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Die Russen kommen!

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The entire Project Reality Team would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday! While this time of year is all about spending time with your friends and family, indulging in your favorite holiday foods, and enjoying all your recently opened gifts, we would like to ask you all to take a moment to step back from all the splendor, to remember the active military troops who are currently serving their respective countries away from their homes and loved ones this holiday season. We thank you for all of your sacrifices and pray for your safe return home. PR will be here waiting for you!

Now, seeing that it is the Holiday Season and everyone is exchanging gifts, the Project Reality Team felt it just wouldn’t be right if we didn't give the public a taste of our highly anticipated Project Realty v0.85 release. So, here is small glimpse at what is coming in PR v0.85.

Russian Forces - Community Faction - Ура!

After a year and a half of hard work, the Russian Forces are coming to Project Reality. The Russian Forces is the first of many community factions to be included in Project Reality, which in the future will become increasingly integrated into the mod. A community faction is a project created by the community, with assistance and guidance from the Project Reality Development team. The Russian Forces community faction is led by [R-DEV]GeZe and its development team is comprised of multiple community members. Here's some visual goodness made by [R-DEV]AfterDune to show off the Russian Forces:

First off, is the Russians main assault rifle, the AK-74M, which fires the Russian 5.45x39mm round. It was a group effort creating this weapon, with contributions from [R-MOD]KP (models), [R-CON]THE.FIST (textures), [R-DEV]Pride (textures), [R-DEV]Katarn (model tweaks and import), [R-DEV]Chuc (textures and animations) and many others. Thank you also to Roman Stepanov for providing his personal high resolution photos for reference.

ak74m01_thumb.jpg ak74m02_thumb.jpg ak74m03_thumb.jpg

In all of these screenshots, you will probably have noticed the new camouflage which the Russians utilize, called "Flora". These skins were done by [R-DEV]Matrox and [R-DEV]Chuc. They blend in amazingly well in woodland environments.

flora_camo01_thumb.jpg flora_camo02_thumb.jpg flora_camo03_thumb.jpg

Next up is the BTR-60 APC, which houses a powerful 14.5mm cannon. Thanks to EoD & [R-CON]Mescaldrav for the model, which [R-DEV]Chuc textured. [R-DEV]Undies is busy creating a BTR-80 which is a more realistic APC for the Russian Forces. Once completed, the BTR-80 will replace the BRT-60 in a later Project Reality release.

btr60_apc01_thumb.jpg btr60_apc02_thumb.jpg btr60_apc03_thumb.jpg

There are many other new models and re-skinned existing models that are coming with the Russian Forces, though we wouldn't want to give everything away now, would we?

You may have spotted that the Russians are on Fools Road in the above screens, but what other maps will the Russians be fighting on? Project Reality v0.85 will introduce 3 maps with the Russians and Chechen Rebel factions; Assault on Mestia, Fools Road and Kozelsk. The last being a new map with more info coming soon.

As always, make sure you keep a close eye on the Project Reality website for more information, updates and of course the illusive Project Reality v0.85 release date. It could be a lot closer then you think....maybe.

- The Project Reality Team


einfach nur endgeil! :w00t:

Gast The Wraith
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

also copy&paste ohne sofort erkennbare Quelle? Ist das überhaupt erlaubt? nur mal so btw

Bearbeitet von The Wraith

Die APCs sehen wirklich göttlich aus, aber das Visier von dem/der (wie auch immer) Dragonov sieht noch äußerst komisch aus.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Bedank dich bei DICE ;)

Das SVD ist aus vanilla.

Bearbeitet von bosco
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Na da werden sich Georgier und Tschetschenen aber freuen :whistling:

Hatte eigentlich gedacht das es die Israelis zuerst in PR schaffen aber die Russen haben wohl hinter verschlossenen Bunkertüren gearbeitet :daumenhoch:

Bearbeitet von Bärwurz


also copy&paste ohne sofort erkennbare Quelle? Ist das überhaupt erlaubt? nur mal so btw

Ein Mitglied des Teams kann kopieren was er will und vor allem wohin er will ;) Wir melden uns schon selbst wenn uns was nicht passt.

@Bosco: Thx a lot

@Update: :sabber:


Juhu :yiiiiha:


Hört man da etwa den Hells-March raus :w00t:

sollangsam wirds ja was mit den anderen Parteien :huh:

Bedank dich bei DICE ;)

Das SVD ist aus vanilla.

Dann will ich mal hoffen, dass die so schnell wie möglich ersetzt wird^^

Am meisten warte ich eigentlich auf die Holländer. Die gab es bis jetzt noch in keiner Mod und sind an sich eigentlich sehr interessant. Aber ich glaube das kann noch dauern.


Jo, kann dauern, obwohl die Macher der Community-Mod vorher ein eigenes Projekt laufen hatten (zumindest einige) und eigentlich Erfahrung mitbringen :)


H A W T.


Geil :o seh nur das video und kann es kaum noch erwarten.

ist der PR server down oder warum kann ich nicht auf den ihre seite?

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