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R.est I.n H.ell

Dawn of War II

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jup habs jetzt auch geschafft

Ich hatte Force Commander und Thaddeus mit Terminatorrüstung, Hammer und Schild, Avitus mit nem heavy bolter(der 3k dmg macht O.o) und Tarkus mit ner Plasmawummer dabei

Und dann immer schön stunnen

Hab aber für die Mission stattliche 107 Minuten gebraucht xD

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

und mit ohne games for windows live :guckstdu:

Bearbeitet von Jonez

Und die neue Rasse wird wahrscheinlich die Inquisition werden!

 >Brother, do you wish to hear the tale of my first initiate that I had to train?
    Go on Brother
    >I was training my first new brother, and told him he must slay 100 foul xenos by the end of the day using nothing but his chainsword, yet by the end of the day he had only slain 98
    Did you kill the initiate for failing our chapter and His Holiness?
    >Nay, I had previously burned a paticularly heretical witch, and was in a good mood. I gave him a chainsword, and told him to slay 100 foul Xenos by the end of the day. Yet, by the end of the day he had only slain 99.
    And then you executed him for failing to follow your order, as well as failing the chapter and the mighty Emperor?
    >Nay. If he had failed twice, it was my own teaching to blame. We entered the battlefield, confident that with my own example, he could easily kill 100 Xenos. As I readied my Chainsword, the initiate suddenly turned and asked "Brother-Captain, what in the name of holy Terra is that sound?"
  • Gefällt mir! 2

:D Sehr gut!

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