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Waffen - Rätsel II

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Jo, er hatte es^^

...sorry,war wohl etwas zu voreilig :puuuh:


USA stimmt , der Rest nicht so .

Bearbeitet von Zather
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das ist ein MK 60 (CAPTOR) leichtes torpedo

Luft wassser oder Wasser wasser

reichweite 8000 yards

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laut meinen quellen net...

Primary Function Air and ship-launched lightweight torpedo

Contractor Alliant Techsystems

Power Plant Two-speed, reciprocating external combustion;

Mono-propellant (Otto fuel II) fueled

Length 102.36 in. tube launch configuration (from ship) 145 inches (368 centimeters) - Aircraft / Ship laid

132 inches (335 centimeters) Submarine laid

Diameter 12.75 inches

21 inches (53 centimeters) Aircraft / Ship laid

21 inches (53 centimeters) Submarine laid

Weight 517.65 lbs (warshot configuration)

2370 pounds (1077 kilograms) Air / Ship laid

2056 pounds (935 kilograms) Submarine laid

Range 8,000 yards

Depth Greater than 1,200 ft (365.76 meters)

Officially: "Up to 3000 feet (914 meters)"

Speed Greater than 28 knots (32.2 mph, 51.52 kph)

Detection System Reliable acoustic path (RAP) sound propagation

Guidance System Homing mode - Active or passive/active acoustic homing

Launch/search mode - Snake or circle search

Warhead 98 lbs. of PBXN-103 high explosive (bulk charge)

Date Deployed 1979

So edit:

noch n bild wie das teil funktioniert


Bearbeitet von liehnatas
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ihr habt beide recht, da die MK.60 Mine keine herkömliche Mine ist die selbst explodiert sondern nen Torpedo aufs feindliche U-Boot losläst.

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Das steht da aber auch :

The Mk 60 CAPTOR is the US Navy's only deep water mine. The MK-60 CAPTOR, one of the Navy's primary anti submarine weapons, is actually a deepwater moored torpedo launcher. Mine Mk 60 is a sophisticated anti-submarine warfare (ASW) moored mine which is designed to detect and classify submarines and release a modified Torpedo Mk 46 to acquire and attack submerged targets only. This deep water mine is designed to be laid by aircraft or submarine, and is anchored to the ocean floor. The mine utilizes an influence firing device and is able to classify passing submarines. Its acoustic detection system is designed to seek hostile submarines, ignoring surface craft and friendly submarine acoustic signatures. The weapon lies dormant until a target is detected, at which time the torpedo swims out of its capsule to attack and destroy its target. As in other mines, the Mk 60 incorporates an arming-delay. The MK-60 can be deployed by air, submarine, or surface ship.

This weapon was developed by the Mine Division of the Naval Ordnance Laboratory, which is now located at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, Coastal Systems Station, Panama City, Florida. Because it can be converted to have some operational capability in littoral waters, a modification to CAPTOR is being considered as one of the options for the Littoral Sea Mine (LSM) program.


Das Foto zeigte eine Mk 60 Captor , das hat lienatas ja richtig gelöst , die MK 60 ist aber eine Mine/startvorrichtung

für ein Mark 46 Torpedo , das war auf dem Foto nicht drauf , also kein Torpedo .

Bearbeitet von Zather
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Die M249 SAW kommt nicht aus den USA sondern aus Belgien.

Die wird weder von Browning oder Colt hergstellt sondern von FN (Fabrique Nationale).

Und hatt nur 5,56mm*45mm Nato Munition.

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