Blond3r 62 Melden Geschrieben 27. Mai 2009 Und noch weitere Infos zum Singleplayer von Modern Warfare 2, welchen die Jungs von Power Unlimited antesten durften: B) - The 'Brazil level' takes place in Favela, a shanty town in Rio de Janeiro. - Level starts out with you sitting in a car when suddenly you get fired upon. - You are forced to leave the vehicle, as your driver got shot and bullets are still flying all over the place. - Your mission here is to chase down some guy while not killing him, so it's a capture mission. - Loads of stuff happening in this level too: civilians screaming and running away, exploding cars, dead bodies everywhere, it's utter chaos. - After shooting the target in the leg, the demo ends, which is because they haven't finished the level yet. - Infinity Ward now uses texture streaming, which enables them to construct much bigger levels. They show this off by zooming out of the Favela level. - The lighting is greatly improved, with much more subtle details everywhere. - The entire level is described as having loads of detail, with lots of shacks everywhere and alleys going in every direction, as well as newspapers blowing in the wind. - The developer hints to Favela being a multiplayer map as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A third level takes place in the desert. - You drive off to a cliff, which you will rapel down from. - After this, you will enter a cave and fight underground. - The scene in the cave strongly resembles the scene from the Iron Man movie where Tony Stark constructed his first suit, which is something the developer was shooting for intentionally. - The cave consists of a seemingly endless amount of corridors, and numerous large rooms. Und in Sachen Multiplayer: - A couple new multiplayer modes will be introduced, but they wont be revealed until after E3. All modes are completely new and have never been featured in any other game. - New perks will be introduced. - The riot shield will be a perk. It will be possible to carry the shield with two people, while a third shoots from behind it's cover. Back In Duty, Blond3r
Blond3r 62 Melden Geschrieben 27. Mai 2009 #### News Update !!! #### Nabend Soldaten, Während am vergangenen Sonntag in den USA der Werberummel um Modern Warfare 2 mit dem TV-Spot während der NBA Playoffs began, so startet Activision heute Abend offiziell mit der Werbekampagne im vereinigten Königreich (UK) mit einem der teuersten Werbeplätze überhaupt. Und zwar während des Championsleague Finales zwischen dem FC Barcelona - Manchester United in Rom. B) Quelle: MCV #### News Update Ende #### Back In Duty, Blond3r
TanteEmma 1436 Melden Geschrieben 27. Mai 2009 Naja. 20.45 ist Anstoß. Also wird der Spot zwischen 21.32 und 21.45 ausgestrahlt. Aber ich bezweifele das es ein neuer Trailer ist
Dr.Seltsam 0 Melden Geschrieben 27. Mai 2009 "Infinity Ward now uses texture streaming, which enables them to construct much bigger levels. They show this off by zooming out of the Favela level." Suupi! Was mich schon immer an CoD4 störte, waren die viel zu kleinen Maps. Mit der neuen Technik sind jetzt mit Sicherheit Maps im Battlefield Format möglich. Wäre wirklich spitze.
Dr.Seltsam 0 Melden Geschrieben 27. Mai 2009 soeben vorbestellt! me 2 Dann muss ich ja jetzt wohl auch vorbestellen.
Bösewicht 398 Melden Geschrieben 27. Mai 2009 Ab heute ist die neue PCGames mit 10 Seiten Spezial zu MW2 erhältlich PCGames
Dr.Seltsam 0 Melden Geschrieben 28. Mai 2009 Nice! Vor allem bei 3:50 wird über Koop-Modus gesprochen. *freu*