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Was mich bei diesen Ami Paket für die Panzer am meisten aufregt ist das die Dinger egal wie man sie auf den Panzer wirft nie obenauf liegen bleiben. Bei den Paketen von den Briten funktioniert das einwandfrei.....

Die 'Pakete' der Briten sind auch Sticky-Bombs und die, wie ihr Name es schon vermuten lässt, kleben eben an Allem was sie berühren, auch an Personen. :lol:


er meint wrsl die stachel-charges oder?

er meint wrsl die stachel-charges oder?

genau, aber wirklich haargenau DIE :D

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
As I said before, you should write/announce something like this before just dumping an uncommented picture into a thread.

If I choose to do,or not to do something

I carefully think about it before,and make a decision,based on any previous experiences in that certain field

I could say I chose not to write anything,because as you said "this is a German website" and I have much experience in conversing with Germans in text and in Teamspeak,and know how things are easily misinterprited

Or I could say that I took your comment about posting a description,which i did here


But it seemed the individual who repied,was totally incapeable of understanding my comments about modding

Or I could say that seeing that certain staff here are so ****ing good at taking pics of my work from another site,and posting their own assumptions without consenting me or checking the FACTS

Not once


But twice


Then maybe they should write a ****ing description :daumenrunter:

Bearbeitet von Devilman
If I choose to do,or not to do something

I carefully think about it before,and make a decision,based on any previous experiences in that certain field

I could say I chose not to write anything,because as you said "this is a German website" and I have much experience in conversing with Germans in text and in Teamspeak,and know how things are easily misinterprited

Or I could say that I took your comment about posting a description,which i did here


But it seemed the individual who repied,was totally incapeable of understanding my comments about modding

Now come, you posted this after the proverbial baby had already fallen into the well. My point is: if you had posted this with the picture from the start, then no one would have said anything bad. Least of all me.

Or I could say that seeing that certain staff here are so fuckinging good at taking pics of my work from another site,and posting their own assumptions without consenting me or checking the FACTS

Not once


But twice


Then maybe they should write a fuckinging description :daumenrunter:

Oh but they did, both those news came with the mentioning of your name and what you did for AIX, respective your own modding, they always use correct quotes and link back to the origin of the news.

I don't see how the one relates to the other. And knowing the seriousness with which the people on this site report, I bet you could have had a correction anytime something was wrongly portrayed in a news. Just post them a PM, they/we're Germans, not fucking morons or imbeciles as you might believe...

Oh and welcome to Germany where you are free to swear as much as you like no need for stars... verdammte Scheisse nochmal.

PS: Do you believe that news-sites need to collect the rights from moders to report about their mods?

Oh and welcome to Germany where you are free to swear as much as you like no need for stars... verdammte Scheisse nochmal.

I did not use stars,as you say

They came up automatically,i guess do the the sites swear filter (correct me if i am wrong)

look ...****ING


I guess it's something on your end, when I type nothing happens: fucked fucking fuck

But anyhow that's not the point, iirc you were referring to the answer kett gave you and that's just the common answer I found over the web regarding modding for BF2142. Yes it is superior to BF2 in many aspects , but unluckily it is also the unloved stepchild of the series with very low player-numbers. See First Strike. that mod deserves to be played and has imho more love in it (if that is even possible) than FH2, but lingers around with 40 something people because the base from which to draw players is just too small.

I guess it's something on your end, when I type nothing happens: ****ed ****ing ****

Yes,but you are a moderator here,and on some sites moderators are exempt from certain site rules and guidelines

Just like how your edited post above,doesnt show edited by...and when... ,as it did for me

Yes,but you are a moderator here,and on some sites moderators are exempt from certain site rules and guidelines

Just like how your edited post above,doesnt show edited by...and when... ,as it did for me

Ok, that could be the case. Sorry.

PS: Do you believe that news-sites need to collect the rights from moders to report about their mods?

I believe that if news-sites take a few minutes of their time to politely ask a modder

They will gain respect from that modder

Just like Bastian recently did here


Then I/the modder can give the news-sites some unassumed information and true facts

Just like I recently did here


Somehow N24Reporter,I get the impression,that you havent done much modding

If you have,can I plaese see some pics or vids of your work

Dont worry, I wont make a news post,without first consulting with you to verify the facts

PS...This site says that there are currently 324 people playing BF2142 online.not "around with 40 something people"

as you posted earlier..(Game minitor shows more)


Geht es hier immer noch um sein gemoddeten Screen? Würde mich mal über ein paar neue FH2 Screens freuen.

Geht es hier immer noch um sein gemoddeten Screen? Würde mich mal über ein paar neue FH2 Screens freuen.

OK,back on topic



Die Büchse der Pandorra ist geöffnet in Deckuuuung :trollface:

Somehow N24Reporter,I get the impression,that you havent done much modding

If you have,can I plaese see some pics or vids of your work

Dont worry, I wont make a news post,without first consulting with you to verify the facts

PS...This site says that there are currently 324 people playing BF2142 online.not "around with 40 something people"

as you posted earlier..(Game minitor shows more)

I have never modded before and that is not the point of our discussion here. I know that you can mod and are good at it, but I just wanted to point out how you could make yourself a few more friends while doing the good work you do. And yes I agree it would be nice if news-sites could ask for updates and interviews, but it's a give and take on that part.

My reference on the 40 something people was for the BF2142 Mod First Strike. At this moment that mod can draw from the 324 people that are currently playing BF2142 and has exactly 0 people playing.

Compare this to the 7000 playing BF2 at the moment (Game-Monitor no guarantee on how actual this number is) and the 45 and something players playing FH2 just now.

Let's do something really stupid and scale down the numbers. 45/7000=0.0064 or 0.64% this would give us 0.64% of 324 player which means 2.1players for FH2 on BF2142 at this time (Noon in Europe).

None of these numbers are truly representative and I know that as much as anyone else here, but they do warrant Kett's reply as to 'no one plays BF2142'.

You are being very defensive and that's ok, but just please comment the pics when you drop them. I imagine the first news for example would have been written completely different, would you have posted the bit about doing this for yourself, and not wanting to release it, with the screens or a bit earlier after Punkbusters question on that topic in the bfeditor forums.


@ N24Reporter

I think our little discussion is going off topic

Feel free to make a new thread and we can continue our discussion there,if you want

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