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tumblr_ldgrkow15o1qenzjzo1_400.jpg ^^

Warum sieht er aus wie Josef? :o

Und der Pringlesman :o²

Bearbeitet von Sergio

" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />

tumblr_ldgrkow15o1qenzjzo1_400.jpg ^^

Warum sieht er aus wie Josef? :o

Und der Pringlesman :o²

der typ hatte später halt nunmal sooooo nen bart :D




TAOISM - "if you understand shit, it isn't shit"

HINDUISM - "this shit happened before"

CONFUCIANISM - "confucious say 'shit happens'"

BUDDHISM - "shit will happen to you again"

ZEN - "what is the sound of shit happening?"

ISLAM - "if shit happens, it is the will of Allah"

SIKHISM - "leave our shit alone"

JEHOVA'S WITNESS - "knock. knock. shit happens"

ATHEISM - "i don't believe this shit"

AGNOSTICISM - "can you prove that shit happpens?"

CATHOLICISM - "if shit happens, you deserve it"

PROTESTANTISM - "shit happens, amen to that"

JUDAISM - "why does shit always happen to us?"

ORTHODOX JUDAISM - "so shit happens, already"

TELEVANGELISM - "send money or shit will happen to you"

RASTAFARIANISM - "let's smoke this shit"

HARE KRISHNA - "shit happens rama rama"

NATION OF ISLAM - "don't take no shit"

NEW AGE - "visualize shit happening"

SHINTOISM - "you inheritt shit of your ancestors"

HENDOISM - "i love it when shit happens"

SATANISM - "sneppah tihs"

CAPITALISM - "this is MY shit"

FEMINISM - "men are shit"

EXISTENTIALISM - "what is shit, anyway?"

SCIENTOLOGY - "if shit happens, see Dianetics p.137"

MORMONISM - "excrement happens" (don't say shit)

BAPTISM - "we'll wash the shit right off you"

MYSTICISM - "this is really weird shit"

VOODOO - "shit doesn't just happen - we made it happen"

MYSTICISM - "this is really weird shit"

DISNEYISM - "bad shit doesn't happen here"

COMMUNISM - "lets share the shit"

MAXISM - "you have nothing to lose but your shit"


PSYCHO-ANALYSIS - "tell me about yoru shit"

DARWINISM - "survival of the shittiest"

AMISH - "modern shit is useless"

SUICIDAL - "i've had enough of this shit"

OPTIMISM - "shit won't happen to me"

TREKISM - "to boldly shit where no-one has shat before"

SHAKESPEAREAN - "to shit or not to shit, that is the question"

DESCRATES - "i shit therefore i am"

FREUD - "shit is a phallic symbol"

LAWYERS - "for enough money, I can get you out of shit"

ACUPUNCTURIST - "hold still or this shit's gonna hurt"

DOG - "i just shit in your shoe"

CAT - "dogs are shit"

MOUSE - "oh shit! a cat!"

POLITICALLY CORRECT - "internally processed, nutritionally drained, biological output happens"

EINSTEIN - "shit is relative"

FAMILY GATHERING - "relatives are shit"

MATERIALISM - "whoever dies with the most shit, wins"

VEGETARIANISM - "if it shits, don't eat it"

FATALISM - "oh shit, it's going to happen"

ENVIRONMENTALISM - "shit is biodegradable"

AMERICANISM - "who gives a shit?"

STATISTICIAN - "shit is 84.7% likely to happen"

HIP-HOP - "mother**** this shiznit, beeatch!"

TANTRISM - "**** this shit"

CYNICISM - "we are all full of shit"

SURREALISM - "fish happens"

WICCA - "you can make shit happen but shit will happen to you three times"




Gestern bei Simpsons, ich brech zusammen :roflmao::lol:

Gast D-M-A-G
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Bearbeitet von D-M-A-G
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alter falter :lol:

und nochn failer hinterher





Bearbeitet von pnshr

hahaha, der russentraktor is ja mal hart^^





ich befürchte die meint das ernst :(


Ach nee, echt?

Ach nee, echt?

das bild ist von ner trollseite... von daher ist die anmerkung doch durchaus berechtigt


jo ist schon älter aber als ich das gesehen hatte dachte ich auch nur:

"can't say if trollin' or just really stupid" xD



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