Underdog 4383 Melden Geschrieben 11. Januar 2012 (bearbeitet) Naja, Stalker ist ein Zugpferd. So oder so wird es wohl mit Sicherheit eine Fortsetzung geben. Alles mit dem man Geld machen kann wird schon nicht vergessen. Bearbeitet 11. Januar 2012 von Underdog
Gast D-M-A-G Melden Geschrieben 19. Januar 2012 (bearbeitet) Seit wann ist die Hp vom Stalker Invasion.Mod schon down? http://www.s-t-a-l-k-e-r.eu/ Haben die eine neue Hp? Bearbeitet 19. Januar 2012 von D-M-A-G
gekko434 1478 Melden Geschrieben 7. Februar 2012 http://www.moddb.com/mods/lost-alpha/videos Mal einige längere Ingame Szenen von der Lost Alpha Mod. Und ein Datum gibt es auch: Der Release ist 2012, Ende Februar wird es dann ein genaueres Datum geben.
Underdog 4383 Melden Geschrieben 26. April 2012 Stalker 2 ist nun doch endgültig gestorben. Aus die Maus: Offensichtlich fand sich kein Geldgeber, der sich erbarmt hätte, das Projekt "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2" aus dem Dreck zu ziehen. Nun ist die Entwicklung endgültig eingestellt, der ehemalige Publisher GSC Gameworld Pleite und ein Teil des Entwicklerteams hinter dem Spiel hat sich als Vostok Games selbstständig gemacht. ... Krawall.de
Necrofridge 963 Melden Geschrieben 26. April 2012 April 26 at 18:00 GMT+2 we will have a Q&A session with myself (Joe Mullin) and Oleg Yavorsky, regarding the new studio, the end of Stalker and of course Survarium! All Q&As will take place on the Survarium facebook page www.facebook.com/survarium and the Vostok Games twitter account www.twitter.com/vostokgames Der König ist tot, es lebe der König
gekko434 1478 Melden Geschrieben 31. März 2014 Hey leute, sagt mal, zahlt sichs eigentlich aus sich Stalker: Clear sky zu besorgen? Nee. Clear Sky ist ein dreister Witz. Und das sage ich als Stalker-Fan. Höchstens mal für 2,50 um sich vor Augen zu führen, warum das Studio nicht mehr existiert. - Das Spiel besteht zu über der Hälfte aus SoC Maps, und das sind die, auf denen mich sich die meiste Zeit bewegt und wurden zudem 0 verändert. Die meisten Untergrund Level wurden geschnitten. Es gibt nur 2 neue free roam Maps, die anderen sind Schlauchlevel, für die man höchstens 2 Stunden braucht. Auf der Rückseite der Verpackung wird von einem Level gesprochen, das es nie ins Spiel geschafft hat und auch nie nachgereicht wurde. Das ist schon maßgebend. - Die Story ist absolut behindert. Die Storyquests sind tot langweilig. Keine geile Yantar Missionen mehr. Kein Brain Scorcher. Kein Pripyat. Geh dahin, erfahre dies, geh dort hin, erfahre das, töte die Hunde. Ach ja, das "Finale" im CPP ist ein Witz. Mann braucht dafür keine 5min und man ist nur draußen. -Das Fraktionensystem ist total verbuggt und wurde auch nie gefixt. Im übrigen gibt es eigentlich keine "neuen" Fraktionen. Clear Sky ist man per default und deren Faktion War ist teil der Main Quest. Deren Gegner sind immer hostile. Stalker, Duty, Freedom gab es vorher auch schon. Monolith und Militär kann man sich nicht anschließen. Dafür sind Banditen eine "Fraktion". Das Fraktionensystem in SoC war besser ausgefeilt als bei CS. - Das Upgrade System für Waffen ist zwar eine gute Idee, aber völlig OP. Dadurch dass eine voll ausgebaute AK-74 besser ist als eine Stock F2000 ist und die Upgrades sauteuer sind benutzt man immer nur die selben Knarren. Wer mehr will muss grinden. - Es gab soweit ich weiß keinen einzigen Patch. Nicht, dass das Spiel irgendwie stable wär... Pro Tip: Um das Spiel in unter 4 Stunden durchzuspielen, hole dir eine Beretta M9 auf Präzision getrimmt und zwei G3, eines auf Präzision und eines auf Feuerrate. Verkaufe jede andere Waffe, die du findest, schieße dich mit der M9 durch jedes Level und benutze die beiden G3 nie. The End.
gekko434 1478 Melden Geschrieben 1. April 2014 (bearbeitet) Aber zumindest die angesprochenen Punkte über Maps und das Fraction War System kann man doch nicht abstreiten. Ich habe es vor ein paar Wochen wieder gespielt (mit Complete) und da sind mir all diese Punkte wieder aufgefallen. Wer die boxed Version hat: einfach mal auf der Rückseite schauen, wo von "neuen Leveln wie dem Pripyat Untergrund" gesprochen wird. Im Spiel wird auch erwähnt, dass man diesen erreichen solle, nur dass man nach der Krankenhaus Map sofort und ohne Erklärung beim NPP ist. Oder was mir auch ziemlich auf den Sack gegangen ist, sind die Lautsprecherpropaganda in der Freedom Basis, die viel zu laut und über fast die ganze Karte zu hören sind und die Atmosphäre völlig kaputt machen. Oder der Anfang auf Cordon mit dem MG, das einen immer entdeckt, egal was man tut, und die einzige Möglichkeit, daran vorbei zu kommen es ist, wegzurennen und dabei Medikits zu spammen. Ich mein, man muss das Spiel nur einmal spielen, um zu merken, dass sowas Mist ist. Es ist symptomatisch für CS, dass sowas einfach im Spiel gelassen wurde und auch nie gefixt wurde. Ich könnte mich Stunden über dieses Spiel aufregen, obwohl oder vielleicht gerade weil ich es so oft durchgespielt habe. Es ist auf jeden Fall das schwächste Spiel der Reihe. 80% des Contents sind identisch mit SoC, und diese 80% sind bei SoC besser gelungen (obwohl CS damals ein Vollpreisspiel war). Bearbeitet 1. April 2014 von gekko434
-D-mag- 459 Melden Geschrieben 5. April 2014 (bearbeitet) Schon mal das hier angetestet? Sky Reclamation Project 1.0.3a Description: The Sky Reclamation Project (SRP) is a community patch / unofficial patch to address bugs still present in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky after patch v1.5.10. The fixes in v1.0.3a are as follows: Crash fixes: + Fixed instability and savegame corruption in Limansk. + Fixed a crash due to a task identifier data overflow. + Fixed(?) a crash in Agroprom if Orest strays from his spot by the loner base window. + Fixed a crash in the Garbage if the flea market is attacked while the player has an active task from Wild Napr. + Fixed a crash upon entering the Garbage if the player took Yoga's task to kill Stringov, accepted Stringov's bribe, left Stringov alive, finished the task while Yoga was offline and did not loot Stringov's stash. + Fixed a crash in the Red Forest upon following one of Strelok's helpers into the ambush at the Witch Circle when the ambush squad has already been killed. + Fixed a possible all.spawn Army Warehouses waypoint crash when mutants attack the military base. + Fixed a crash upon the game attempting to assign a 'capture area' task to a non-existing squad. + Fixed a crash upon attempting to load or delete an already deleted savegame. Quest fixes: + Fixed Clear Sky's "Find a way to the Chernobyl NPP" task not completing. + Fixed the issue where the player could simultaneously do contradictory tasks for Yoga and Wild Napr. + Fixed Orest's tasks in Agroprom becoming available only on chance if the player kills the defensive bandit squad in the train tunnel before accepting Orest's request to do so. + Fixed Orest's "Destroy the mutant lair" task in Agroprom being activated only after the player has already killed most of the mutants which Orest assigned to be purged. + Fixed Freedom's "Eliminate the potential threat at the gas station" task being cancelled when the player completes the task. + Fixed Freedom's "Deliver ammo to the outpost" task being completed rather than cancelled when Chekhov informs the player that the outpost has been attacked. + Fixed Freedom's "Respond to the SOS signal" task being received and immediately failed whenever the player goes near the dead squad if the player initially fails the task. + Fixed Freedom's "Respond to the SOS signal" task being received and immediately completed after the player talks to the outpost commander if the player has already discovered the squad's fate. + Fixed Freedom's "Respond to the SOS signal" task sometimes failing to be assigned if the player enters the Dark Valley through the Cordon. + Fixed the issue where the player could bypass Freedom's "Respond to the SOS signal" task by leaving the Dark Valley before the Freedom outpost commander has finished speaking. + Fixed the Dark Valley task to "Find Freedom’s base" being received and immediately completed if the player has already found Freedom's base before the task becomes contemporary in the storyline. + Fixed the Dark Valley task to "Talk to the outpost commander" being received and immediately completed upon the player entering the Dark Valley if the player has already spoken to the outpost commander before receiving the task to find Fang. + Fixed the issue where the player could delay reception of the Agroprom "Talk to the outpost commander" task (and cancellation of the "Find the stalker group’s stash" task) by bypassing its space restrictor. + Fixed the Limansk "Find the generator" task failing to complete when the player deactivates the generator if the player rushes to the apartment building and climbs onto the roof before the squad leader has finished the dialog which assigns the task. + Fixed the Limansk "Return to the group commander" task failing to cancel when the player deactivates the generator if the player has not by then returned to speak with the squad commander. + Fixed the Limansk "Return to the group commander" task becoming available multiple times if the player moves outside of the squad commander's immediate proximity while he is speaking. + Fixed an onslaught of tasks being suddenly received and completed in the Abandoned Hospital if the player kills the sniper earlier than intended. + Fixed the issue where the player could break the storyline at Agroprom by leaving the map while the Duty outpost commander is speaking. + Fixed the storyline breaking if the player suppresses the Limansk military MG nest during the interval between receiving and completing the task to speak to the Clear Sky squad commander. + Fixed the storyline breaking if the player speaks to Forester before responding to the SOS signal in the Red Forest. Gameplay fixes: + Fixed erratic corpse cleanup behavior. + Fixed the broken artifact respawn timer. + Fixed a range of errors in Limansk NPC logic. + Fixed a range of errors in the Red Forest bridge ambush squad logic. + Fixed the issue where NPCs would sometimes fail to turn hostile or friendly to the player when they should. + Fixed a range of circumstances in which Yoga's logic would break, causing all subsequent tasks from him to become unavailable. + Fixed a range of circumstances in which Vasyan's logic would break, forcing the player to kill him to advance the storyline. + Fixed the issue where Hound would break his 'hostage stance' when the player comes within speaking distance of him. He is supposed to remain braced until the player gives him a weapon. + Fixed the issue where the player's weapon would sometimes be intermittently holstered during a firefight at a faction base despite being an enemy to the current residents of the base. + Fixed the issue where the bandit base gate would get closed and locked when the base is assaulted even if it is not captured by bandits. + Fixed the issue where the player could not drag and drop objects with the SEVA suit equipped. + Fixed the issue where important characters would not disappear when they are supposed to during a raid on their base either by the player or another faction. + Fixed the script bugs causing the sudden deaths of Drifter and Hound and made some important characters invulnerable to prevent their accidental demise. + Fixed the Dark Valley mercenary base tunnel detonating prematurely if the player wanders behind the deserted factory before receiving the task to purge the base. + Fixed the Dark Valley mercenary base tunnel detonating after it should have already gone out of commission if the player enters the relevant space restrictor for the first time only after the reward dialog with Chekhov. + Fixed the issue with the first Clear Sky 'return item' task where the Makarov PM on the soldier's corpse is not actually "modified" despite the task description clearly stating that it is. + Fixed the issue with the Army Warehouses 'return item' task where multiple Flame artifacts would be taken from the player for completion of the task if the player is in possession of more than one Flame artifact upon returning to the task-giver. + Fixed the issue with the Army Warehouses 'return item' task where multiple boxes of 7.62x54 mm 7N1 rounds would be taken from the player for completion of the task if the player is in possession of more than one box of 7.62x54 mm 7N1 rounds upon returning to the task-giver. + Fixed the issue with the Army Warehouses 'return item' task where multiple Meat Chunk artifacts would be taken from the player for completion of the task if the player is in possession of more than one Meat Chunk artifact upon returning to the task-giver. + Fixed the issue where ammunition would not aggregate into full boxes in the inventory, making its transference to a container tedious and providing a profitable exploit for 'bring ammo' tasks. + Fixed the issue where the Duty outpost commander at Agroprom would be flagged as an important character even after he has become functionally generic. + Fixed a multitude of info_portion and texture related console errors. + Fixed armor descriptions pertaining to artifact containers and upgrade possibilities. + Corrected the mesh, name, icon and description for the several varieties of 7.62x54 mmR ammunition. + Assigned unique names to some quest weapons and armors that were missing them. + Fixed the Abandoned Hospital not having a map in the PDA. + Fixed global dialog, ui and pda message text errors. + Fixed some broken stashes. Dialog fixes: + Fixed the issue where Drifter would not offer any reward after the player saves him from dogs. He should offer a stash info which contains the third Cordon flash drive: 'electronic stabilization system for shotguns'. + Fixed a glitch which would allow the player to use a guide's services even if the player couldn't afford it, potentially leading to a situation where the player has negative money. + Fixed the exploit with the Forester 'Compass' artifact submission dialog where the player could repeatedly break the dialog before being told the space anomaly coordinates and then re-enter it to receive the reward (a VSS Vintorez) again and again an endless amount of times. + Fixed the issues in the Cordon where the player could pay the stalker squad on the hill (a) multiple times for their assistance in dealing with the vehicle station military squad and (b) even after dealing with the military squad without the stalker squad's assistance. + Fixed the Uncle Yar dialog succeeding the completion of the night bloodsucker task where the player could only reply to Yar's greeting with a prompt "Bye." + Fixed the issues with the Professor Sakharov dialog where (a) he would ask the player to go see Lefty even after the player has restarted the cooling device and (b) the player could ask for information about zombie attacks even after perpetually terminating them. + Fixed the issue where the player could ask Major Zvyagintsev about Mitay even before meeting Mitay. + Fixed the branching of some Duty member dialogs in Agroprom. Weapon fixes: + Fixed all inferable errors and inconsistencies in the weapon upgrade system. + Fixed the misaligned ironsight positions of all weapons in the game. + Synchronized the depth of field effect that occurs whenever a weapon is reloaded with each weapon's unique reload animation. For details, see "Weapon Reload DOF Changes". + Synchronized the bore and reload sounds of all weapons in the game. + Added a sound for the second bore animation of the following weapons: G36, L85, LR-300, MP5, SG 550. Graphical fixes: + Fixed bullet tracers not being displayed in DX10/10.1 mode. + Made camo nets and fences visible on ATI/AMD based graphics cards. + Replaced the inventory icons of the PM, PB, RPG-7, AKS-74U and the exoskeleton to match their in-game appearance. + The correct HUD arm texture is now displayed for the Sunrise Suit, SEVA Suit and the Bandit Jacket. + Fixed the HUD bleeding icon being misaligned in widescreen mode. + Fixed the misaligned border on secondary task map spots. + Disabled the annoying, redundant flashing diskette icon appearing on screen every now and then. + Fixed misaligned UI elements in the options menu. Sound fixes: + Fixed the final portion of General Krylov's briefing dialog with the player being cut off following his walkie-talkie conversation with Sergeant Cheersov. + Fixed Father Valerian's invitation to join the stalkers playing on top of Sidorovich's 'thank you' audio upon returning the latter his case with the loot. + Fixed Sidorovich's voice sometimes being randomly heard in the vicinity of the rookie village at the Cordon. + Fixed the Duty outpost commander's audio transmission being initiated mid-sentence upon the player's first arrival at Agroprom. + Fixed Lebedev's audio transmission being initiated mid-sentence upon the player's first arrival in the Red Forest. + Fixed the overlapping audio during the initial cutscene in the Abandoned Hospital. + Fixed Professor Beanpolev's overlapping greeting audios. + Fixed unlit campfires emitting a burning sound. Readme File: ==================================== About the Sky Reclamation Project: ==================================== The Sky Reclamation Project (SRP) is a community patch to address bugs which remain in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky after the official patch v1.5.10. All game content in the core patch has been kept original to the best of our ability. If you have a question to ask, or if you want to provide feedback, please drop by the project thread at the following URL: http://www.gsc-game.com/main.php?t=community&s=forums&s_game_type=xr2&thm_page=1&thm_id=20140&page=1&sort=ASC&sec_id=22 ==================================== Installation: ==================================== Before proceeding, please ensure that your game is updated with the latest official patch with version number 1.5.10. If you are unsure whether this is the case, launch the game and check the lower left corner of the main menu. It should read: "ver. 1.5.10". Also, if playing the Steam version of the game, please verify the integrity of your game cache before proceeding. 1.) Extract the contents of the archive, in which you found this readme, to your S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky root directory. For retail users, this is usually C:/Program Files (x86)/Deep Silver/S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Clear Sky/. For Steam users, it is usually C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/stalker clear sky/. If you already have mods installed, you will need to merge any overlapping files. If you do not already have mods installed, you may ignore the previous sentence. 2.) If you are using a widescreen display, overwrite the core SRP 'gamedata' folder with the 'gamedata' folder located in the 'widescreen patch' folder. If you are not using a widescreen display, please ignore this step. 3.) Install any desired optional features by overwriting the core SRP 'gamedata' folder with the 'gamedata' folder located in the directory of the optional feature you wish to install. The only exceptions to this installation method are the 'Inject SMAA' and 'Inject FXAA' features, whose installation instructions can be found in a separate readme file inside each feature's directory. Optional features can be installed at any point in the game, except in the case of the 'Reduced Grenade Spam' feature, which will take effect only after starting a new game. Multiple optional features can be installed on top of each other and the main patch with no adverse consequences, except in the case of (i) the 'Inject SMAA' and 'Inject FXAA' features, which must not be installed on top of each other; (ii) the 'Smaller Inventory Grids' feature, which must not be installed on top of the 'Transparent Inventory + Smaller Inventory Grids' feature; and (iii) the 'Feasible Sneaking' and 'Restored Pistol Ironsights' features, which must not be installed on top of the 'Alternative Ballistics' feature. Consult the documentation entitled 'Optional Features' for more information on each feature, including recommendations for players unsure of which features to use. ==================================== Is a new game required? ==================================== Yes, unless you are migrating from SRP v1.0.3. ==================================== Issues addressed in total: ==================================== See the file description above. ==================================== Optional additional features: ==================================== + Sleeping bag. + Deadlier weapons. + Smaller crosshair. + Real weapon names. + Feasible sneaking. + Reduced grenade spam. + Easier Cordon machine gun. + Re-enabled pistol ironsights. + NPCs do not toss weapons upon death. + Less frequent / disabled emissions. + Disabled developer startup videos. + Less frustrating faction wars. + Superior SSAO implementation. + Optimized AA implementation. + Smaller inventory grids. + Transparent inventory. ==================================== Gameplay tips: ==================================== + Save frequently. + Make a separate named savegame before entering Limansk: you will not be able to return to the earlier levels after you go there. + Keep the "use" key pressed down when approaching corpses to display the names of any tossed weapons in the vicinity of the corpse. + Double-clicking usable inventory items is a convenient shortcut to right-clicking them and selecting "use this" from the droplist. + Pressing the "SHIFT" keyboard button is a convenient shortcut to loot everything from a container or corpse. + Press the "K" keyboard button to order a nearby friendly squad, currently on standby, to attack. + Unload the magazines of any weapons you have looted before selling them: contained ammo does not get factored into the selling price. + Quick-quit the game conveniently at any time from the main menu by pressing the "Q" keyboard button. ==================================== Troubleshooting: ==================================== If you have problems running the game, please make sure of the following: + Your computer meets all the hardware requirements. + Your drivers are up to date. + Your game is patched to version 1.5.10. + Your game is legally purchased and you are not using a crack of any kind. + You have validated your game cache if running the Steam version of the game. + You have shut down all unnecessary applications before running the game. (This includes monitoring / overlay programs like MSI Afterburner.) + You have installed the SRP correctly and are not running any other modifications --OR-- you are confident that your other modifications are merged correctly with the SRP and that they do not cause instability. If you have made sure of the items on the check-list and still experience problems, check that you do not have "Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2670838)" installed. If you do have it installed, uninstall it -- it is known to cause problems with Clear Sky. Still have trouble? Make a post on the official GSC forum, here: http://www.gsc-game.com/main.php?t=community&s=forums&s_game_type=xr2&sec_id=19. The forum members are very helpful and knowledgeable and will usually reply within a day or two. ==================================== Bugs & annoyances still in the game: ==================================== Annoyances: - The player cannot push NPCs but NPCs can -- and frequently do -- push the player. - Unlike other guides, the Garbage depot bandit guide can only lead the player to a few select locations like the flea market if the bandits take it over. Bugs: - Strelok sometimes falls off a platform at the NPP, making the game unfinishable. - Tasks sometimes get cancelled upon loading a savegame. - Emissions sometimes break active tasks and NPC logic. - NPCs sometimes get stuck in an alerted state. - The bridge to Limansk in the Red Forest does not align properly when lowered, which in rare cases causes NPCs to never reach the other side. - The faction war is sometimes interrupted indefinitely by squads ceasing to advance or capture a checkpoint. - Artifacts sometimes spawn underground, making them unattainable. - Weapon scope zoom upgrades are 'forgotten' when another upgrade is installed over them, or when the player reloads a savegame - the new scope zoom value does not persist. - Non-critical NPCs sometimes die in safe camps for no apparent reason. - Dynamic music sometimes persists even after a battle is over and only stops upon reloading a savegame or upon being disabled via the options menu. - Ambient music sometimes gets cut off or fails to loop until the player creates a savegame or loads a previous savegame. - A few containers can be accessed only by pointing the crosshair at a very specific point on their surface. Every container has at least one such point, but locating it can be a chore in a few cases. - The player's HUD arm texture, along with the player's third-person character model, reverts back to the default (leather jacket) texture upon reloading a savegame. - The reward money in secondary task tooltips sometimes fails to update when the player has multiple outstanding rewards from a faction. - The emission timer text is wonky - the tooltip might display 5 hr. even when the map spot says that 21 minutes remain until an emission. - Weapon attachment icons on primary weapons are misaligned in the inventory slot under widescreen mode. - The wet surfaces feature is broken: stripes appear on vertical surfaces such as walls and pillars. - Corpse dots sometimes fail to appear on the minimap. - The spoken dialogs of some NPCs occasionally overlap. - At least one (Red Forest) waypoint crash remains in the game (the name in the second set of square brackets may vary): FATAL ERROR [error]Expression : vertex || show_restrictions(m_object) [error]Function : CPatrolPathManager::select_point [error]File : E:/priquel/sources/engine/xrGame/patrol_path_manager.cpp [error]Line : 155 [error]Description : any vertex in patrol path [red_smart_terrain_6_3_artefact_walker_1_walk] is inaccessible for object [sim_default_stalker_32778] ==================================== Changes since v1.0.2: ==================================== v1.0.3a + Fixed all remaining unsynchronized weapon animations and sounds. - Decane ~ Slightly increased the crosshair's length and maximum radius when using the optional smaller crosshair feature. - Decane ------------------------------------------------------- v1.0.3 + Fixed some misaligned UI elements in the options menu. - Decane + Fixed bullet tracers not being displayed in DX10/10.1 mode. - Gosuke + Fixed the Abandoned Hospital not having a map in the PDA. - Decane + Fixed the branching of some Duty member dialogs in Agroprom. - Decane + Fixed the issue where the player could ask Major Zvyagintsev about Mitay even before meeting Mitay. - Decane + Fixed the game crashing due to a task identifier data overflow: ! [LUA][ERROR] ERROR: You are saving too much. - IG2007 + Fixed(?) a crash in Agroprom due to a bad space restrictor conflicting with Orest's patrol path: [error]Description : any vertex in patrol path [agr_stalker_leader_walk] is inaccessible for object [agr_stalker_base_leader]. - Decane + Fixed a crash in the Garbage if the flea market is attacked while the player has an active task from Wild Napr: ! [LUA][ERROR] ERROR: wrong target for storyline quest: logic@work5,gar_smart_terrain_6_3. - Decane + Fixed Lebedev's audio transmission being initiated mid-sentence upon the player's first arrival in the Red Forest. - Decane + Fixed the Duty outpost commander's audio transmission being initiated mid-sentence upon the player's first arrival at Agroprom. - Decane + Fixed the issue where the Duty outpost commander at Agroprom would be flagged as an important character even after he has become functionally generic. - Decane + Fixed the final portion of General Krylov's briefing dialog with the player being cut off following his walkie-talkie conversation with Sergeant Cheersov. - Decane + Fixed Orest's tasks in Agroprom becoming available only on chance if the player kills the defensive bandit squad in the train tunnel before accepting Orest's request to do so. - Decane + Fixed Orest's "Destroy the mutant lair" task in Agroprom being activated only after the player has already killed most of the mutants which Orest assigned to be purged. - Decane + Fixed the issue where the player could break the storyline at Agroprom by leaving the map while the Duty outpost commander is speaking. - Decane + Fixed the issue where the player could delay reception of the Agroprom "Talk to the outpost commander" task (and cancellation of the "Find the stalker groupâ��s stash" task) by bypassing its space restrictor. - Decane + Fixed the issue where the player could bypass Freedom's "Respond to the SOS signal" task by leaving the Dark Valley before the Freedom outpost commander has finished speaking. - Decane + Fixed the Dark Valley task to "Talk to the outpost commander" being received and immediately completed upon the player entering the Dark Valley if the player has already spoken to the outpost commander before receiving the task to find Fang. - Decane + Fixed the Dark Valley task to "Find Freedomâ��s base" being received and immediately completed if the player has already found Freedom's base before the task becomes contemporary in the storyline. - Decane + Fixed Freedom's "Respond to the SOS signal" task being received and immediately completed after the player talks to the outpost commander if the player has already discovered the squad's fate. - Decane + Fixed Freedom's "Respond to the SOS signal" task sometimes failing to be assigned if the player enters the Dark Valley through the Cordon. - Decane + Fixed Freedom's "Deliver ammo to the outpost" task being completed rather than cancelled when Chekhov informs the player that the outpost has been attacked. - Decane + Fixed the Dark Valley mercenary base tunnel detonating prematurely if the player wanders behind the deserted factory before receiving the task to purge the base. - Decane + Fixed the Dark Valley mercenary base tunnel detonating after it should have already gone out of commission if the player enters the relevant space restrictor for the first time only after the reward dialog with Chekhov. - Decane + Fixed a range of circumstances in which Vasyan's logic would break, forcing the player to kill him to advance the storyline. - Decane + Fixed the sender name and avatar of the PDA message that is played if the player kills Vasyan and loots his corpse to find out where Fang has gone. - Decane + Added sender information (avatar, faction, name) to Lingov's and Chekhov's audio transmissions to the player. - Decane + Fixed the misaligned border on secondary task map spots in both 4:3 mode and widescreen mode. - Decane + Fixed NPCs sometimes saying dialogs inappropriate to their faction or current location. - Decane + Fixed Sidorovich's voice sometimes being randomly heard in the vicinity of the rookie village at the Cordon (for real this time). - Decane + Incorporated the Dunin Ammo Aggregation mod to ease inventory management and prevent the player from being able to complete 'bring ammo' tasks with ammunition boxes that are all only a fraction full. - IG2007 + Fixed the few remaining instances of NPCs not turning friendly or hostile to the player when they should. - Decane + Fixed the SEVA suit using the "Bulat" armored suit's HUD arm texture; it now has its own unique texture, ported from Call of Pripyat. - Decane + Added a unique name and description for 7.62x54 mmR 7N1 sniper ammunition and fixed its icon. - Decane, TKGP + Added a unique mesh and icon for PKM ammunition, ported from Call of Pripyat. - Decane + Fixed all misaligned weapon upgrade trees. - Decane + Fixed all remaining inferable errors and inconsistencies in the weapon upgrade system. - Decane + Adjusted some weapon reload DOF durations to more precisely synchronize with the termination of the weapon's reload animation. - Decane + Fixed the out-of-sync PKM reload sound. - dDefinder + (Optional) Rebalanced all weapons. - Decane + (Optional) Made sneaking feasible. - Decane + (Optional) Reduced the frequency of emissions. - Decane + (Optional) Added Inject SMAA v1.2 to provide a performance-efficient anti-aliasing implementation for users whose computer lacks the power to run Multi-Sampling Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) at a satisfactory framerate. - Andrej Dudenhefner + (Optional) Added Inject FXAA to provide a performance-efficient anti-aliasing implementation for users whose computer lacks the power to run Multi-Sampling Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) at a satisfactory framerate. - some dude + Improved the implementation of the Yoga task and logic fixes introduced in SRP v1.0.2. - Decane + Fixed the eyesores which were (a) the border of Scar's avatar and (b) the border of Scar's faction icon in the upper right corner of the inventory screen when using the optional transparent inventory feature. - Decane + Separated the "Safety:" and "Duration:" texts in the sleep dialog box from the background texture to prevent them from stretching into ugly mush with higher resolutions when using the optional sleeping bag feature. - Decane + Fixed several erroneous or imprecise entries in the optional real weapon names feature. - MrSeyker, NatVac, Decane - Removed Wolf's contingent invulnerability because it was not working as it was supposed to. - Removed the outdated "Weapon Upgrade System Notes" documentation from the archive. As of this SRP release, the weapon upgrade system has undergone so many corrections that maintaining a record is no longer viable. - Removed Gosuke Weapon Mod 4: it does not belong in the SRP. For a complete version history, including credits for earlier versions, please download the Sky Reclamation Project and consult the unabridged readme. SRP GSC-G Forum Thread: http://www.gsc-game.com/index.php?t=community&s=forums&s_game_type=xr2&thm_page=1&thm_id=20140&page=1&sort=ASC&sec_id=22 SRP 1.0.3a Download: http://www.gamefront.com/files/files/23787887/srp_v1.0.3a.zip Gibt es auch für SoC: http://www.metacognix.com/stlkrsoc/ Bearbeitet 9. April 2014 von D-mag