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NoFX-Louise B)

She had a walk with a silicone cock sticking in her ass and one in her cunt

A butterfly vibrator strapped tight her clit

But who?s got the remote control

That would belong to Louise

She?s got a new pet a real vaginal tease

You know that mummy?s little girl is not gonna do as she please

I she don?t want to get a spankin

She likes to speak like a six year old brat

Mommy discipline me cause you know I?ve been bad

Start with a cat then she?ll move to a crop

Neither one is willing to stop

She know that girls just wanna have fun

With four piercings on each side of her labia

A little luggage lock connecting each one

Prevents her girl from goin astray

Slut you think you?ve seen your master mean

You better lick my puss and asshole clean

Treat my clit like bubblegum

Bitch make me come

It?s time for bed she?ll secure her head

Between her thighs for a thorough night suck

Along with this she?ll be drinking her piss

So Louise don?t have to get up

Two goddesses in love

One resides below one reigns from above

One adorns cuffs while one covets keys

The purgatorial touch of Louise

Ich find die Texte einfach nur genial

MfG OpaWilli

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