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Was hört ihr gerade?

Empfohlene Beiträge


avril lavigne - fall to pieces


My Chemical Romance - Cemetery Drive


MfG OpaWilli


bruce springsteen - born in the USA

und danach:

bruce springsteen - my hometown


Rammstein- LOS B)


*gähn* zum ausklang des tages


"mach dir keine hoffnung es is doch längst zu spät das sieht sogar ein blinder dass esmit dir zu ende geht"

"alle wege führn ins dunke keine aussicht mehr auf licht dieses mal geht es zu ende ein nächstes mal gibt es nicht"

witziges lied der besseren band der welt *lol*


Hamburgs Finest Allstars - So viel mehr



Do You Remember Rock'n'Roll Radio?

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Do you remember Hullabaloo,

Upbeat, Shinding and Ed Sullivan too?

Do you remember rock'n'roll radio?

Do you remember rock'n'roll radio?

Do you remember Murray the K,

Alan Freed, and high energy?

It's the end, the end of the 70's

It's the end, the end of the century

Do you remember lying in bed

With your covers pulled up over your head?

Radio playin' so no one can see

We need change and we need it fast

Before rock's just part of the past

'Cause lately it all sounds the same to me

Oh oh oh oh, oh oh

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Will you remember Jerry Lee,

John Lennon, T. Rex and OI Moulty?

It's the end, the end of the 70's

It's the end, the end of the century

Do you remember lying in bed

With your covers pulled up over your head?

Radio playin' so no one can see

We need change and we need it fast

Before rock's just part of the past

'Cause lately it all sounds the same to me

Oh oh oh oh, oh oh

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go

"We need change and we need it fast before rock's just part of the past"

Das passt momentan

<_< B)


the white stripes - fell in love with a girl


Michael Mic ft. She-Raw - Put the Cat in the oven


Vindicator-back with nothing to lose


Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.

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