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Gibt leider nichts was es nicht gibt. :\


keine sorge, die expertin ist aus den USA. bei den waffengesetzen erledigt sich das problem von selbst :derb:



lostprophets-sänger bekennt sich schuldig

"Ian Watkins, singer of Welsh rock band Lostprophets, has pleaded guilty to a series of "depraved" child sex offences including attempted rape of a baby."




via fb


Earlier this week, we learned that the allegations of child sexual abuse against Ian were true, and that he would not be contesting them in court. Until then, we found them extremely difficult to believe and had hoped it was all a mistake. Sadly, the true extent of his appalling behaviour is now impossible to deny.

Many of you understandably want to know if we knew what Ian was doing. To be clear: We did not. We knew that Ian was a difficult character. Our personal relationships with him had deteriorated in recent years to a point that working together was a constant, miserable challenge. But despite his battles with drugs, his egotistic behaviour, and the resulting fractures and frustrations within our band, we never imagined him capable of behaviour of the type he has now admitted.

We are heartbroken, angry, and disgusted at what has been revealed. This is something that will haunt us for the rest of our lives. Being in a band has always been a labour of love and a platform to inspire people, not to take advantage of them. It's still hard to believe this is happening and that someone we were once so close to has destroyed so many lives, lying every step of the way.

Our hearts go out to Ian's family, the fans and friends he betrayed, and most importantly, the victims of his crimes and others like them. We hope for justice, but also that Ian will truly take responsibility for what he's done. We would urge any other victims to contact the authorities.

Jamie, Lee, Luke, Mike and Stu


schwangere Italienerin mit ner Bipolaren störung ist zu ner fortbildung in England, nimmt aus welchen gründen auch immer ihre medikamente nicht und hat nen zusammenbruch. die frau wird dann in ne geschlossene gebracht und nach ein paar wochen entscheidet ein richter auf antrag des britischen social services das das kind per kaiserschnitt ohne wissen der Mutter zur Welt gebracht wird. Die erfährt erst nachdem man sie betäubt hat davon, das ihr Baby jetzt beim Social Services ist, und sie es nicht bekommt. Nach ihrer rückkehr nach Italien, wo sie auch ihre medikamente wieder genommen hat kommt sie wieder nach England und will ihr Kind haben, und was sagt der Britische Richter: nope, dein Kind bekommst du nicht, du bist gefährlich, und das Kind wird zur adoption freigegeben.

was zum teufel macht so nen faschistischer scheißstaat bitte noch in der EU?

nicht nur, das die der Staatsbürgerin eines anderen landes das Kind wegnehmen, wegen einer relativ einfach zu behandelnden krankheit, die nichtmal ne wirkliche gefahr fürs Kind darstellt, die behalten das Baby dann auch noch im System und wollen das zur adoption freigeben. in GB, obwohl das Kind ja faktisch italienischer staatsbürger ist. das das Kind zu verwandten kommt, da wurde auch nicht drüber nachgedacht,

und die Frau wartet bis heute auf ihr Kind, und das ganze ist schon über nen jahr her:



ich weiß ja nicht, was mit dem Vater ist, aber wäre sowas mit meiner Freundin/Frau und meinem Kind passiert, ich würde die verdammte Cosa Nostra auf diese faschisten hetzen und in der nachbarschaft spenden für die Real IRA sammeln...


Ziemlich Scheiße :/


ironie des schicksals *lol*

irgendwie ja..... Karma? Er war nur Beifahrer...

Den hats aber mächtig um den Pfahl gewickelt... meine Fresse- der hatte nicht nur 80 km/h drauf.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

is natürlich scheiße, weil er als beifahrer nix dafür kann... aber das kommt eben davon wenn jemand viel zu schnell in einem auto fährt das er nicht beherrscht


Bearbeitet von pnshr

is natürlich scheiße, weil er als beifahrer nix dafür kann... aber das kommt eben davon wenn jemand viel zu schnell in einem auto fährt das er nicht beherrscht


Der Fahrer war genauso wie Walker Rennfahrer. :rolleyes:

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

rennfahrer hin oder her, ein porsche carrera gt ist nunmal nicht einfach zu beherrschen, selbst the stig hatte probleme damit

(so ab 6:20)

den dann noch auf öffentlichen straßen offensichtlich viel zu schnell zu fahren... da passiert sowas dann.

guter post aus reddit dazu:

"It's a notorious tricky car which someone who is not familiar with it shouldn't be driving it hard."

"The CGT is RMR or Rear Mid-engine/ Rear-wheel drive and these types of cars are different/harder to drive fast than most cars.

If you throw an object with the weight in the front forward, the object will tend to want to follow the weight. In the case of a midengined car, a lot of the weight is behind the driver. Like throwing a carpenter's hammer with the head in the back, one can observe it rotate in mid-flight.

In a front engined car, when you go around a corner, the front of the car will want to stay in front. In fact, it will resist turning, so that means the car tends to "understeer" which means it turns less than you want. If you go into a corner too hot, you increase the understeer. That is not good, because you can run off the road with the front of the car. But it is somewhat controllable and you can slow the car down in the turn if you are too fast.

The physics of cars is that if you go into a corner too hot in a front engined car and hit the brakes, you slow down and actually can transfer grip to the front tires, since the car experiences more weight shift. You unweight the rear tires, so you can increase oversteer, which may reduce the understeer. In any case, if you wreck, you will probably do so nose first. But you can handle things by slowing the car down with brakes.

This is why most production cars are understeer biased. It's safer for the general public. Front engined cars are probably safer also for people who are not skilled also.

Now here is the difference in a midengined car. The weight is behind you. And it always wants to be in front. There are some good things in physics about the weight being behind you in racing. The ability of the car to rotate. Weight over the driving wheels. Launching. Weight transfer under braking. All better.

The first thing to understand is what we mean when we consider the ability of a tire to maintain traction with the road surface. To keep this under 1000+ words, I will just say that it's very important, and when you exceed the ability of the tires, you lose control. Many things come into play that determine what the ability of your tires are. These things may be:

Speed or g-forces. Sideways forces take their toll. Weight pressing down on the tires. If you unweight the tire, it will lose grip. Road and stickiness. Ice of course is bad, so is a patch of wet or some gravel, or even a small bump that upsets the weight balance.

The main trick with some of those things is to not get too close to your limits of adhesion, because none of us are superhuman and can forsee everything possible ahead of us on the road. You can play with the limits where it is safe to do so. But a public road is not the place.

However, what typically happens is this. Driver goes into turn near the limits of the tires ability. We call that driving near 10/10ths. Most non-skilled drivers can't feel the difference between 8/10ths and 11/10ths.

Something happens. That patch of wet. Something in the road. Evasive maneuver. A squirrel. Something. Or maybe just realizing you are going into the turn too hot. Probably the most common reason.

You can do certain things BEFORE the turn. Remember, the mass behind you wants to go straight in front of you. If you are in a straight line, that is not a bad thing. If you are in a straight line, hit the brakes hard. But in the turn....now you have an issue.

The normal driver reaction is to panic. And panic is not good. If you abruptly lift on the throttle, jerk the steering wheel, or worse, slam on your brakes (which most people do).... you cause some things to happen. You transfer weight to the front of the car so now the front increases it's grip, but the rear loses grip. And the rear wants to lead. The rear end will start a very bad oversteer where the car starts to spin. Even if you can catch it, often the correction will induce a huge spin in the opposite direction.

And if you are spinning, you have almost no control. You will have no idea where you will end up. You can spin into things or opposing traffic.

The solution for this is to understand and learn car control. One of the best (safe) places to learn car control and what 10/10ths is, is a local autocross. Here you can spin out over and over. And many people do. Even on a safe racing track, it's not always safe to spin out and go off the track.

Famous racing quote: "Understeer is when the front of the car hits the wall. Oversteer is when you hit with the back.""

Bearbeitet von pnshr
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