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Nazi Punks **** Off

Punk ain't no religious cult

Punk means thinking for yourself

You ain't hardcore cos you spike your hair

When a jock still lives inside your head

Nazi punks

Nazi punks

Nazi punks-**** Off!

Nazi punks

Nazi punks

Nazi punks-**** Off!

If you've come to fight, get outa here

You ain't no better than the bouncers

We ain't trying to be police

When you ape the cops it ain't anarchy

[Repeat chorus]

Ten guys jump one, what a man

You fight each other, the police state wins

Stab your backs when you trash our halls

Trash a bank if you've got real balls

You still think swastikas look cool

The real nazis run your schools

They're coaches, businessmen and cops

In a real fourth reich you'll be the first to go

[Repeat chorus]

You'll be the first to go

You'll be the first to go

You'll be the first to go

Unless you think


Foo Fighters - Best of You

und danach

Audioslave - Be Yourself

MfG OpaWilli


Audioslave - Out Of Exile



Entertainment P.imps - Mit allen


Scott McKenzie - If you´re going to San Francisco


ein kühles Bier :)


Passi - L'Arme :0


SOIL- halo :D

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Incubus - Alive at Red Rocks - The Warmth

"Don't let the World bring you down

Not everyone here is that ****ed up and cold."


MfG OpaWilli

Bearbeitet von OpaWilli

LP - Somewhere I belong

bo - Finde die Wahrheit


Metallica - Blackened [Live@RaR2003]


Cecile - Ladi Ladi


DK - Well Paid Scientist

gut bezahlter Wissenschaftler


Ce'Cile - Honey

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