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links vargur, rechts tempest




Mir gefällt die Vargur besser.


irgentwie beeindruckt mich die rückkehr des oldschool runden target bildchens mehr als die explosionen. :D


Strip miner gehen nur auf die ORE schiffe die den CPU bonus darauf haben mein ich.


Hab grad im Anfänger hilfe die Gelegenheit einen von CCP zu fragen wann wir die Möglichkeit bekommen unsere schiffe anzumalen wie wir wollen antwort war:


Ausgeschlossen ist es schonmal nicht ganz!


Auch wenn die Musik nicht so mein ding ist gefällt es mir.


Aktion :

Hello friends!

I am declaring holy war on all residents of Esoteria, too long have they violated agreements with the HBC and pinged at the sovereignty of our allies. It is time for them to suffer the consequences of living in the era before coalitions without adaptation to new circumstances.

I want C9N-CC to be in TEST hands before the end of November. If we can accomplish this I will be waving all PACs fees for December and declaring a Dreddit tax holiday for one weekend in December. I will be requesting other corporations in TEST to provide this opportunity as well.

In Esoteria we will be (hopefully) installing two allies: WALLTREIPERS ALLIANCE & Out of Sight.

Both of these alliances are incredibly scrapper [sic] and resourceful, hitting well beyond what the membership number on dotlan would lead you to believe. Out of Sight has been a long time HBC affiliate, but a recent HBC full member. They've been brawling deep in enemy lines this entire war. WALLT was the #1 defender of Delve and the biggest pain in our ass for the entire assault of the original D/Q/P campaign.

I look forward to working with them both on this initiative.

Reaktion :

State of Esoteria - Important

From: Lelka

Sent: 2012-11-15 11:37:00

To: Inver Brass


Esoteria has become the target of invasion by the 2/3 of EVE and will most likely fall within a month. The attacks on the SE sov in northern Esoteria started yesterday and will become more and more serious in the following days. In the face of being severely outnumbered and outgunned c0ven has no other choice but retreat to NPC 0.0. In consequence of this:

I am issuing an evacuation order to all Inver Brass corporations. This order is for heavy and spare assets you are not willing to sell or lose. For the next week or two logistics should still be fairly easy after that point I am not sure. If you want to remain in Esoteria till the last moment I advise you keep only the most essential assets that can fit into a single carrier.

For evacuation please use the stations in 7ZRW-G constellation and the jump directly to systems with stations in stain. Please do not try to fly to stain by gates. Hostiles have began their attack from the the systems near satin entrance and most likely will try to intercept lone ships there.

If you decide to sell your stuff do not fire sell it. Esoteria is a remote region with difficult logistic routes so JITA prices are easyly achievable.

If you need help with moving freighters/orcas pleas contact Tolene via ingame mail I will try to organize help for you.

Regards Tolene




Aber aber, kann denn -A- nicht einspringen und die Region verteidigen? :ugly:

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