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Mod conflict2142

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Have you ever thought about a mappack? It is much easier than ten or more several downloads :)


well because we are a tournement and evry week we have 2 new maps its not really helpfull for us ;) but thats an good idea for the normal cf players =) i will post this in the conflict forums and post the result here

Punkbuster fragt ( für die die kein englisch verstehen :) ) : habt ihr schonmal daran gedacht ein Mappack zu erstellen ? so wäre es viel einfacher und man müsste nicht jede map einzeln runter laden :

ich habe geantwortet::: nun da wir ein tournement ( turnier ) sind und jede woche 2 neue maps haben ist es nicht sinnvoll für UNS ;) aber das ist eine gute idee für die normaln cf gamern =) ich werde es im conflict forum posten und das ergebnis hier bekantgeben

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

yuo're right but , due the tournament structure , we needed to change map every time . Why ? Because we made different strategies , because we've bought different equipment to place on the map (we had a ''buy'' system based on the battleday results.. ) , because of map fixes , new weapons loadout ....

From now , we could make a map-pack just for ''pub play'' , it could be a good idea for the new ones so you will just need to download the mod, the patch and the mappack . Just for now , it's not a problem but we could think about it in the future ; our intention it's to spread out the mod , to let the bf2142 comunity play it and later to let them (IF they wish) play in an organised way , with strategies, plans, assignments .. As you know we have different companys (coys) and we have a nice organization in the tournament , leading people to win it's always exciting , also to play with your teammates and have fun as you've never had (it's completely different form the vanilla-bf2142 gameplay , believe me) .

I talk for experience because it's since the 22CW beta campaign that I'm still here ; we had :

-22cw beta campaign

-22cw campaign 1

-cf2142 beta campaign

-cf2142 campaign 1

-cf2142.. 2

-cf2142.. 3

so , as you can see we're a good comunity and , with mature people (it's very important in the difficult times ..)

Ok , If any of you will need any kind of help , contact me and we'll get it fixed .

Cpt Nox

ps:turk , it's me ;)

Bearbeitet von euronymous86x
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

yeah nox i know now who you are lol ^^

isnt that a more longer version of the post i did??? ^^

so we will look if we can make a map pack for "normal " plaing but we cant put all teh maps in it because they are always changing !!!

[sSs]TO|2Lt.Turk_SeSo ;)

Bearbeitet von Turk_SeSo

Ah , i forgot about a little little thing ..

IN THE NEXT VERSION OF THE MOD WE WILL (!!!) HAVE A NEW WALKER , the ed-209 , MADE BY SATNAV (with his permission) . Thanks to guys like him and the jezus you can go to play again on bf2142 ;) (that's why I've gone 4 cf2142 mod and tournament ..)


Hmmm, I can understand that it's not so good for you to make a mappack.

But thats also a problem for the public player.

They need to download every week the maps new.

I for myself wouldn't know if I really would do that so long ;)

I my opinion a public Version of you're mod would be better for everybody.

For the tournament you can change you're things like you want, but there's a public version that will not be updated every week but that would be more for normal CF player.

When I heard that, that I would need to change the map every week I wasn't more so good about that.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

ofcourse your right =)

we are thinking of a mappack for the normal players and we will bring some weeks later the updates like patches ...... but we have to discuss about it if this is douable for the modders ;) so just give us a while =)

and not you have to change it every week ;) just the tournemnt players ^^ for the saturday matches ;)

Bearbeitet von Turk_SeSo
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Ah ok, it sounds like all players are need to updated^^

Bearbeitet von Playalain

no ;)

as you maybe know we have a 8 hr´s battle every saturday where both armies are fighting each other

( you can join and leave the battel when ever you want but you have to be a part of the tournemnt ;) )

because we just need the current maps some of us delete the old maps and just keep the current maps ;)

when you want to play conflict "normal" and not with the tournement ( but you really sould try it =) ) than you not need to update every time the maps ;) just when the server got the update ^^

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

playalain don't worry . Hehe, you won't need to download every time the map ;)

Regarding the tournament , usually every new map it's more or less 70mb and you can dl it into a very fast server at maximum speed ; I have a 6megabit wireless line and I download at 560kb/sec on that server , it takes 2 minutes ;)

2:30 in total IF you want to put it into the map folder ..

Anyway , trying don't cost nothing ; you're ALL welcome and if you don't like it it's ok .

As posted before ON this friday we will have an OPEN DAY so dl the mod and play with us on the server ,it will be fun you will see by your hands , my word .



Bearbeitet von euronymous86x

eine mappack ist in arbeit

we are working on a mappack


Hi guys , I have a couple of news

This is the Battle 4 of 13 of the cf2142 tournament


Jan 19th Saturday







Operation Clean Sweep

Road To Jalalalabad

This will be sSs VS HRE

Server IP

Player setting

Players: 30 V 30

(All player earned upgrades will be on)

PASS = Ask your CO

Join us and you will be able to play with us on a lot of new maps and on the mod !!

And .... We will make another open day this week , friday : here 's the details

we start at 7 GMT - 10 GMT so 2EST - 5 EST , NO PASSWORD, JOIN TeamSpeak for help and we'll set you up .


es ist zwar alt da die hompage adresse nicht mehr stimmt ;)

aber hier könnt ihr euch ein bischen conflict anschauen =)


Wir haben nun ein BF2142 ranked server =)


Hey ihr

wenn ihr interesse daran habt .

Ich hab den Mod in der aktuellen Version auf unseren Server am laufen.

Unter diesen Link findet ihr alle Infos um den Mod bei euch zu installieren und zu testen.


Wenn er euch gefällt würden wir uns freuen wenn ihr euch mit zu dem Tournament meldet.

Wir als clan wollen da auch mit antreten

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