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Gast Oberscht

das is mal nen seriöser ebayer!!!!


Es gibt auch kranke TIERE :blink:



Die Maus kann wenigstens nicht weglaufen *lol**lol*

Gast Oberscht
Es gibt auch kranke TIERE :blink:



Die Maus kann wenigstens nicht weglaufen *lol**lol*

Sry für Doppelpost aber das ist eines meiner absoluten Lieblingsstücke


10 ways to speedup your eDonkey transfers



this might apply only to my machine, keep experimenting and try different combinations!

1 - If you look at your screen from a certain angle, with your right eye, and turn your

     head slightly until you start to get more sources on your download, then keep your

     head turned that way. Blinking seems to slow transfers down.

2 - You might notice that when there are a lot of people in your room, it gets harder to

     connect to a server. I always lock my door before running eDonkey!

3 - Hold the left CTRL key down will increase the number of hits you get for a download.

     The effect tends to disappear after a while. When it does, just release the left

     CTRL key and hold the right CTRL key instead! I didn't try every keys.

4 - You may increase the chance to lose your connection to a server when you move the

     mouse, so it's better to stick to your keyboard. Remember to keep CTRL pressed while

     you're not pressing any other keys!

5 - Leaving your PC alone for a long period while you are using eDonkey slows transfers

     down. Try to stay nearby as much as possible.

6 - Dowloading german or spanish files is a lot faster.

7 - Dowloading the same file a second time is always faster. When eDonkey stops

     dowloading a file with less than 5% of the download left, cancel the download

     and start again. Apply this technique to german or spanish files and your

     downloads will be made in no time!

8 - Servers won't let you connect if your ID is too low. The ID is a checksum based

     on your "User Name". Change it and restart eDonkey until you get a very high ID!

9 - This one is for hardcore users only!

     - run REGEDIT

     - open the following key :


     - create a REG_DWORD key called "DownstreamPipeThreading"

     - give it a value between 0x0001 and 0x000F

     - Higher values than 0x000F seem to slow my computer down. You may want to give

       it a try if you've got a high-end box like a P4 2Ghz+ with a lot of RAM!

10 - I don't know if this one is true but a friend of mine told me his transfers are

     faster when he uses a lower screen resolution (i.e. 640 x 480 in 256 colors)

-=: cYb3r dUD3 :=-



die kriechste auch bei ebay ^^

aber wennde pech hast sind es ziegelsteine *lol*


Das nenn ich mal ein nettes gif (was mit meiner überdimensionalen Abneigung gegenüber jeglicher "Klingelton-bunte-Bildchen-Drecksmist" Werbung zusammenhängen mag *lol*)

Edit: Tippfehler :rolleyes:




jupp... :rolleyes:



Gast Klages

muahaha hatr aber war... *lol*



Beschwerde : Panzerfaust mit scharfem Zünder erhalten. Vom Kampfmittelräumdienst entsorgt !!!

Antwort : wuste nicht das der Zünder scharf war wuste nicht mal das es der Zünder ist

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