Chuck Norris 119 Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2015 So eine will ich. Ich gucke mal, dass ich das Basteln anfange. Dann geh ich dieses Jahr an Halloween als KuK Ball.
SirGutz 913 Melden Geschrieben 6. Januar 2015 Dat ist keine Brille KuK Ball ist Blind und hat zwei Augenklappen (Wappen=Augenklappe)
Master AP 643 Melden Geschrieben 7. Januar 2015 Bin zwar nicht rechts angehaucht oder so hab aber auf liveleak das unter den kommentaren eines Videos gefunden, und musste schon lachen^^ Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide. Lets have a look at the evidence: - No Christmas - No television - No nude women - No football - No pork chops - No hot dogs - No burgers - No beer - No bacon - Rags for clothes - Towels for hats - Constant wailing from some idiot in a tower - More than one wife - More than one mother in law - You can't shave - Your wife can't shave - You can't wash off the smell of donkey - You cook over burning camel shit - Your wife is picked by someone else for you - and your wife smells worse than your donkey Then they tell you that, "When you die, it all gets better. "?? Well no shit, Sherlock!....It's not like it could get much worse. THE MUSLIMS ARE NOT HAPPY! They're not happy in Gaza .. They're not happy in Egypt .. They're not happy in Libya .. They're not happy in Morocco .. They're not happy in Iran .. They're not happy in Iraq .. They're not happy in Yemen .. They're not happy in Afghanistan .. They're not happy in Pakistan .. They're not happy in Syria .. They're not happy in Lebanon .. SO, WHERE ARE THEY HAPPY? They're happy in Australia .. They're happy in Canada .. They're happy in England .. They're happy in France .. They're happy in Italy .. They're happy in Germany .. They're happy in Sweden .. They're happy in the USA .. They're happy in Norway .. They're happy in Holland .. They're happy in Denmark .. Basically, they're happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that is! AND WHO DO THEY BLAME? Not Islam. Not their leadership. Not themselves. THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE HAPPY IN! AND THEN; They want to change those countries to be like.... THE COUNTRY THEY CAME FROM WHERE THEY WERE UNHAPPY! Excuse me, but I can't help wondering...How damn dumb can you get? 3
Arcaras 1761 Beliebter Beitrag Melden Geschrieben 7. Januar 2015 Ich bin zwar nicht rechts, aber ..... 7
Necrofridge 963 Melden Geschrieben 7. Januar 2015 Ich bin zwar nicht rechts, aber ich mag Sonnenschein!
bigmumu 546 Melden Geschrieben 7. Januar 2015 Bin zwar nicht rechts angehaucht oder so hab aber auf liveleak das unter den kommentaren eines Videos gefunden, und musste schon lachen^^ Dummer Spaßt!