pnshr 1433 Melden Geschrieben 18. Januar 2012 du hast noch nix von DER GERÄT gehört???? ^^ :trollface:
Cpl.Basti 1488 Melden Geschrieben 18. Januar 2012 WOher wissen die bei STAR WARS immer was der Roboter gerade sagt? Binary, also known as Droidspeak, was the computer language composed of electronic beeps, bloops, buzzes, chirps, whines, and whistles of droids. All droids could "speak" and understand binary. There were some examples of people that spent so much time with their droids that they were able to pick up a fluency of the language—such as Revan, the Jedi Exile, Kit Fisto, Atton Rand, Bao-Dur, Anakin and Luke Skywalker, Wat Tambor, Kyle Katarn, Corran Horn and Cade Skywalker—although they weren't able to synthesize it.
metteigel 0 Melden Geschrieben 18. Januar 2012 Wie schwul der hin und her eiert auf dem Stuhl :somuchwin:
Dr_Kuh 142 Melden Geschrieben 18. Januar 2012 (bearbeitet) So wrong: Bild entfernt Bearbeitet 19. Januar 2012 von BUdDY Bild entfernt