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Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

@Ale einfach den Youtube link rein, wird automatisch "umgewandelt"


Und das Bild ist verstörend :omg:

Ich hab immer [_video][_/video] manuell eingefügt... *lol* Aber gut zu wissen...


(ohne _)

Bearbeitet von Sepsis

@Ale einfach den Youtube link rein, wird automatisch "umgewandelt"


Und das Bild ist verstörend :omg:

Ich hab immer [_video][_/video] manuell eingefügt... *lol* Aber gut zu wissen...


(ohne _)


das feature gibt es erst seit BFG 3

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

mmh ich kann aber in die textzeile garnichts einfügen? o0



also bei rechts klick is das einfügen nicht auswählbar.

aber mit strg v kann ich es einfügen. :D



mmh erst video rein kopieren und dann das viseo..is etwas seltsam 0o

Bearbeitet von Ale42er




Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Swedish House Mafia Parodie, richtig klasse gemacht :D



€: Wo ist jetzt das automatische einbinden??

Bearbeitet von gekko434

Geht halt nur mit Premium. -_-

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Swedish House Mafia Parodie, richtig klasse gemacht :D



€: Wo ist jetzt das automatische einbinden??

Exakt, Premium.

Wie Sergio schon sagte.

Bearbeitet von JaNeK




Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

(An angry customer approaches me.)

Customer: “I purchased a pregnancy test from here, and it doesn’t work! I want my money back! I’ll never come here again! Stupid thing didn’t work!”

Me: “Okay… did you use it properly?”

Customer: “Do I look like an idiot?! I peed on a stick. Anyone can pee on a f****** stick!”

Me: “Did any type of line come up?”

Customer: “No, not a single line. Just a f****** number 30. How can I be 30% pregnant?”

Me: “Well, this is the first I’ve heard about this. Do you have the box with you so I can check if there have been any problems before?”

(The customer hands me the box. I stare at it and try not to laugh.)

Me: “Uh… you do realise that this is a thermometer, right?”

Customer: *runs out of the store*


(I’m a manager at a fairly large grocery store. We have a regular customer who is paralyzed from the waist down. He’s roughly 20 years old. He is scooting around on one of the store’s electric scooters, when an obese customer walks up to him.)

Customer: “How dare you go around the store in one of those! You’re taking them away from people like me who do need them!”

Regular: “Well, ma’am, I’ve been paralyzed ever since I was 14. While you can walk around and get your groceries, I certainly can’t, so I’d say I need this more that you.”

Customer: “You make me sick; pretending to be a cripple!”

(The customer then PULLS the regular out of the chair and drops him. I run over to try to help him.)

Customer: “You! Get this sick piece of trash out of here! He’s pretending to be a cripple and—”

Me: “I’m going to cut you off right there. [Regular] is most assuredly disabled, and you just picked him up and slammed him into the ground. Get out of my store, now, before I call the cops.”

Customer: “This is an injustice! I’ll sue you!” *knocks things off shelves and leaves*

(I get a call from corporate around a week later, because the customer has filed a complaint. I explain what really happened, and get the regular to confirm my story. The complaint is dropped, and the rowdy customer never returns.)








Bearbeitet von Matty

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