pnshr 1433 Melden Geschrieben 19. Dezember 2006 Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Licked by the tongues of pride
Flo 839 Melden Geschrieben 20. Dezember 2006 Flogging Molly - Selfish Man dann Flogging Molly - The Kilburn Highroad dann Flogging Molly - Devil's Dancefloor DA kommt ferienstimmung aus
Praedator 0 Melden Geschrieben 20. Dezember 2006 Mastadon - Blood and Thunder ( 1. Blood & Thunder I think that someone is trying to kill me Infecting my blood and destroying my mind No man of the flesh could ever stop me The fight for this fish is a fight to the death White whale - holy grail What remorseless emperor commands me I no longer govern my soul I am completely immersed in darkness As I turn my body away from the sun White whale - holy grail Split your lungs with blood and thunder When you see the white whale Break your backs and crack your oars men If you wish to prevail This ivory leg is what propels me Harpoons thrust in the sky Aim directly for his crooked brow And look him straight in the eye White whale - holy grail) Gott nur noch 3 Klausuren dann sind Ferien (ja, 2 Klausuren á 2 stunden morgen)
gregor 0 Melden Geschrieben 20. Dezember 2006 the meantraitors - from psychobilly land - evil powers around my mind