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Gehört bestimmt dem Berlus(t)coni, der Sender.

Nicht nur der Sender :ugly:

Die Tänzerin sieht aus, als würde die sich mit Bunga Bunga auskennen :shifty:


Ob die denn schon volljährig ist? :kritisch:


Bestimmt nicht, dann will der Silvio sie nicht mehr. Er ist halt der italienische Pedobär, wie man es dreht und wendet :D


Das ja nix neues unter den röm. Kaisern.

Das ja nix neues unter den röm. Kaisern.

ja aber das waren jungs. smilie_ugly_341.gif

Nennen wirs Tradition :ugly:


Das ja nix neues unter den röm. Kaisern.

ja aber das waren jungs. smilie_ugly_341.gif

nich nur, aber auch ;)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />

Bearbeitet von complex

ich bin auch so abgebrochen :D

Das ja nix neues unter den röm. Kaisern.

ja aber das waren jungs. smilie_ugly_341.gif

Sueton über Kaiser Tiberius :ugly:

43 On retiring to Capri he devised a pleasance for his secret orgies: teams of wantons of both sexes, selected as experts in deviant intercourse and dubbed analists, copulated before him in triple unions to excite his flagging passions. 2 Its bedrooms were furnished with the most salacious paintings and p355sculptures, as well as with an erotic library, in case a performer should need an illustration of what was required. Then in Capri's woods and groves he

arranged a number of nooks of venery where boys and girls got up as Pans and nymphs solicited outside bowers and grottoes: people openly called this "the old goat's garden," punning on the island's name.

44 He acquired a reputation for still grosser depravities that one can hardly bear to tell or be told, let alone believe. For example, he trained little boys (whom he termed tiddlers) to crawl between his thighs when he went swimming and tease him with their licks and nibbles; and unweaned babies he would put to his organ as though to the breast, being by both nature and age rather fond of this form of satisfaction. 2 Left a painting of Parrhasius's depicting Atalanta pleasuring Meleager with her lips on condition that if the theme displeased him he was to have a million sesterces instead, he chose to keep it and actually hung it in his bedroom. The story is also told that once at a sacrifice, attracted by the acolyte's beauty, he lost control of himself and, hardly waiting for the ceremony to end, rushed him off and debauched him and his brother, the flute-player, too; and subsequently, when they complained of the assault, he had their legs broken.


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''Jetzt hole ich die AC130 mit meiner M9 runter''... :rofl:

ich bin auch so abgebrochen :D

hach und die comments... :somuchwin: :somuchwin: :somuchwin:

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Bearbeitet von Rupert_The_Bear

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