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Red Orchestra (inkl. RO2 und Rising Storm)

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Das gesicht der deutschen schaut aus als wären es alte Opas.


ich glaube die haben reenactments gemacht, am schluss des spiels kommt raus das die veteranen von damals das gemacht haben :shuriken:

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Gibt es keine Fahrzeuge mehr ?

Doch soll angeblich welche geben. Stand auf so ner finischen newsseite. Wenn ich endlich aus der arbeit rauskomm kommt der link. Leider auf finisch aber im offiziellen soll er auch auf englisch zu finden sein.

@Opa diskussion

Steiner war auch alt :D Ne aber im ernst der sieht echt alt aus. Aber ganz ehrlich ich schau da eh nie auf die gesichter.

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So der erste bericht von RO2 von der GC is da

GC 2009: Heroes of Stalingrad: Red Orchestra

Tripwire Interactive and 1C call it the most realistic gun handling ever.

by Steve Butts

John Gibson, president of Tripwire Interactive, is here at Gamescom showing off a very early build of Heroes of Stalingrad, the sequel to Red Orchestra. The new game promises to add some exciting new modes and increase the realism of how weapons are handled. We walked through some of these new features in a meeting off the show floor.

In terms of weapon modeling, Heroes of Stalingrad incorporates a few details that make the experience of playing more realistic. First, there's a bit of a free aim here, so the aiming is loose. Since there's no reticle at all, you'll have to use the iron sights or scopes of your weapon if you want to score big hits. The loose aiming system means you can raise and lower your weapon without changing the focus of your viewpoint. The gun barrels also collide with objects in the environment in a more realistic fashion, so you may find yourself having to raise or lower your weapon if you're getting too close to corners or walls. The good news is that you can sense a little resistance during the collision, which clues you in to the fact that your weapon is going to move to get around the obstruction.

A full cover system allows you to maintain a first-person perspective while taking cover behind objects in the environment. From there you can peak over the top or to either side of your cover and even blind fire around it. Of course, the new bullet penetration system means that not all cover is going to offer the same level of protection. There's also fully modeled breathing that affects your aim, and the breathing itself will be tied to your overall stamina level. If you've just run around a corner, you won't be as steady at first when you zoom in on your targets.

Heroes of Stalingrad also changes the way machine gun bipods work. You can deploy them on any flat surface in the world, and instead of pivoting around the player's viewpoint, the weapons will actually pivot on the bipod. This makes it possible to tilt the weapon over and around obstructions that would normally block a weapon you were just carrying in your hand.

The game also minimizes the HUD interface elements that aren't needed. If you have full stamina, for instance, it will disappear from the HUD. If you'd like to take a look at all those elements, you can automatically pull up a tactical HUD that will show you all your stats as well as icons in the game world for your current objectives. It's a nice way to give the players the information without distracting them from the game itself.

The two new modes we saw were Territory and Skirmish. Territory is a classic assault and defend mode, but it puts the defenders in a more aggressive frame of mind with an interesting lock down mechanic. Each of the successive objectives have timers associated with them, but the defenders can accelerate these timers and lock the objective down by keeping the attackers out for a specific length of time. Defenders can even recapture objectives, but like in Unreal , the objectives are linked in a chain, so you won't be able to sneak around behind the enemy and take objectives in their rear.

Skirmish mode is a bit like terrorist hunt in Rainbow Six, but this time around you get three fire teams of three members each. Fire team members can be made up of human or AI players as well, so you can even play the game in an offline mode. The enemies are placed randomly throughout the level and you'll have to use your team to clear them out. If you die, you merely move to the next member of your squad and continue on.

Dying is a bit different in Heroes of Stalingrad. While you can still drop right away from a head or heart shot, there's also the opportunity to bleed out. If you're bleeding slowly, you may have the chance to apply some bandages and get back in the fight. If you're bleeding fast, the best you might be able to manage is to get off a few shots at your enemy before you succumb.

While there are a lot of World War 2 online shooters out there, Heroes of Stalingrad seems to offer a more realistic type of weapon handling than is usual for the genre. Here's hoping we get the chance to get our hands on the game soon.


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Hier zwei videos von der gamescom

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Another thing to point out, is that the game will have different stock server setups, which will be "relaxed realism" and "realistic". Relaxed realism will be what you have seen in these videos, and will include all of the new interface helpers that we have added to the game. With that said, "relaxed realism" will still be 10X more hardcore and realistic than COD or Battlefield (its actually much more hardcore than COD's "hardcore" mode). "Realistic" will be for the more hardcore players, and will have some of the new interface helps, etc disabled. Beyond this, server admins will be able to set up a custom configuration that picks and chooses which features to have. All of this adds up to a game that will have a much bigger community than the first game, and be a lot of fun to be a part of.

Das ist für mich der Beste Teil und nimmt mir die "Angst" das RO:HoS zu einem Arcadeshooter verkommen könnte.

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Muss ich auch mal wieder installieren. Im Steam werden mir RO,Mare Nostrum und Darkest Hour angezeigt. Schätze das ich heute nacht mal Steam durchlaufen lasse um die zu ziehen und zu installieren.

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