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The Game - The Streetz Of Compton

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Dead Kennedys - Bedtime For Democracy - Gone With My Wind

Und jetzt mache ich mal auch diese frevelhafte Sache und poste den kompletten Textes des Liedes, aber DK Texte haben es verdient.

Wake up! Get down here quick!

The president's had too much to drink

His days of power are about gone

He's been talking to paintings in the hall

He says, "I'm finished, so what the hell?

My life is ruined, what matters now?

I've always itched for that last great thrill:

If I die all of you should too."

Gone with my wind

Out with a bang

I'm gonna end it all right now

Gone with my wind

Out with a bang

You're coming with me, oh wow

My bombs will rain down on D.C.

We'll nuke our enemies while they're asleep

We'll be safe in the ground below

And laugh and drink till the cows come home

So c'mon John, whadya say?

It's been dancing in my head for years

What'll happen if I push this button:

Let's start World War III for fun

Gone with my wind

Out with a bang

I'm gonna end it all right now

Gone with my wind

Out with a bang

You're coming with me, oh wow

Mr. President, just sit down

We should talk a little while, I'll pour another round

What about your memoirs' TV rights?

Sit tight-and watch the fire:

Let go of me. Do you think I'm mad? To tell the truth, sir, I'd rather not say

Just keep your paws inside your pockets

And planet earth will be OK.

But you reached for the button anyhow

I had no choice but to knock you out

That's just last night's bump on your head

On to the next crisis, it's another day

Gone with my wind

Out with a bang

I'm gonna end it all right now

Gone with my wind

Out with a bang

You're coming with me, oh wow

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aber DK Texte haben es verdient.

wohl wahr! wohl wahr!

dead kennedys-Frankenchrist-goons of hazard

Happy hour belongs to America's best-loved thugs

Here comes the 4-wheel prosthetic *****es

Got yer gun racks, tractor tires and lynch mob drivers

We couldn't find a chick to sit in the middle

So we drink ourselves sick

Lean out the windows and pinch ass instead

We are the Goons of Hazzard

Glorified on your TV

We run down bikes and hitch hikers

And we know we'll get off scot-free

We're the vigilante heroes of your tough-guy flicks

Bashing punks & bums and fags

With our baseball bats

No deer to blow away

So we go to Oroville and shoot a black kid down

Or waste demonstrators in Greensboro instead

We are the Goons of Hazzard

Glorified on your TV

We leave you in a pool of blood

Cos we know we'll get off scot-free

Let's get him



Say something to me?

We've got him cornered

We've got him cornered

Is anybody looking?

Does anybody even care?


Local papers paint us up to be big heroes

City fathers & Chambers of Commerce want us deputized

The stoner gestapo keepin' your town clean

Get a shave, kid

We'll pay you as the strike-breaker

Maybe you'll make Tac Squad for the L.A.P.D.

We are the Goons of Hazzard

Glorified on your TV

We leave you in a pool of blood

And we always get off scot-free

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The Ramones - Do You Remember Rock'N'Roll Radio?

This is Rock'n'Roll Radio!

Come on let's rock and roll with the Ramones!

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Do you remember Hullabaloo,

Upbeat, Shinding and Ed Sullivan too?

Do you remember rock'n'roll radio?

Do you remember rock'n'roll radio?

Do you remember Murray the K,

Alan Freed, and high energy?

It's the end, the end of the 70's

It's the end, the end of the century

Do you remember lying in bed

With your covers pulled up over your head?

Radio playin' so no one can see

We need change, we need it fast

Before rock's just part of the past

'Cause lately it all sounds the same to me

Oh oh oh oh, oh oh

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Will you remember Jerry Lee,

John Lennon, T. Rex and OI Moulty?

It's the end, the end of the 70's

It's the end, the end of the century

Do you remember lying in bed

With your covers pulled up over your head?

Radio playin' so no one can see

We need change, we need it fast

Before rock's just part of the past

'Cause lately it all sounds the same to me

Oh oh oh oh, oh oh

Das Lied ist der Hammer :rolleyes:


Bearbeitet von Wüstenfuchs
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ihr größtes meisterstück... eine klar definierte aussage...

nun um welches lied handelt es sich hier wohl?

Fun Fun Fun in the fluffy chair

Flame up the herb

Woof down the beer



I'm your video DJ

I always talk like I'm wigged out on quaaludes

I wear a satin baseball jacket everywhere I go

My job is to help destroy

What's left of your imagination

By feeding you endless doses

Of sugar-coated mindless garbage

So don't create

Be sedate

Be a vegetable at home

And thwack on that dial

If we have our way even you will believe

This is the future of rock and roll

How far will you go

How low will you stoop

To tranquilize our minds with your sugar-coated swill

You've turned rock and roll rebellion

Into Pat Boone sedation

Making sure nothing's left to the imagination

M.T.V. Get off the

M.T.V. Get off the

M.T.V. Get off the air

Get off the air

See the latest rejects from the muppet show

Wag their tits and their dicks

As they lip-synch on screen

There's something I don't like

About a band who always smiles

Another tax write-off

For some schmuck who doesn't care

M.T.V. Get off the air

And so it was

Our beloved corporate gods

Claimed they created rock video

Allowing it to sink as low in one year

As commercial TV has in 25

"It's the new frontier," they say

It's wide open, anything can happen

But you've got a lot of nerve

To call yourself a pioneer

When you're too god-damn conservative

To take real chances.


Graph-paper brained accountants

Instead of music fans

Call all the shots at giant record companies now

The lowest common denominator rules

Forget honesty

Forget creativity

The dumbest buy the mostest

That's the name of the game

But sales are slumping

And no one will say why

Could it be they put out one too many lousy records?!?

M.T.V.-Get off the air!


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