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alles, was nicht komplett aus deutschem stahl hergestellt wird, ist ein plastikspielzeug :trollface:

davon ab, was haben die sich bei der feuerrate von dem ding gedacht? das ist ja lächerlich...



So siehts aus alles was nicht über 1200 Schuss hat ist ein muschie spielzeug :trollface:

Dat arme Mg42 würde im grab rotieren, gut bei 1500 Schuss ist das noch mögliche :derb:


Der ist super! :lol:


Vintagelook :trollface:.


Ein Streit im Internet ist wie die Paralympcis - selbst wenn man gewinnt ist man behindert.

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Ich kann nicht mehr *lol*


Constants are not allowed, as the idea of a lack of identity fluidity is problematic. Additionally, if one constant were larger than another, that would privilege the larger one over the smaller one. As such, any numeric value is a variable, and is required to take on at least 2 values over the course of the program, or the interpreter will throw a Trigger Warning.

In C+=, you don't write to a file. Dictating to the poor files what sort of information they must store is Patriarchal.

Instead, The \<fileIO> library brings in the functions pleaseWrite() and pleaseTellMe(). They both have a chance to return "no", and if so all other calls to the same file are automatically passed over because as we all know, once a file says no to being written, you must always respect that.

  • Gefällt mir! 1

Ich kann nicht mehr *lol*



Constants are not allowed, as the idea of a lack of identity fluidity is problematic. Additionally, if one constant were larger than another, that would privilege the larger one over the smaller one. As such, any numeric value is a variable, and is required to take on at least 2 values over the course of the program, or the interpreter will throw a Trigger Warning.

In C+=, you don't write to a file. Dictating to the poor files what sort of information they must store is Patriarchal.

Instead, The \<fileIO> library brings in the functions pleaseWrite() and pleaseTellMe(). They both have a chance to return "no", and if so all other calls to the same file are automatically passed over because as we all know, once a file says no to being written, you must always respect that.

Der wahe Irsinn ist ja, auch wenn das ein troll ist, ist das aus dem Wahnsinn einer Feministin gewachsen. Also die Idee einer "Feministischen Programmiersprache" :lol:




frauentausch 'muricah :ugly:

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Ich kann nicht mehr *lol*



Constants are not allowed, as the idea of a lack of identity fluidity is problematic. Additionally, if one constant were larger than another, that would privilege the larger one over the smaller one. As such, any numeric value is a variable, and is required to take on at least 2 values over the course of the program, or the interpreter will throw a Trigger Warning.

In C+=, you don't write to a file. Dictating to the poor files what sort of information they must store is Patriarchal.

Instead, The \<fileIO> library brings in the functions pleaseWrite() and pleaseTellMe(). They both have a chance to return "no", and if so all other calls to the same file are automatically passed over because as we all know, once a file says no to being written, you must always respect that.

Der wahe Irsinn ist ja, auch wenn das ein troll ist, ist das aus dem Wahnsinn einer Feministin gewachsen. Also die Idee einer "Feministischen Programmiersprache" *lol*

At no point should the programmer attempt to use indentation to create actual hierarchy in code nesting, as that implies hierarchy in the code.

bwahahahahahahahaha *lol*

Oder auch

The use of mathematical operands such as \< and > to denote "greater or less than" are very sexist, and affirm unequal states between objects, logical statements, numbers, and feelings.



Bearbeitet von Cpl. Basti


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dafuq :lol:

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Bearbeitet von pnshr

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