000. · Sharpshooter Team: Support Power cost increased by 40% to 3500. · Zone Trooper Drop Pods: Support Power cost increased by 50% to 4500. /Brotherhood of Nod Balance Changes/ · Militant Squad: Speed increased by 20%. Attack power increased by 50%. · Militant Rocket Squad: Speed increased by 20%. Health increased by 100%. Range increased by 75%. Attack power vs. aircraft reduced by 25%. · Saboteur: Speed increased by 20%. · Shadow Team: Health reduced by 50%. · Black Hand: Speed increased by 22%. Health increased by 66%. Attack power increased by 150%. · Attack Bike: Removed 200% attack power bonus vs. aircraft. Turret arc and turn rate increased, which allows the unit to more-effectively attack any nearby targets while moving. Directional armor removed, which makes the unit more resistant to attacks from the flank and rear. Fixed an error that caused the unit to not always fire both rockets at once, effectively raising its attack power. · Raider Buggy: Attack power vs. infantry reduced by 25%. · Scorpion Tank: Attack power reduced by 20%. Rate of fire with Laser Capacitors upgrade reduced by 20% but attack power increased proportionally. · Flame Tank: Cost/buildtime increased by 20% to 1200/12. Turret turn rate doubled, improving the Flame Tank's ability to quickly acquire targets. Attack power increased by 150%. · Stealth Tank: Cost/buildtime increased by 50% to 1500/15. Attack power increased by 50%. Attack power bonus vs. aircraft reduced by 25%. · Avatar: Cost/buildtime reduced by 27% to 2200/22. Flamethrower upgrade attack power increased by 150%. · Venom Patrol Craft: Attack priorities fixed so that the unit will always prioritize enemy infantry over vehicles and base defenses. · Carryall: Health increased by 70%. · Armageddon Bomber: Health increased by 33%. (Note: This aircraft only appears when summoned by certain Support Powers.) · Laser Capacitors: Upgrade cost increased by 50% to 3000. · Tiberium Infusion: Upgrade cost increased by 300% to 2000. · Cloaking Field: Support Power cost increased by 100% to 3000. Attack power vs. light infantry increased by 600%. Attack power vs. heavy infantry increased by 200%. /Scrin Balance Changes/ · Buzzers: Health increased by 50%. Move and attack rates retuned. As a result, Buzzers are now more effective at cutting through massed infantry but will no longer kill entire infantry squads all at once. · Disintegrators: Speed increased by 17%. · Assimilator: Speed increased by 20%. · Mastermind: Cost/buildtime increased by 66% to 2500/25. Recharge time on Manipulator Device increased to 30 seconds. Teleport Units ability now begins its cooldown period after units are teleported, rather then when units are first selected for teleporting. · Gun Walker: Acceleration and deceleration times reduced, making the Gun Walker more maneuverable. · Harvester: No longer spawns an Ion Storm when destroyed. · Corrupter: Acceleration and deceleration times reduced, making the Corrupter more maneuverable. · Planetary Assault Carrier: Ion Storm ability now generates an Ion Storm more quickly. Scrin aircraft now receive a 25% bonus to attack power in addition to a 25% bonus to armor while in an Ion Storm. · Mothership: Attack power increased by 100%. Catalyst Cannon now causes a faster, wider chain reaction. Damage sustained by the Mothership has less impact on the power of its attack. · Buzzer Hive: Buzzers immediately respawn when killed. Buzzers no longer die if their Buzzer Hive is destroyed. · Gravity Stabilizer: Now spawns Buzzers instead of Shock Troopers when sold or destroyed. · Force Fields: Upgrade cost increased by 66% to 5000. · Stasis Shield: Support Power cost increased by 100% to 2000. · The Swarm: Support Power cost increased by 50% to 1500. This patch adds four new multiplayer maps, which may also be used in Skirmish mode. Two out of four of these maps are enabled for ranked competition online, and so will appear in the Automatch map rotation. /Map 1: Tournament Rift/ Red Zones such as this have long since become uninhabitable to any of Earth's life forms, and yet serve as a focal point for the conflict between the GDI, the Brotherhood of Nod, and the Scrin, in their continued efforts to gain control over the alien mineral. This is a two-player map available for ranked matches. /Map 2: Tournament Coastline/ As the spread of Tiberium inexorably continued across the world, GDI and Nod forces found themselves frequently skirmishing for control over strategic coastal regions such as this one. This is a two-player desert map available for ranked matches. /Map 3: Schlachtfeld Stuttgart/ The Scrin, desperate for Tiberium, savagely laid waste to this once-proud German city in short order. Now fighting over the green crystal continues in the city's ruined remains. This is a two- player urban map available for unranked matches. /Map 4: Coastline Chaos/ An extension of Tournament Coastline, this map is based on the very first map used to publicly showcase Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars at the 2006 Electronic Entertainment Expo. This is a four-player desert map available for unranked matches. · Added a "Classic Command & Conquer (Left-Click Orders)" mouse interface option, which may be selected in the General tab of the Settings menu. · Added the ability to cycle through multiple production facilities of the same type either by clicking on the main tab for that production category or tapping the respective hotkey. · When placing production structures, players will now see these structures' default rally point, which should help guide base-building decisions near impassable terrain. · The Reverse Move command for vehicles can now be given by pressing and holding the hotkey (default 'D') as well as by tapping the hotkey before each move order. · The 'Show Healthbars' hotkey (default 'Ctrl' + '~') now toggles on all healthbars with one tap. Tapping the hotkey again reverts the effect. · It is now possible to rebind the default hotkeys for camera controls. · Hotkeys for Telestrator features are now available for the match Commentator. Visit the Hotkeys tab of Settings menu to view the default hotkeys or change them. · Various "slash commands" added to online multiplayer lobbies. Type "/help" in an online lobby for a list of commands. To expedite one-on-one chat, press Ctrl + Up Arrow or Ctrl + Down Arrow to cycle through players with whom you have exchanged private messages during your last session. · Fixed an error that caused some players to unexpectedly see the GDI campaign's alternate ending video instead of the intended ending video. · Fixed an error that prevented players from being able to place certain structures as closely together as expected, which makes it easier to find suitable building locations. · Flying units can now be ordered to move onto terrain that is impassable to ground units. · On multi-monitor systems, the mouse cursor will no longer unexpectedly move from the gameplay monitor to another monitor as players scroll across the screen. · Fixed an error that sometimes caused computer-controlled opponents to cease fighting after loading a saved Skirmish game. · Fixed an error that sometimes caused players to unexpectedly select multiple control groups at once when rapidly switching between control groups. · The Attack Move order now works correctly if a target unit is selected. · Fixed an error that sometimes caused units to not target structures automatically when given an Assault Move order. · Fixed a graphical error that caused production timers in the Sidebar interface to "snap" to position when switching between production queues. · Added an EVA announcement for when an enemy Scrin Mastermind enters the player's line of sight. · Fixed an error that prevented players from using hotkeys to change unit stances while units were moving. · Tiberium Spikes now continue to provide a flow of resources if damaged and then repaired. · Several campaign cinematics now show up as expected in the Transmission Log. · Fixed an error that caused players to lose credits when selling Refineries or Extractors under the control of a Scrin Mastermind unit. · Fixed an error that sometimes caused GDI Ox Transports and Nod Carryalls to become stuck and unselectable when ordered to land next to edges of cliffs. · Switching to and from low-power state now causes unit and structure build times to update dynamically as intended. Previously, production that started during low-power state did not automatically speed up if power was restored. · The mouse cursor now no longer suggests that air units can be used to open Crates. · Jumping to a unit group now moves the camera to the center of the group, rather than the last unit added to the group. · Nod defensive turret hubs now appear unstealthed when their turrets fire while under the effects of the Disruption Tower. · Computer-controlled players will no longer attempt to sell the same structure multiple times when low on resources, which caused a stream of zeros to appear onscreen. · GDI APCs now will always move close enough to their targets to ensure infantry units inside are within attack range. · Fixed an error that sometimes caused walker unit death animations to not play correctly. · Scrin Stormriders are now affected by the player's handicap setting in multiplayer matches. · Maps with six starting positions now properly randomize players' starting positions. · The Nod nuclear missile can no longer be stopped after launch if players power down the Temple of Nod. · Nod Avatars will no longer retain their veterancy level when they are destroyed and their husks are recovered. · Nod Beam Cannons now gain their expected bonuses to attack power from veterancy. · Fixed a graphical error that sometimes caused Nod laser defenses to appear as if they still were firing when powered down or destroyed. · Units created using Nod's Decoy Army support power will no longer last indefinitely if the Nod Operations Center is powered down. Decoyed Scrin Corrupter units no longer spawn Visceroids. · Fixed an error that sometimes caused units to display veterancy ranks from the wrong faction. · Added effects for when Tiberium crystals are attacked and destroyed. · Added effects for Nod Vertigo Bomber's rear anti-air turret. · Added ambient sound effects for Scrin Gun Walker and Scrin Annihilator Tripod. · GDI Firehawks equipped with Stratofighter Boosters will no longer fly in stacked on top of each other when groups of Firehawks are ordered to use the ability at the same time. · Fixed a graphical error that caused Nod Scorpion Tanks to catch fire more quickly than intended. · The user interface now properly stretches to the top and bottom of the screen in 1280x1024 resolution. · Added recoil effects to non-upgraded Nod Scorpion Tank and GDI Guardian Cannon. · Scrin Worm Hole support power no longer allows the player to create the entry and exit points on top of each other. · Scrin Buzzer Hives now show an attack radius when selected. · If the player is defeated, the end-of-mission music no longer plays twice. · Computer-controlled players will now attempt to build superweapons only in their most-fortified bases. · Added an EVA announcement for when teammates place a beacon. · When spectating multiplayer matches, players will now hear the game music change dynamically as the battle's participants do. · Fixed an error that caused text to misalign in online chat lobbies if players remained in those lobbies for a relatively long period of time. · When loading replay files directly from the Windows desktop, the Main menu music no longer plays during the match. · Various other minor bug fixes. · Online lobbies have been renamed. · Some campaign missions have been tuned and rebalanced. · In team-based matches, allied players now share Ground Control, allowing them to build structures in each others' bases. · When attempting to restart a campaign from the beginning, players will now receive a warning prompt notifying them that their autosave for that campaign will be overwritten if they proceed. · The Resources chart in the post-match screen now graphs total credits gathered over time. · Added a wider variety of scorch marks to the battlefield. · Added garrison-clearing effects for Nod Flame Tank, Nod Black Hand, and Scrin Corrupter units. · Added explosion effects for when Scrin Disintegrators are crushed by enemy vehicles. · Added Heroic-level firing effects for the GDI Juggernaut. · Added music when viewing the Intelligence Database during campaign missions. · Scrin Devourer Tanks now have an additional gauge that shows remaining supercharged ammunition gained by using the Conversion Beam ability. · Added new visual effects for the Scrin Annihilator Tripod's close-range EMP attack. · Added new visual effects for when walker husks are destroyed. · Added an audio cue for when the Repair command is used on a structure. · Added ammunition counters to the unit portraits of aircraft with limited ammo, including the GDI Orca and Firehawk and the Nod Vertigo Bomber. Also added ambient reload sound effects to these units. · Updated the loading screen when loading saved games. · Jeff Hua, Travell McEntyre, Ino Karella, and Jason Priest credited for additional art contributions. · Fixed various typographical errors in the game. ================================================================== Version 1.04 Patch Notes - April 6, 2007 ================================================================== This patch for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars addresses video playback issues and several multiplayer problems: · Made further improvements to video playback on low-end Windows XP system configurations. · Fixed an error that caused some players to crash or disconnect while in online lobbies. · Fixed an error that caused players with semicolon (';'), colon (':'), comma (','), or equal sign ('=') characters in their Online IDs to not be able to see and select options from dropdown menus in online multiplayer lobbies. These characters are no longer permissible in Online IDs. · Fixed an error that caused players to desync when watching a BattleCast match in which one of the participants disconnected. · All online multiplayer game lobbies will now appear properly localized in different languages. This does not affect English- language lobbies. ================================================================== Version 1.03 Patch Notes - April 1, 2007 ================================================================== This patch for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars fixes several problems pertaining to online multiplayer: · Fixed an error that caused players to experience unexpected disconnections and freezes while in online lobbies and Automatch search. Please note that there are some remaining issues with connectivity, which will be addressed in a future update. · Fixed an error that prevented players in online lobbies from chatting globally after sending private messages to other players. · Fixed an error that sometimes caused the name of a BattleCast Commentator to not display correctly on the official Web site. ================================================================== Version 1.02 Patch Notes - March 29, 2007 ================================================================== This patch for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars addresses two issues: · Fixed an error that caused the list of available matches in the Custom Match Lobby to constantly refresh to the top of the list. · Improved the patching process to ensure all players are prompted to receive the latest version of the game when attempting to play online or using the "Check for Updates" feature in the Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars Control Center utility. ================================================================== Version 1.01 Patch Notes - March 27, 2007 ================================================================== This patch for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars fixes several bugs and exploits: · Scrin Mastermind's Teleport Units ability maximum range reduced. · GDI Engineers, Nod Saboteurs, and Scrin Assimilators can no longer capture structures when under the effects of the Scrin's Phase Field support power. · Improved video playback on low-end system configurations. · Scrin Storm Column cost/buildtime increased by 100% to 3000/30. · Scrin Buzzers health reduced by 75% and weapon type changed to SNIPER. This change makes Buzzers ineffective against units and structures besides enemy infantry. · Fixed an error that would occasionally result in a crash in Nod vs. Nod matches on the multiplayer map Deadly Sertao. · Fixed issues with automated map transfer feature in multiplayer. · Fixed an error that would sometimes cause a Commentator's telestrator drawings to not erase as intended while viewing BattleCast replays. · Fixed issues with replay file playback. · Fixed placeholder text and chat log errors with the Comrade in- game chat window. · Fixed an error in README.txt file regarding location of saved game files in Windows Vista; added references to EA Link version of the game; added disclosure about in-game advertising (Note: the EA Link version of the game ships with this updated ReadMe file). · References to Nod's "Avatar Warmech" unit have been changed to "Avatar". ================================================================== End of Patch Notes File ==================================================================
metteigel 0 Melden Geschrieben 1. November 2007 UT 3 ist Gold =) http://www.pcgameshardware.de/?article_id=619621
Gast Melden Geschrieben 2. November 2007 Empire Earth 3 demo http://www.fileplanet.com/182066/180000/fi...re-Earth-3-Demo
Destreuer 0 Melden Geschrieben 13. November 2007 Nächster und wohl letzter Patch in C&C3 für Januar angekündigt bevor das neue Addon raus kommt. Patch 1.10 will be released before Kanes Wrath ships in 2008 =) Right now, the current plan is to coincide the next patch with the beginning of the next ladder season, so ideally a January time-frame. If between now and then we find there are some emergency issues to fix, we will. As of right now, Patch 1.09 is extremely young, its being recieved well, and its good to see healthy balance debating. I expect these debates to evolve as new strategies arise. Its far too early to even consider a patch, there needs to be space and time to grow and we can't throw another wrench in to the ladder season either. That is the current plan at the moment, its not set in stone, and again, if we deem something emergency (like an exploit), then we will fix it. But as of right now, I do not have any patch 1.10 notes, just starting to feel out what you guys like and dislike. Thanks, APOC Quelle
shalashaska 113 Melden Geschrieben 17. November 2007 wie stehts eigentlich um den "Halo-film", sollte ja mal einen geben! wenns dich noch interessiert, den film wirds nicht mehr geben. gab wohl stress zwischen den produktionsfirmen und so. quelle, letzte gamestar glaub ich
MajorPain 0 Melden Geschrieben 3. Dezember 2007 Frontlines Fuel of War FuelofWar.de - Die offizielle Neue: -Soundeffekte -Render-Pics -Wallpaper +Ab dem 1. Dezember 2007, läuft das erste Frontlines Gewinnspiel auf FuelofWar.de!
Krockeschinski 1765 Melden Geschrieben 5. Dezember 2007 Hui Heute wird das neue EVE-Online Addon aufgespielt und morgen wenn die server angehen, wirds für alle umsonst verfügbar sein! http://www.gamestar.de/news/pc/spiele/roll...eve_online.html