pnshr 1433 Melden Geschrieben 28. Juni 2013 trainingstipp von otto rehhagel
pnshr 1433 Melden Geschrieben 28. Juni 2013 (bearbeitet) ist zwar etwas älter der artikel aber naja... #neuland Bearbeitet 28. Juni 2013 von pnshr
Matty 1199 Melden Geschrieben 28. Juni 2013 (bearbeitet) Gerade geschickt gekriegt: EDIT: Thank you all for the kind words, and the gold. An extra large, full fat thank you to the people in the comments who have donated to the efforts here. This is why you guys are my favourite sub. I raise my burger to all of you. Hi again, FPS. I once again apologize about my long absence, (I have been reading when I can, but haven't had the time to write.) I will say that at least this time, I have a good excuse for neglecting to feed you sweet, sweet hams. You see, I live in Calgary, AB. We have been the victims of some serious flooding lately, and, well, I didn't fare so well. I live very near to the Elbow River, which is one of two main rivers that runs through the city. I also happen to live in a basement room in the house I am living in lived at. Fortunately, due to the quick work of emergency personnel, I was given enough warning to get myself, and a few of my more valuable and irreplaceable possessions to higher ground. However, most everything else I own was lost to the water. I spent a few nights at a shelter before heading to a friend's house on higher ground. I've been here looking for a new place to live ever since. Since my job has been shut down, also due to flooding, I've had some spare time on my hands. I've been using this time to volunteer my time to the cleanup efforts, helping other Calgarians to haul out the ruined possessions in their basements. It's been difficult, but I have seen some truly incredible things, both from individuals and corporations, both good and bad. This is one of the latter. Going green. Be me 21 years old, helping other residents clean out their basements Be working for 7 hours Tired Hungry Soaked Muddy Happy to be doing what I can for my cityfolk Hear that Original Joe's is cooking burgers/fries for the volunteers, giving them away for free to volunteers Seriously, support OJ's if you have on near you, and tell them thanks from Calgary. They are run by some really great people > >Finish the house we are on We all go down to OJ's for our first hot meal in days thisisgoingtotastesogood.excitement Get there, and there are probably 40-50 other soggy, muddy, tired volunteers in line ahead of us News travels quick, but that's alright Time for some bonding time with some great people Line is moving fairly quick OJ's people hammering their grub out like total bosses iloveyou.mp3 Getting near the front of the line, when a car pulls up This pathetic, spherical excuse for a human steps up Probably 5'5", 300 or so lbs (162cm, 135kg or thereabouts) Totally clean Totally dry Hair all did Nails did Wearing small heels Starts making loud conversation at the back of the line Hear something about free food for the hungry people Someone corrects her "This is for volunteers, lady" Now you have my undivided attention Flood Relief Fatty (FRF): "NAW SON, THIS BE FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE" Other volunteer shakes his head, turns his back on her Too tired for this shit Get up to the front Get my burger and my fries ohsweetbabyjesusthishasbeensentfromonhigh.sogood Hang around to eat and chat with other volunteers Maybe a little bit to watch the free dinner show FRF gets close to front of the line All of a sudden, two fire trucks pull up 12 firefighters, equally wet and muddy disembark Head up to the side of the table, and talk to the (probably) manager of OJ's He nods, and starts pulling burgers off the grill, throwing them in to go boxes, and handing them to the firefighters Firefighters take their delicious bounty and begin heading back to the truck They be busy muthafuckers right now This dipleases FRF She loudly HARRUMPHs, crosses her arms, and pouts A few volunteers shake their heads in disgust, but stay mum on the subject Her time will come Eventually, she gets to the front of the line OJ's grill guy looks at her like she has two heads OJGG: "Uhhh... What the fuck are you doing?" FRF: "AHM HuNGRY AND I HERD YOU HAD FREE FOOD FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE" OJGG: "We are providing free hot meals to volunteers helping out with the flood effort. You don't seem to fit the bill." FRF: "NAW WELL IM HUNGRY AND YOU HAFF TO FEED ME. IM NOT MOVING TIL YOU DO" She plants herself in place OJGG shrugs, and stars passing burgers over her head and around her (he had long arms) to the volunteers behind/beside her This also displeases the Ham The next time OJGG passes a burger around her, she reaches for it, and knocks it to the pavement Fuck this shit. I've had it I'm too tired, too wet, too muddy to give a fuck There is no beta today I walk up to her, burger/fries still on a to go box in my hand In hindsight, this was a mistake Me: "You need to get out of line and apologize to everybody here right now, or I will forcibly remove you from the line." FRF: "AHD LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY YOU FAT FUCK. WHY YOU EVFEN EATING THESE FRIES YOU'RE ALREADY TOO FAT" For reference, this is me. Yes, that is my underwear. Pants are for the weak. (SFW) And with that, she reaches out with a speed that I did not think possible from a ham Must have been the hamdrenaline from being in the presence of food Grabs a handful of my fries No. NO. Atomic rage level 10 reached Evacuate surrounding areas Reach out and grab her wrist, intercepting it mere inches from her gaping maw Pull her hand back Feel wrist fat move long before the arm begins to I care not Begin to shake her arm vigorously, while yelling at her like I would a puppy (but louder) Me: DROP IT. DROP IT. NO. BAD. DROP THE FRIES. DROP IT. BAD GIRL. Still shaking, fries beginning to fly loose Continue to shake Continue to scold NO. BAD. DROP THEM Fries still coming loose, only a few remain Fatty still holding on to the fries There is no anger anymore, only shake Finally, all the fries are gone from her grasp Pull her by that hand out of line, and back to her car Open the door for her, stand between her and the line Me: "Now you will get the FUCK in your car, and get the fuck out of here. Maybe if you actually stopped to help instead of being a worthless drain on society, you might actually lose some weight." FRF is about to cry I don't care Me: "And save the waterworks. You think you are going to get any sympathy from these hardworking people that you just tried to steal food from? You're fucked. Now. Leave." FRF bursts into tears, but slowly gets into her car yammering inconsolably She drives away I return to my group, feeling pleased with myself. Get a few pats on the back on the way, and the OJGG replaces my lost fries Ate with my crew, and then went back and put 5 more hours into the neighbours houses. Feelsgoodman.jpg TL;DR Fatty tries to hijack food from flood relief volunteers, gets put in her place. Just read the damn story.** Bearbeitet 28. Juni 2013 von Matty
El_Exodus 1405 Melden Geschrieben 28. Juni 2013
Sergio 4302 Melden Geschrieben 28. Juni 2013 Die Idee mit dem Lampenschirm find ich sogar ganz kühl und überleg ob ich mir in meiner egenen Wohnung auch son Teil basteln würde.
Matty 1199 Melden Geschrieben 28. Juni 2013 müsste es nicht pull heißen? You're english is under all pig.
Flo 839 Melden Geschrieben 28. Juni 2013 müsste es nicht pull heißen? You're english is under all pig. obvious trap is obvious
Underdog 4382 Melden Geschrieben 28. Juni 2013 müsste es nicht pull heißen? Das hätte ich nicht von dir erwartet, jetzt bin ich enttäuscht und überrascht zugleich.