hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 9. Dezember 2008 [Map] Operation Archer - redux Since its original publication I have continued to work on Operation Archer. The original release had challenged both the home PC and the server with its large destructible-static count (well over 600) and its extensive view distance (1111m). This in tandem with the insurgency faction being under equipped with weapons allowed for uneven game play with inexperienced gamers or uncoordinated team play. The recent Operation Archer candidate is well on its way to being finished (well, maps are never really finished). Through extensive collaborations with other Reality developers (especially Fuzzhead, Katarn, and Dr. Rank) and the very hard work of many of the others on the mod team I have been able to develop a much stronger version of the map. Some of the key items of improvement include: less destructible statics, improved aesthetics including vegetation and water, and more villages. The map overview: Size: 4km2 Factions: US (Canadian placeholder) vs. Taliban (insurgency) Equipment: a pleasant surprise Modes: Insurgency (64, 16), AAS (32), and Skirmish (16) Here are a few snapshots I have collected and as we move forward with this map I will be glad to share more of them Taliban Truck with 50cal. overlooking main village. Road into main village... Poppy farm and irrigation dam New guy on the block Always some horsing around STAY TUNED ! Link
Su34 0 Melden Geschrieben 10. Dezember 2008 Na, das lässt doch hoffen. Vielleicht wird dann die Map mal richtig spaßig zum Spielen. Bisher war sie ja nicht so der Knaller...
hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 10. Dezember 2008 (bearbeitet) Hier noch ne ladung screens Ok, some more updates... Progress s good, light-mapping near 80%. Due to my Vista, I have to light map in sections Nevertheless, here is some more intel on what archer now looks like (minus a few top-secret items) The poppy field and irrigation dam... properly Lm'd Taliban "Default Spawn" (NEW) Taliban "Default Spawn" Eastern entry to main village from fields Main village Mosque (switched) Taliban HQ (formerly NW corner of the map) A river is now around the periphery of the Main Village (yet to be formally named, well fuzz knows what it is) Link Bearbeitet 10. Dezember 2008 von hall0
Bang0o 0 Melden Geschrieben 10. Dezember 2008 schaut geil aus ich mochte aber die alte archer map auch G3 als insurgent find ich natürlich auch äusserst lecker!
bosco 0 Autor Melden Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2008 [R-DEV]Rhino: From the [Gameplay] Insurgency Topic, many people noticed a small icon that looked like a claymore on the sapper kit and many people asked: "OMG is that a claymore!!!1!!". No, it's not a claymore, thou its kinda like a claymore. It is in fact a "Grenade Trap", inspired by our member EOD_Security-2252's "Wire Trap" Project that never really took off, our MAs where very keen to see this in so myself and other team members got onto making it. ">
bosco 0 Autor Melden Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2008 [R-DEV]Rhino: Now before I start, I promised [R-DEV]duckhunt that I wouldn't take all the credit for this map so I'll do my best [R-DEV]duckhunt who is now serving in Afghanistan with the Royal Marines started this map over a year ago and has been working on and off it though his Royal Marine training when ever he got the chance and before he got shipped off to Afghanistan he asked me if I would finish the map off for him for v0.85 So over the past few months, mostly in the last few weeks I've been adding the finishing touches to the maps, mainly fixing bugs, making one or 2 custom statics but most of my time, the last week and a bit I have spent lightmapping the map. The rest of the map has all been done by duckhunt thou Info: Map Size: 1km² (512x2) Teams: USMC vs Insurgents Game Modes: Insurgency & Skirmish Credits: Overall Design & Development: [R-DEV]duckhunt Lightmapping: [R-DEV]Rhino New Overgrowth Fields: [R-DEV]Rhino Game Play Objects: [R-DEV]fuzzhead So anyways, hope I've credited duckhunt enough there ( ;)) so I'll get onto the interesting stuff that you guys really want to see Enjoy, comments and feedback welcome as always Insurgency 64 Layout: USMC 2 x HMMWV 2 x M2A2 (US Army Support) 2 x Logistic Trucks Insurgents 1 x Car Bomb 15 x Civilian Cars 9 x Dirt Bikes Insurgency 16 Layout: USMC 2 x HMMWV 2 x Logistic Trucks Insurgents 14 x Civilian Cars 9 x Dirt Bikes Skirmish 16 Layout: MiniMap: (click to enlarge) Screenshots: Mehr Bilder: http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f196-pr-de...h-new-post.html
hall0 1758 Melden Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2008 Sehr schöne map und der neue commander truck is auch super Leider wieder ne ins map, aber hoffentlich spielt sich der modus in der neuen version dank der vielen veränderungen nun besser, denn dann kann auch ich spaß an der map haben
Su34 0 Melden Geschrieben 14. Dezember 2008 Ja, da bin ich einfach mal zuversichtlich. In den letzten Versionen war Ins ja auch immer recht lustig, nur in der 0.8 ist der Mod für die Insurgents etwas schwierig. Ansonsten finde ich allerdings, dass Insurgency immernoch der beste Spielmodus überhaupt ist. Da können die ganzen anderen nicht hin.
NooK 0 Melden Geschrieben 14. Dezember 2008 Wenn man jetz noch länger Sprinten kann und die Waffen präzieser werden wie ja schon gesagt.. wird 0.85 die beste Version bis jetz
Su34 0 Melden Geschrieben 14. Dezember 2008 Ja, die Sprintentfernung dürfte wirklich größer werden. Mit den Waffen hab ich allerdings keine große Probleme. Viel treff ich zwar damit nicht, aber das tu ich eh nie:D
Bang0o 0 Melden Geschrieben 15. Dezember 2008 ich treff mit der m4/m16 auch jetzt was ihr seid einfach nur schlecht
NooK 0 Melden Geschrieben 15. Dezember 2008 Klar man trifft schon was. Aber man kann sich nimmer drauf verlassen wenn man richtig gezielt hat dasses auch trifft. Jetz brauch ich mind. 5-8 Schüsse bis ich einen hab. Gut das die andren mehr Schüsse brauchen^^