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on note of the German language

try to compare a 12 year old boy from England and Germany, both swearing at you on xbox live.

English kid sounds like immature chav, bearly able to hit you

German kids sound like ****ing demons. German is simply hard, angry and psychotic language (Rammstein know this and used it to become wold-wide known, just because their songs corresponded with the nature of their native language)

yeah not really

DU OPFAH ist nun nicht wirklich angsteinflößend :ugly:

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on note of the German language

try to compare a 12 year old boy from England and Germany, both swearing at you on xbox live.

English kid sounds like immature chav, bearly able to hit you

German kids sound like ****ing demons. German is simply hard, angry and psychotic language (Rammstein know this and used it to become wold-wide known, just because their songs corresponded with the nature of their native language)

yeah not really

DU OPFAH ist nun nicht wirklich angsteinflößend :ugly:


klingt auch nicht so unheimlich deutsch-hart.

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Der Kimmel wieder... :rofl::awesome:

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Der Kimmel wieder... :rofl::awesome:


" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="640" height="360" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" />

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