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Schöne animationen und das RPK schaut echt geil aus.


Echt net schlecht. Hab ich nur das gefühl oder verziehn die mgs nu wirklich weniger oder wird einfach nur sau stark mit der maus gegen gezogen?

Hey guys, CodeRedFox here with a WIP.

The current 50 Cal Deployable we have offer very little protection. hence allot of people wont jump in them. Hopefully these WIP will show where we are taken them. This is a first of a few new deployables that I will be trying to roll out before 0.85. No promises :mrgreen:




Now for some ingame ones




I haven't really jumped into the coding so a few items might be out of place.


WOW also geilo, das wird immer besser. Weiter so !! MFG Kev


schaut extrem gut aus, normal waren die jungs die geschossen haben immer headshots ausgesetzt, wird so mit der deckun hoffentlich nur körpertreffer geben.


Cool! Das macht stationäre MGs richtig gefährlich :daumenhoch:


was soll man da noch großarig sagen....... TOP :daumenhoch:


Hoffentlich kann man damit endlich ein wenig weiter nach unten zielen, denn im moment wenn man son hügel hat, kann der gegner davor stehen und man trifft den net richtig <_<

Aber nu weiter mit den Updates aus dem Journal. :daumenhoch:

Ein weniger unspektakulärer als das MG Nest, die neue normale Sandsackstellung.

OK and yet another one.

More WIP then the 50cal's but an idea of where were going. Still being work on. I'll be adding more news later.




The Camo netting on top will have no collision, Its still WIP.


Meiner meinung auch sehr schön, auch wenn das tarnnetz wohl die sicht des gegner auf einen selbst vermindern wird aber wohl auch die eigene auf den gegner.

Aber nun zu den Highlights die sich meiner meinung ganz unauffällig im thread der neuen [Map] Siege at Ochamachira verstecken. :D

Älterer Post


Quick update...

after a long bout of fallouthreeitis I have gotten back to work on this map..

just wanted to post up a comparison screen to show you how its coming along..

this is the concept area for the train wreck..


and here it is a little more developed and with a base painting on it..


my intention is to add alot more debris and possible some more wall/fence type sections around the perimeter... this will be the most open approach to entering the base.. but also the one with the least cover..

Neuer Post


Some quick development shots for all you budding level designers out there..

Just to give you a point of comparison in your mapping process.

each shot is accompanied by a brief explanation

Tried to use these xpack objects to create a loading station for the train system in the base. Think it makes a nice visual mess which players have to navigate.


a really interesting location which will probably become one of the natural strongpoints on the map. tried to create some decay with the broken pipe on the left as well as the old unfinished cement forms out in the water. with some scraggly bushes and a few more statics it will be a nice looking location and very

fun for cqb


Mainly included this to show an organic layout of derelict containers in a run down port. while still in development, im trying to develop a sense that the port has become rundown and misused.. notice containers in the water and at odd angles. dont be the mapper who just throws a bunch of ocntainers on a pier in a straight line as filler!!!! purpose!!


A typical rail line thorugh an idustrial area. Ive added the barriers to break up the space and make players navigate through the rail line area. makes them feel more purposeful as well as providing a place to get pinned down. might develop this space a bit more.


Another effort to create visual and strategic levels in an otherwise flat map. assuming the tanks have a host of pipe networks and was added after the initial port was built. so they raised and covered the tanks pipework. breaks up a corner of the port. provide both cover and height.


Still fighting with this space but essentially wanted a non linear rail terminus. a few side lines to park rail cars. the cars also cover the approach to the raised base of the silos which will be a strong point of sorts. still WIP..not quite what I want yet.


This raised tower and tank area breaks up 1/3 of the port and will be a way point when moving across the port en masse. towers can be accessed via rear ladders but highly exposed. also middle section has a drain to open water.. watch you dont fall in! hehe..


basic layout of a town that will just skirt the port. Will serve as a gathering point for attacking militia forces. will not be directly involved in game play so will not be detailed too much. Maybe just painted roads. some bells and whistles. would make a good command area for the militia commander.


A practical looking pipe and tanks system that will break up the main flow area of this 1/3 of the port. May still add a wall or 2 along the water. really breaks up the visual from left to right. Hopefully make the player concentrate on what they are looking at. cause some tension. still need decoration as well.


So just some devlopment shots as I said. hopefully inspire someone or give poeple some ideas.. feedback welcome.



Kleines Update für die Sandsackstellung:



lol, die dinger sin ja geil... die könnten jetz sogar was bringen


Und die etwas geänderte MG-Stellung net vergessen.


Not in game but here was the windows with the most updated file. I didnt realize upload the image last ight the file didnt get uploaded.


edel die map habe ich schon mal im editorstatus gesehen, schaut nach richtig viel deckung für leckere infanteriekämpfe aus. bin auf das konzept gespannt da das hafenareal ziemlich gross ist.

Here are some updates to the Insurgency game mode we are working on.


1. If all 3 caches are revealed, the coalition stops gathering intelligence points. The gathering continues once a cache is destroyed and a new one is available. This will stop the instant revealing of caches we have seen in v0.8, that didn't give a chance to the insurgents to organize a defense.

2. Once the coalition receives enough intel to reveal a new cache, the insurgents will know it 3 minutes in advance. This change in addition to the first one will give enough time to insurgents to move and prepare for defense.

3. Civilian collaborator squad leaders can deploy hideouts.

4. Coalition soldiers that kill collaborators outside of the ROE will get their positive score zeroed out + the current penalties. Same thing will happen if an insurgent destroys a weapon's cache.

5. The new Al-Quds RPK will be available at the caches in addition to the RPG and PKM.


6. More kit variety for the insurgents.


7. If the coalition loses a vehicle, the team loses tickets. This was already in v0.8, but updated to be -10 tickets to tanks/apcs/jets/helicopters, -5 tickets to jeeps/trucks and -3 tickets for static defenses hmgs/aa. This was standarized and added to all game modes. Insurgents don't have these penalties.

In v0.85 the Taliban faction will be properly added, being a faction on its own. It will be closer to the Militia then to the Insurgents in terms of rules and gameplay dynamics: deployable assets, rally points, kit request, etc. This faction will feature on Afghan maps (Korengal Valley, Operation Archer, etc) leaving the more urban maps in Iraq to the Insurgents (Al Basrah, Ramiel, etc).

The main game mode for the Taliban will also be Insurgency, but allowing more flexibility and deployment to other game modes like AAS, Command and Control, etc.


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

1. und 2.

Find ich gut da man im moment mehr doof rumläuft als ins anstatt was "sinnvolles" zu tun.


Super genau das war nämlich ein problem gestern bei unseren Civi only squad :yiiiiha:


Wasn schnell wieder nen ROE? Denn ersten teil raff ich nämlich noch net ganz :whistling:

5. und 6.

Mehr waffen sind immer gut :D

Bessonders freut mich das man wieder das G3 den Ins zurück gegeben hat. Ich hoffe nur das in der neuen version der recoil überarbeitet wurde, denn im moment ist der vom g3 einfach zu stark.

7. Strafe muss sein.

Auch wenn man sagen muss, das wenn das bei allen gamemodes der fall sein wird, solche materialschlachten wie sie auf Kashan und bessonders Qinling stattfinden, wohl sehr schnell zum ende der runden führen werden.

Die Taliban faction find ich auch gut und bring hoffentlich mehr schwung in die weitläufigen maps, da man hier wirklich nur dumm rumrennt. <_<

Bearbeitet von hall0

ROE = Rules of Engagement

Soll heissen, du darfst immer noch auf Civis auf Leitern/Seilen und in Fahrzeugen schiessen, ohne ne Strafe zu bekommen.

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