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Brandheiße News Zum Patch 1.4!

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Ist zwar schade das der Patch noch nicht rausgekommen ist, aber man kanns auch so sehen: Um so länger es dauert, um so länger wird am patch gebastelt und um so besser wird er. :)

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man muss nur fest dran glauben :rofl:

ja der weinachtsmann kommt ja schlieslich auuch. :rolleyes:*lol*

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Also dass mit dem Patch wird sich doch so wie beim 1.3er bemerkbar machen dass bestimmte server schon heruntergefahren werden usw. Und bist jetzt war da noch nix zu spüreen

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Hier ein Auszug dessen, was ich gerade im EA UK Forum gelesen hab.

Der Beitrag ist erst gestern verfasst worden.

Zitat von Sentience:

Not sure what happened there. Here is the last piece of beta 2 gameplay feedback I passed onto the developers:

Gameplay Feedback

- Some are suggesting accuracy delays instead of time delays on going prone and standing up.

- Jalalabad is nice but a little too hard to defend by MEC as there are too many ways to get in.

- ach kit should be able to pick up what they deployed, e.g. Sniper and claymores.

- Double sprint capacity means people practically run all the time, it might be a better idea to up speed and keep stamina the same, sprint should be used for rushing from cover to cover, not almost all travel. Crouching and going prone should also speed up stamina recovery.

- Medics should only get +1 point for revive and not +2 as this means they rank far faster than engineers.

- Vehicles blowing up again once destroyed will too often end up in an annoying team kill, they should not do so.

- Tags should be visible for players on the same team but not enemies.

- It'd be nice to have a system to opt out of in-game messages such as "ammo here".

- There's been a fair amount of backlash on a bullet point from a previous report. Many would prefer that mine FF stay as is (off by default) otherwise they feel they will no longer be used, as was previously the case. Others feel it's stupid if friendlies can just drive over them.

- They'd like SF to be fully integrated in BF2 so you don't have to shut down and restart to switch from a vanilla to SF server.

- Sometimes when spotting a tank it will show up as a question mark. Spotting jets sometimes doesn't show up an icon even though you received the message.

- To clarify another previous comment, the J10 needs rebalancing rather than improving, though if it gets rebalanced it should not be the only jet to get some attention. For example, the F35 has a huge collision and hit box on the read as well as the slowest yaw and pitch, it is frequently bested by the MiG on Oman.

- How about adding an AA gun behind the US TV station on Sharqi to make it a bit more defensible to the hovering MEC choppers.

- Pistols are far too accurate over long ranges

- Health in choppers should be linked to stop griefers who fly the back end into the out of bounds area to kill their co-pilot.

- There should be some method instantly to fire rockets without using the guidance, or cheating by switching weapons.

- Tank noise should be increased, often you can't hear them approaching

- One poster suggested a no-jets mode.

- It should be possible to join a password protected game from outside the game

As ever, none of this is guaranteed to be fixed but I know every point has been read and duly considered or investigated by the studio guys. Nothing to announce regarding the 1.4 patch just yet.



Community Co-ordinator



Hmm ... der letzte Satz macht ja wenig Hoffnung ... <_<

Ansonsten kann ich den meisten Punkten zustimmen.

Aber die Pistols sollten auf Entfernung keinesfalls schlechter werden.

Bearbeitet von Zanmatou
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Das heißt es gibt "grad jetzt" noch keine Ankündigung bezüglich dem 1.4 Patch von DICE.

Was auch immer damit gemeint ist.

Bearbeitet von Zanmatou
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Na klasse. So wie es sich wieder anhört wird er nicht besser als sonst. <_<

Außer die Wünsche der Community. Aber von Pistole schlehcter machen wurde nix gesagt toll.

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*wiederpockkornrausholundabwart* :(

und ich dachte ich kann noch diese woche schon mit dem 1.4 rumprallen :P<_<

na dann: :whistling:

aber wieso die pistol schlechter machen :o

die is doch soooo schon "unspektakulär" ^^

Bearbeitet von tHe.BlG.oNe
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Gameplay Feedback

- Some are suggesting accuracy delays instead of time delays on going prone and standing up.

- Jalalabad is nice but a little too hard to defend by MEC as there are too many ways to get in.

- ach kit should be able to pick up what they deployed, e.g. Sniper and claymores.

- Double sprint capacity means people practically run all the time, it might be a better idea to up speed and keep stamina the same, sprint should be used for rushing from cover to cover, not almost all travel. Crouching and going prone should also speed up stamina recovery.

- Medics should only get +1 point for revive and not +2 as this means they rank far faster than engineers.

- Vehicles blowing up again once destroyed will too often end up in an annoying team kill, they should not do so.

- Tags should be visible for players on the same team but not enemies.

- It'd be nice to have a system to opt out of in-game messages such as "ammo here".

- There's been a fair amount of backlash on a bullet point from a previous report. Many would prefer that mine FF stay as is (off by default) otherwise they feel they will no longer be used, as was previously the case. Others feel it's stupid if friendlies can just drive over them.

- They'd like SF to be fully integrated in BF2 so you don't have to shut down and restart to switch from a vanilla to SF server.

- Sometimes when spotting a tank it will show up as a question mark. Spotting jets sometimes doesn't show up an icon even though you received the message.

- To clarify another previous comment, the J10 needs rebalancing rather than improving, though if it gets rebalanced it should not be the only jet to get some attention. For example, the F35 has a huge collision and hit box on the read as well as the slowest yaw and pitch, it is frequently bested by the MiG on Oman.

- How about adding an AA gun behind the US TV station on Sharqi to make it a bit more defensible to the hovering MEC choppers.

- Pistols are far too accurate over long ranges

- Health in choppers should be linked to stop griefers who fly the back end into the out of bounds area to kill their co-pilot.

- There should be some method instantly to fire rockets without using the guidance, or cheating by switching weapons.

- Tank noise should be increased, often you can't hear them approaching

- One poster suggested a no-jets mode.

- It should be possible to join a password protected game from outside the game

also für mich sind das eher wünsche als gezielte änderungen, oder hab ich euer feedback dazu falsch verstanden? :unsure:

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