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Project Reality 0.75 kommt

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Is ok, wenn man vor Aufregung nasse Pfötchen bekommt? :huh:


Bearbeitet von KwanzaBot
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Auf der PR seite steht etwas, wenn auch nicht viel:

Question: What can we expect in the new patch?

Answer: It's basically just bugfixes and gameplay fixes. There are lots of things that will be changed greatly improving the gameplay.

Question: When 0.8 rolls around will there be more open area combat or urban city combat?

Answer: v0.8 will have a large focus on maps, and yes there will be plenty more urban city combat.

Question: Have you found a solution for the M14 inaccuracy?

Answer: Yes, all DM/Sniper rifles have had their accuracy/deviation fixed.

Question: Are you planning on making more buildings where players can garrison troops? Are you planning on making more destructible buildings?

Answer: As far as enterable buildings...I have it from a good source (me) that there will be alot alot alot of enterable buildings in the next release.. One map in particular will have nearly a 100 percent enterable buildings.. players should be able to hide anywhere their little hearts desire..

As for destructibles. we have a fixed limit of 1024 objects which can contain network information per each level in bf2, so that is our fixed limit.

Project Reality v0.75 Patch Update

Behind the scenes, our work continues more vigorously than ever as we endeavor to iron out the kinks in Project Reality v0.7 with our upcoming 0.75 patch due sometime in February. As promised, a server side only fix was released last week to server administrators that fixed a number of major issues, such as the commander asset bug. For a complete breakdown of changes, visit here in the forums.

Be sure to stay tuned in to the Project Reality website for more updates and news on the upcoming Project Reality v0.75 patch.

-The Project Reality Team



Bearbeitet von Saipher
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jo wurde heute nachgereicht

nur ich verstehe nicht warum kein release??

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Die hier zitierte Nachricht steht dort schon lange. Wurde auch nicht editiert soweit ich das sehe.

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sry, aber interview habe ich die letzten 2 tage nicht gesehen

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Dann mussu mehr schlafen ^^ Das, was da steht, ist der Mitschnitt aus dem XFire Chat. Alter Käse so zu sagen.

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das steht da schon seit anfang februar deshalb steht ja auch im text das sie wahrscheinlich im februar .75 releasen wollen was aber wohl nicht geklappt hat bisher

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naja, hin oder her, Wir werden sehen :high:

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endlich, war komisch diesmal, und jetzt ab zum Bergsteigen :yiiiiha:

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Gast WhiskeyCobra

Ich hab erst pr v.0.7 gelöscht

aber wenn ich die version seh dann installiers ich wieder

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Ich hau hier einfach mal das Changelog von Patch 0.75 rein.

Ein paar Sachen werden wohl großen Einfluß haben.

Ich denke da an den Blackscreen, der verhindert, nach dem virtuelle Tod noch Feinbewegungen zu melden.

schade, dass die Flashbangs jetzt reduziert sind. Wer hat die denn jetzt eigentlich noch?

Die wieder hinzugefügte "heat signature" bei den kleinen Helis wird sicher einige zum Fluchen verleiten.

Ich hab da noch ne allgemeine Frage. Was ist denn nun der relevante Unterschied zwischen Slugshot und Buckshot Shotguns? Kann mir da mal wer auf die Beine helfen?

Project Reality 0.75 Patch:

* Added new player-specific message system

* Added black screen when dead or critically wounded

* Added new suppression effect

* Added new bleed out (near death) effect

* Added new map: bi ming (day)

* Added new map: operation archer

* Added context-sensitive communication menu when using field dressings, the medic bag, ammo bags, mines, shock paddles or the shovel

* Added PR tips to loading screens

* Players that kill 3 civilians in a 10 minute interval are killed ("arrested")

* In Insurgency only up to 3 weapons caches exist in the game world at any time

* Added deviation model to grenades. Also lowered throw distance and raised timer

* Lowered deviation when moving using pistols

* Gave carbine rifles to crewman kits where available (China, MEC, US)

* Added ammo bag to the rifleman(optics) and to the militia scout kit

* Removed ammo bag from automatic rifleman

* Added shovel to anti-tank kit

* Added new iron sites for most handheld iron sites weapons

* Added silenced pistol, grappling hook and C4 to special operations kit

* Removed flashbangs from officer and special operations kit

* Replaced pistols from anti-tank kits with rifles (2+1 mags)

* Added slugshot shotgun to engineers as secondary weapon for door breaching. Moved the mines to the 9th slot

* Added trip flare to marksman kit

* Added Molotov cocktails to insurgent AA and RPG

* Removed AK47 from insurgent AA

* Added a delay to use for all stationary and vehicle weapons

* Jeeps and IFVs can drop small ammo boxes now

* Added smoke launcher batteries to tanks and IFVs. They have 3 sets of smoke bombs and 60 seconds reload time between each one

* Removed missile lock warning tone from all armored vehicles

* Added heat signature and flares back to light helicopters

* Flare launcher reload time is 90 seconds and starts after all flares were deployed

* Laser targets stay in the world for up to 30 seconds

* Commander assets can be built within 50m of two supply crates

* There can't be more than one bunker or fire base in a 200m area

* Added repair ability to the command post

* Replaced deployable AA gun with deployable AA missile system

* Added demolish order and mine field marker to commander right-click menu on the Caps-Lock map

Ich geh mal ne Runde "testen". :yiiiiha:

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