Aggroman 0 Melden Geschrieben 18. April 2009 "Added fastropes for the blackhawks" Wie soll man denn das hinbekommen?
Su34 0 Melden Geschrieben 18. April 2009 Tja, irgendwas wird es damit auf sich haben... Und die R-Devs haben schon viel geschafft, vergiss das nicht;)
hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 18. April 2009 (bearbeitet) Muhaha runing gag schlecht hin Project Reality v0.9 released ??? New Features * Added fastropes for the blackhawks Leute es geht einfach net is nur ein scherz. Bearbeitet 18. April 2009 von hall0
Germanfragger 235 Melden Geschrieben 18. April 2009 wiso sollte das net gehen das könnte ne neue position ein mann geht da rein Drückt Runter (also wie Die komische ausfahr kammera bei opk ) und Geht wieder raus!
hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 18. April 2009 Es geht einfach net. Es gibt sogar ein eigenes video von den devs in dem das thema auf die schippe genommen wird. ">
Aggroman 0 Melden Geschrieben 19. April 2009 Jup, schonmal gesehen das Video, wenn wir jetzt kein Deutsch könnten wär das ganze sicherlich nicht so verwirrend für uns.^^
hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 19. April 2009 [R-DEV]Hans Martin Slayer [Map] Lashkar Valley ]WIP] Today, i proudly present to you my first map that will make appearance in PR 0.9. i've been working on this project for about 1.5 years now and i've learned a lot during this time so i hope to continue contibuting maps for PR in the future. - thanks to everyone who commented on my work so far, giving crits etc. that's much appreciated. special thanks go out to rhino for all the helpful pr mapping tuts. like many guys i started this project in the community modding section and got promoted to R-CON after a while until i got finally upgraded to DEV. for those who are interested, that's how it started, it looked pretty crappy back then : let's get straight onto the facts: - Lashkar Valley, Southern Afghanistan. - Size: 2km - Gamemodes: Insurgency/ Skirmish - Assets: Mechanized Infantry/ Light Vehicles - Teams: German Forces vs Taliban - this might be subject to change, depends if the GF will be ready for 0.9. Link mit vielen weiteren Bildern
spec-ops 332 Melden Geschrieben 19. April 2009 Link mit vielen weiteren BildernMischung aus Korengal Valley und Sangin = Top Map, vor allem für die Deutsche Fraktion.
hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 22. April 2009 So dann mach ich mal wieder das newsmänchen Ein neues Mediaupdate für die Map Lashkar Valley [R-DEV]Hans Martin Slayer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - MEDIA UPDATE - (this doesn't mean the German Forces will be in 0.9!!!! ) Mehr Bilder hier Eine weitere neue Map. [R-DEV]CodeRedFox [MAP] Dili - Timor Location: Dili, Timor Fighting Locations City, Forest, Hills/Mountains. Map Size 4km representing +16km Based on real elevation data Gameplay: Insurgency/uprising/rebels (TBA) Factions: Current set up: BLUFOR vs. Insurgents Future set up: Australian (TBA) vs Insurgents/civilians (or a new variant TBA) This map is still a ways out and no faction will be decided. You will know when I know Assets: BlackHawks (based on real events) Assortment of light vehicles. (based on real events) Back Story Loosely based on the 2006 East Timorese crisis, but will be a new scaled up crisis. Release Date: TBA Building as proxy statics Hopefully we will have new Forest vegetation My blogs broken so this will have to do: So I wanted to post this because allot of people noticed not only Feyzabad being stopped for the time but also my absents. I'm alive and still working on PR and the future of PR. I'm finishing up a big movie which has taken allot of my time. AS it raps up I will be able to work on PR more and more. You may have noticed my PR title got changed but this doesn't mean I've stopped mapping. Totally the opposite. I've just gotten more involved with back end things. *The images and statics you see are all temp until we get some new ones. This wont stop anything as there are just proxy. Also these are all very...very WIP. Anyways guys, I will hopefully get time to produce something special for you. Not much to show now as there are allot of Proxy objects that I dont want to explain to thos that don't read the intro I'll try to update you when I can. Dont expect much for the next few weeks.
spec-ops 332 Melden Geschrieben 22. April 2009 Beide Maps sehen echt top aus. Ich freu mich vor allem drauf mit dem G36 loszuziehen.
hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 22. April 2009 Amis kämpfen in China? Immer noch heißer Krieg im Kosovo? usw. Die liste könnte man ungehindert fortführen. Eine historische genauigkeit gibts doch eh net von dem her passt das scho.
Chapi 257 Melden Geschrieben 22. April 2009 (bearbeitet) UH-1D kann Technisch gesehn in Afghanistan nicht Fliegen. btw. Project "Reality" Bearbeitet 22. April 2009 von Chapi