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Gast M16 Besitzer

Korn - Y'all want a single B)

Hier Text:

Y'all want a single say **** that

**** that, **** that

Y'all want a single say **** that

**** that, **** that

Y'all want a single say **** that

**** that, **** that

Boom Boom Boom Boom

What's going on today?

We gotta break away

We got a problem and

I think it's going to make us go down

They think we're all the same

And always we're to blame

For shit I think is lame

It's time to stop the game

I think it's time to pay for everything you made me say

Y'all want a single say **** that

**** that, **** that (x4)

What's going on today?

Why must it be this way?

We're going nowhere and

We're still knocking the need to bow down

They think we're all the same

And always we're to blame

For shit I think is lame

It's time to stop the game

I think it's time to pay for everything you made me say

Y'all want a single say **** that

**** that, **** that (x4)

We are the ones breaking you down

We are the hope to drown out your sounds

Across the world you've fed (?) what you found

Across the world you're breaking you down

Y'all want a single say **** that

**** that, **** that shit (x4)


Y'all want a single say **** that

**** that, **** that (x6)

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Krisiun - Conquerors Of Armageddon

conquerors of armageddon

impaling spike on the damned cross

kill, kill, kill lord Jesus Christ

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System- Chop Suey :D


Bearbeitet von Check09
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