meinereiner 156 Melden Geschrieben 23. Juni 2008 sag mal nookie^^ bist du mit absicht so oder einfach zu doof um zu kapieren das es hier um den eventuell bald kommenden bf2 patch geht und nicht um dein dc oder dcon oder was auch immer?
TanteEmma 1436 Melden Geschrieben 23. Juni 2008 Battlefield 2 celebrates its three year anniversary On this day three years ago, Battlefield 2 was released and still remains one of the most played PC FPS titles. With over 15 million player accounts being created since release, Battlefield 2 is still going strong. On the forums we often see discussions about whether there will ever be another update for the game. Well, today we are happy to announce that we are working on an update for Battlefield 2. We are planning to provide an open beta in the near future and we hope you’ll give us your feedback before final release; so watch out for that. Keep an eye on for information on what we are working on, release dates and don’t forget to visit our forums. In the mean time Battlefield Bad Company is released worldwide this week and we expect it will keep you occupied while we work on the update. -End of Transmission- Regards, DICE Live team
wolfi 8 Melden Geschrieben 23. Juni 2008 (bearbeitet) Gibts fuer Desert Conflict keinen gscheiten Mirror -.- Da kann man mit 2,5 Mb/s laden und dann kommt da son Mirror mit 200 kb/s Zockt sowieso keiner und einen Singleplayer haben die glaub ich auch nicht wirklich.. Aber damit ich mal was zum Thema beitrage Yeah, bin gespannt was der Patch dann mitbringt. Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt. Bearbeitet 23. Juni 2008 von wolfi
-=Punkbuster=- 166 Melden Geschrieben 23. Juni 2008 Battlefield 2 celebrates its three year anniversary On this day three years ago, Battlefield 2 was released and still remains one of the most played PC FPS titles. With over 15 million player accounts being created since release, Battlefield 2 is still going strong. On the forums we often see discussions about whether there will ever be another update for the game. Well, today we are happy to announce that we are working on an update for Battlefield 2. We are planning to provide an open beta in the near future and we hope you’ll give us your feedback before final release; so watch out for that. Keep an eye on for information on what we are working on, release dates and don’t forget to visit our forums. In the mean time Battlefield Bad Company is released worldwide this week and we expect it will keep you occupied while we work on the update. -End of Transmission- Regards, DICE Live team Fixed ! Damit bestätigt!
TanteEmma 1436 Melden Geschrieben 23. Juni 2008 Vielleicht nochmal meinen Post lesen Und um 18.00 Uhr auf der EA Homepage vorbeischauen
meinereiner 156 Melden Geschrieben 23. Juni 2008 das er kommt war ja zu 99% klar, mich interessiert eigentlich viel mehr was er so bringt
Lichtgestalt 0 Melden Geschrieben 23. Juni 2008 Eben, ganz nur ein Patch. Abwarten, Tee trinken, Patch ziehen, glücklich sein