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"We've Got A Bigger Problem Now"

Last call for alcohol.

Last call for your freedom of speech.

Drink up. Happy hour is now enforced by law.

Don't forget our house special, it's called a Trickie Dickie Screwdriver.

It's got one part Jack Daniels, two parts purple Kool-Aid,

and a jigger of formaldehyde

from the jar with Hitler's brain in it we got in the back storeroom.

Happy trails to you. Happy trails to you.

I am Emperor Ronald Reagan

Born again with fascist cravings

Still, you made me president

Human rights will soon go 'way

I am now your Shah today

Now I command all of you

Now you're going to pray in school

I'll make sure they're Christian too

California Uber alles

Uber alles California

Ku Klux Klan will control you

Still you think it's natural

Nigger knockin' for the master race

Still you wear the happy face

You closed your eyes, can't happen here

Alexander Haig is near

Vietnam won't come back you say

Join the army or you will pay

California Uber alles

Uber alles California

Yeah, that's it. Just relax.

Have another drink, few more pretzels, little more MSG.

Turn on those Dallas Cowboys on your TV.

Lock your doors. Close your mind.

It's time for the two-minute warning.

Welcome to 1984

Are you ready for the third world war?!?

You too will meet the secret police

They'll draft you and they'll jail your niece

You'll go quitely to boot camp

They'll shoot you dead, make you a man

Don't you worry, it's for a cause

Feeding global corporations' claws

Die on our brand new poison gas

El Salvador or Afghanistan

Making money for President Reagan

And all the friends of President Reagan

California Uber alles

Uber alles California

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