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Enemy Territory - Quake Wars

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Seit kurzem ist der neueste Patch für ETQW zum download bereitgestellt.

Der Changelog ist riesig darum kommt er in den spoiler ^^

ETQW 1.5 Changelog Revealed

Submitted by badman on Wed, 2008-05-07 18:43.

Work on the 1.5 game update for Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars is steaming ahead at full knots and we're now testing the latest version of it internally to see if there are any glaring issues left to fix. Even more exciting, we've put together the final changelog for the update, which you can find concealed somewhere within this blog update. In a smallish nutshell, 1.5 brings a number of new features and customization options to ETQW and fixes all of the issues left over from 1.4. Let's have a look:

User Interface Improvements

We've packed tons of small UI and HUD improvements into the 1.5 update, lots of which are the result of feedback from our players. We've added new customization options for turret lock-on warnings, so you can now get the full warning (beep and text), just the warning tone, just the HUD text, or nothing at all. Mine trigger warnings can similarly be toggled on or off and it's also possible to set the size of the mine indicators on the HUD or turn those off completely.

The Limbo menu sees the addition of an Auto-Join button, which, as the name might imply, joins the team that is currently short in numbers. We also found that a lot of people didn't quite understand the Hot Servers tab in the server browser, so we've thrown that out in favor of a much more straightforward 'Join Best Server' button. The functionality is still the same, of course, so pressing that button will put you on an available server that's close to you.

New Customization Cvars

A lot of our players are really into the game and would like to customize as many aspects of it as possible. To that extent, 1.5 brings a variety of new cvars that can be used to really adapt the game to how you want it. It's now possible to set mouse sensitivity on a per-vehicle basis, so if you'd like your mouse to be really twitchy in flying vehicles and far less responsive in, say, the Trojan APC, you can do just that. We've also included new cvars for quickly switching spawn points for those who want to avoid the limbo menu whenever possible.

Matchcasters will no doubt enjoy the new spectator mode functionality in 1.5. There are several new commands that allow spectators to switch to the next/previous player, and to directly hop to a specific client. You can also jump to players currently completing the objective, and even set a custom camera position and angle that you can hop to at the touch of a button.

Ranks and Statistics

In the statistics department, the in-game scoreboard once again correctly displays player ranks, so you can quickly tell who's experienced and thus safe to follow around in the game. Vehicle and deployable kills are now counted correctly in your statistics, and there have also been a few smaller fixes related to objectives giving no or too much XP.

On the Ranked Server side, servers are now restricted to a maximum number of 24 players, since that is what the maps were balanced for. It's also no longer possible to start a ranked match with fewer than six players.

Bot Improvements

John Dean over at id Software has been busy teaching the ETQW bots new tricks for the upcoming console versions. We didn't want our PC players to miss out on these, so 1.5 features a truly colossal number of bot-related improvements. In general, bots now understand the battlefield even better than before and will act more like a human player would. Your AI teammates have also been conditioned to pay more attention to what you're doing and they'll better support you in vehicles and when attacking objectives. There are loads of other bot-related fixes and improvements - check the changelog below for more.

Miscellaneous Fixes

1.5 also comes with a large number of bug and exploit fixes. Some of these are actually quite inventive, such as using the Third Eye Camera to transmit an objective when the player is actually nowhere near it, or using an Icarus vehicle drop to teleport inside a building. There were also several map holes that have now been plugged and number of smaller fixes that were made (such as the MCP sometimes dropping in sideways).

Closing Thoughts

We've completed internal testing of the update and we're now coordinating with all the other companies that are part of the actual release process. This is actually a tad more complicated than it sounds since we've got quite a few moving parts there. 1.5 has to be coordinated with id Software (Windows and Linux), Activision, Aspyr (Mac version), Valve Software (Steam version), DemonWare (online accounts), and all the game server providers to make sure they update their servers in time for release. But fear not, we're currently coordinating with all of the involved parties to figure out the best release timing for the update. As soon as we've nailed down a date, we'll announce it here in the blog.

Before I tumble back into my storage closet, let me extend a special thank you to all the people who participated in the public beta and left their feedback on the boards. We also appreciate your patience during this longer than anticipated beta beta phase - we know waiting for the thing hasn't always been the most joyous of activities, but we're confident that 1.5 is a better update because of it.

If you're still reading, you're probably looking for the full changelog. Not to worry, it's right below this line of text.

Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars 1.5 Full Changelog

Fixes in grey were included in the 1.5 BETA.

User Interface

Added an Auto-Join button to the Limbo Menu

Added new server browser filter. Players can now filter servers by the maximum number of bots playing

Revised the 'Hot Server' weightings so lower ping servers are given higher

priority than before

Replaced Hot Server list with a 'Join Best Server' button in the server browser

Fixed custom maps confusing the map voting system

Fixed the Flyer Drone personal best being referred to as Flyer Hive

Fixed the 'Most Vamptire Damage' typo in Personal Achievements

Fixed the final Objective in a map not counting towards the Most Objectives Completed end-game reward

Fixed Player Ranks not showing in-game or on the Scoreboard

Fixed spectators seeing a defaulted string in the end-game scoreboard

Fixed transparency options for Tooltips and Subtle Motivators not always saving

Fixed video options not always saving if a player is using a 'Set as Default' profile


Fixed the Buddy Player Arrows showing when a friend playing on the enemy

team took a disguise

Fixed the Objective Bar sometimes flashing red while an objective was being


Fixed the first bar of a two-part objective sometimes being empty when a

client connected to a server

Fixed the deployable HUD icons being affected by picmip

Players will no longer receive warning VO for incoming enemy artillery

Added g_aptWarning for toggling APT warning on the HUD

Restricted the g_mineIconSize cvar to values between 0 and 20

The Fireteam menu will now not show 'next page' unless there are 9 or more players (instead of 8)

Fixed Buddy Player Arrows showing up as the incorrect colour if that player had a Clan Tag

Fixed the Objective Bar sometimes changing colour

Ranked Servers

Locked si_maxPlayers to 24 on Ranked Servers

Fixed being able to start a match on a Ranked server with less than 6 players

Map Loads, Auto-Downloads, ETQW:TV

Fixed downloading modifications from the server not working with Vista and UAC

Fixed the intro movie overriding the Accept Download prompt for mods on game restart

Fixed the map loading music continuing to play after the load had completed

Fixed the server crash when clients are downloading files

Fixed ETQW:TV Relays crashing when clients tried to connect too early

Player Statistics

Fixed capturing the Energy Cells on Quarry giving no XP

Fixed certain Achievement stats, such as Vehicle and Deployable kills, not being counted

Fixed ranks above Supreme Commander displaying as ##### or emptyname

Fixed Mining Laser objectives giving an additional 40 Soldier XP to the constructor

Fixed XP Save not working on reconnects


Added several commands for spectating:

spectate Client - Jumps to spectating a specific player based on the client number or the player name entered e.g. "Specate Client 1" or "Spectate Client Tapir" for a player called Tapir

spectate next - Jumps to the next player

spectate prev - Jumps to the previous player

spectate objective - Jumps to a player currently attempting to complete the objective or jumps to view a planted HE/Plasma charge (only works on Primary Objectives)

spectate position - Jumps to a specific point on the map, looking in a pre-set direction, essentially jumping to user defined camera.

Added the setSpawnPoint command:

setSpawnPoint next - selects one spawn ahead of the player's current selection

setSpawnPoint prev - selects one spawn back from the player's current selection

setSpawnPoint default - selects the current front-line spawn point

setSpawnPoint base - sets the player's spawn point to the main base (Command Center/Domination Hub)

Added several cvars for separate vehicle sensitivities:

m_bumblebeePitchScale - adjusts the vertical sensitivity in the Bumblebee

m_bumblebeeYawScale - adjusts the horizontal sensitivity in the Bumblebee

m_heavyVehiclePitchScale - adjusts the vertical sensitivity in the Titan, Cyclops and Desecrator

m_heavyVehicleYawScale - adjusts the horizontal sensitivity in the Titan, Cyclops and Desecrator

m_helicopterPitchScale - adjusts the vertical sensitivity in the Anansi and Tormentor

m_helicopterYawScale - adjusts the horizontal sensitivity in the Anansi and Tormentor

m_lightVehiclePitchScale - adjusts the vertical sensitivity in the Trojan, Armadillo, Hog and Husky

m_lightVehicleYawScale - adjusts the horizontal sensitivity in the Trojan, Armadillo, Hog and Husky

m_playerPitchScale - adjusts the vertical sensitivity as infantry and in the Icarus

m_playerYawScale - adjusts the horizontal sensitivity as infantry and in the Icarus.

Added several cvars for automatic recording of demos and generating of screenshots

of the end game score board:

g_autoScreenshot - automatically take a screenshot of the scoreboard at

the end of a map

g_autoRecordDemos - automatically starts & stops demos at the start & end

of a map

g_autoScreenshotNameFormat - auto screenshot name format

g_autoDemoNameFormat - demo name format

Fixed the "Deployable Location Approved" VO playing when the deploy

process had not successfully completed

Fixed the intermittent server crashes some users were experiencing

Fixed unintentionally skipping through multiple weapons and tools when using the mousewheel

Fixed the 'Aborting Bombardment' VO not playing when the Airstrike/Violator beacon is in an invalid location

Fixed spectators sometimes hearing hit-beeps when switching between players

Fixed player landing sound sometimes playing multiple times

Fixed some cases of vehicle wheels occasionally being above the ground when they spawn

Fixed a disguise spotting issue

Fixed lock-on issues when the MCP is disabled

Fixed visual MCP deploy issue where it would sometimes come in sideways

Fixed objects sometimes showing up in the wrong place when playing back demos


Bots in single player are much more focused on the player and the commands the player gives

Mission Critical bots will follow you to the objective then complete it once you lead them there

Bots skill with the Anansi and Tormentor has been improved

Bots in flyers are now much more dangerous on the higher skill levels

Bots on Easy difficulty have been made easier

Bots now understand the MCP changes implemented in 1.4

Bots are better at accomplishing objectives

Bots are better at guarding their teams HE/Plasma charges

Bots keep focused on their current enemy when they jump into a vehicle

Bots will no longer use mounted MGs if there are no enemies around the MG to attack

Bots are much better at attacking deployables

Bot gunners now target deployables

Bot gunners will more often stay in the vehicle with you

Bots now drop health crates dynamically

Fixed bots not driving the MCP on Slipgate

Fixed lots of cases of the bots having issues pathing to a goal

Fixed potential bot freeze issue with enemies & hunting

Fixed Medics not seeing obstacles when giving supplies

Fixed Anansi pilots getting stuck chasing Icarus players around the map

Bots will now avoid vehicles 'booby trapped' with Charges, unless it's the MCP

Bots will now stop and give engineers time to repair their vehicle

Bot Oppressors will use their Energy Shields more effectively

Bots can now use all seats in the Bumblebee

Removed some debug prints

Lots of miscellaneous bot tweaks, fixes, and improvements


Fixed the 'Press F3 to Ready Up' tooltip not always displaying

Fixed the Tooltip frame being completely white on first map load

Fixed decoy tooltip not always playing

Fixed Strogg Hack tooltip not playing on Volcano

Fixed players not turning to face final objective on Outskirts during tooltip

Fixed not resetting proficiency upgrade VO when resetting tooltips

Fixed Exploits

Fixed map holes in Salvage, Refinery and Area22

Fixed an exploit with the Third Eye Camera

Fixed clients having incorrect spread values for the Scoped Assault Rifle whilst unscoped

Fixed exploit that allowed GDF to get past Strogg Energy Shields

Fixed being able to complete certain objectives at a distance

entweder man besorgt sich das update ingame oder man benutzt einen von den vielen links auf der etqw webseite http://community.enemyterritory.com/


spielt das überhaupt noch jemand?

spielt das überhaupt noch jemand?

ja server gibt es viele, welche auchgut besucht sind

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

es sind nun bald zwei jahre her. ich denke das spiel jetzt zu kaufen aber ich weiss nicht, lohnt es sich? gibt es viele glitches, bugs etc die einen fairen spiel versauen?

kann jemand kurz einen statement abgeben?

€ gibts es eine uncut version? wenn ja, lohnt sich die? ich hab nämlich einen händler gefunden der die normale version verkauft für 7€

Bearbeitet von bulletslaughter

soweit ich weiß gibts da kein uncut und cut, ich habe die deutsche version vor ca. nem jahr gekauft oder auch halbem jahr für 10~20 öcken. wollte schon immer mal online spielen aber die recht langen patch downloads haben mich davon abgehalten


Wollten die das Nichtmal (Also MP Modus) Kostenlos machen wie das Alte ET? hab da mal was gelsen!


nene, muss gekauft werden!

finde das spiel insgesamt gut für zwischendurch!

Gast D-M-A-G

Habe die Demo gezockt... ist mir zu schnell


wenn ich nur euch überzeugen könnte... so schnell ist es nicht... da ist unreal tournament wesentlich too fast

gibt es hier jemand der es überhaupt spielt`?


ich hatte es installiert und auch online gespielt und es ist wesentlich too fast. battlefield 2 wirkt dagegen wie FEAR im zeitlupenmodus


Ich hatte die Beta gezockt und war damals nicht so begeistert. Die Fahzeuge hatten alle die gleiche grauenhafte Fahrphysik. Panzer haben sich genauso angefühlt wie Quads usw...

Infantrie is im Quakestyle wild ballernd durch die Gegend gehopst. Dieser Pushmodus war schon nach der 3ten Runde ausgelutscht weils alles sehr linear verlief und der Ablauf immer wieder der selbe war. Aber vieleicht war die Beta Map auch nur schei**e.

War wie gesagt die Beta. Kann natürlich sein, dass das Spiel mittlerweile komplett umgekrempelt wurde. Aber für mich war es damals ein absoluter No-Buy Titel.

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