Blond3r 62 Melden Geschrieben 28. Juni 2011 Moin, Die Kollegen von Xplay/G4TV mit einer kleinen Gameplay Vorschau...' style="color:#FF9B00;" target="_blank">
ManeaterMV 0 Melden Geschrieben 28. Juni 2011 @Blond3r: magste nicht wieder mit dazuschreiben, ob man aus den Videos was neues erfährt? Das fand ich mit am besten, außerdem kann ich hier auf Arbeit immer schlecht den Ton für irgendwelche BF-Videos anmachen.
Kiwi ( NZ ) 4 Melden Geschrieben 29. Juni 2011 Hands ON Dreamhack !!!! Hab hier einen Erfahrungsbericht eines Allied-Clanmembers bei mir aus dem Forum. Par nette Punkte bei, vorallem Rushmodus , bis dato, wie erwähnt mit nur 32 Playern. Lest selbst: Battlefield 3 will be released 2011-10-27 I know many of you have played battlefield games before and some have even been in clans and competed in battlefield leagues. I myself played and competed in both BF1942 and BF2, in the latter me and my clan even won the silver medal at the Swedish championship in 2006. So, when BF3 is now on the way I can't but hope that it will be the best game this year and give me many fun hours when not playing eve Anyway, I have just come home from one of the largest LAN party's in the world and there I got to play a pre-alpha version of BF3. Before I played this I attended a closed presentation from DICE (the makers of the game) where they answered a few questions etc. The game we played is still in pre-alpha and everything I write is from memory only so some might be wrong and some might be forgotten so don't shoot me if the final version of the game differs from what I type here The Map The map we played is called "Operation Metro". It takes place in Paris, France, and is a narrow rush map, we played a 16 vs. 16 game. Those of you who played BFBC2 knows what I'm talking about here, two teams facing eachother in a sort of narrow map when one team is defending and the other team attacking. the attacking team have to blow up two objectives and after doing that the frontlines is moved forward and other parts of the map opens up with two more objectives that needs to be completed. The first stage on this map playes out above ground in what looks like a park in central Paris, there is a lake, with open grounds, a fountain and everything that you expect to find in a park. After finishing the two objectives the battle moves on into the metro system, the subway below ground and ends on the other side above ground again in a more urban environment. The map was fun to play and have a variety of scenery, from open park like environment, into the subway and finally in a more urban street warfare type. It's intense and action filled. Kits The kit layouts were something like this. (took this from my friends memory) USMC Assault - M16A4(4x scope), M9, Frag Grenade, Medic Box, Defibrillator Engineer - M4(ironsight+weapon light), M9, Frag Grenade, SMAW, Repair Tool Support - M249(4x scope), M9, Frag Grenade, Ammo Box Recon - M110(bit more powerful scope, dont know exactly), M9, Frag Grenade, C4 RUS Assault, AK74M(4x scope), MR-444, Frag Grenade, Medic Box, Defibrillator Engineer - AKS-74U(ironsight+weapon light), MR-444, Frag Grenade, RPG7, Repair Tool Support - Pecheneg(4x scope), MR-444, Frag Grenade, Ammo Box Recon - SVD(bit more powerful scope, dont know exactly), MR-444, Frag Grenade, C4 Misc •Stamina: I didn't notice any stamina, so you could basicly sprint and jump as much as you liked. •Sprint: While sprinting you could actually strafe sideways. It's a welcome feature for me and it gave a very natural feeling of movement. •Deploying weapons: When using weapons with bi-pods you can deploy said bi-pods for more accuracy. You do this by rightclicking once when crouching or standing infront of an obstacle like a window or a low wall etc. When deployed the bi-pods becomes the centre of movement when you look up/down and to the sides. You hade a limited arc of about 100 degrees you can move your gun while deployed. if you want to un-deploy it you simply move your character or turn around more than said 100 degrees. •Rocket weapons: The Engineer kit have a rocket weapon which I found nice to use, it's not overpowered like the CG in BFBC2 but it have a killradius of about 2 metres and it was fairly accurate with a slight drop at longer distances. •Commo-rose: No commo-rose or communication tool to be seen anywhere. Probably not implemented yet. At the closed presentation we were on before the play test the devs there got asked if BF3 would have a commo-rose a la BF2 or a context sensitive key a la BC2(which means one key, and depending on what you're looking at/doing it gives a different message). He said the commo-rose is awesome, but was prone to causing spam in BF2. He couldn't give a full answer due to the marketing plan they have(gameplay details/news to come at GamesCon btw), but I interpreted the rest of his somewhat dodgy reply as that they were aiming for something in between the commo-rose and the BC2 system. •Spawning: You could spawn either on your squad leader or on the teams spawnpoints on the map. •Melee: The melee function about the same way as in BFBC2, that is you have a shortcut key (F) that triggers the melee. I manage to kill an enemy with the knife while playing and when doing soo my characted grabbed the enemy around his neck and stabbed him in the face in a cinematic fasion. •Hit detection: it felt solid, but again, this was in a closed LAN environment. will have to see how if feels over an internet line. •Vehicles: the only vehicle on this map was an APC (LAV-25). I jumpedi nto it briefly and noticed that the driver is also managing the gun and by rightclivking I could turn on a thermal sight. •Fire selection: different weapons had different firing modes, On the rifles you can change between single fire, burst and fully automatic. •Destruction: The destruction is always present but it doesn't feel as overdone as it is in BFBC2. It feels more natural even though it's not perfect. No building ever collapsed when I played but walls was destroyed. The destruction was less gimmick and more gameplay compared to BFBC2. •Reloading: If you have a bullet in your barrel when reloading, the soldier just insert a new magazine and then you can start shooting again with total of 31 bullets, if you fired all your ammo previously, the soldier does a mantle motion (spelling?) to load a new bullet into the barrel before he can start shooting again, this takes slightly longer and you will get 30 bullets total in your gun. So micromanaging your ammo status and reload in time might give you that extra second in a close situation. •Supression: If a guy shoots at you and bullets are passing by really close, then your vision gets blurry to simulate that you are supressed. It didn't feel overdone but rather cool, it made you not stick out your head over that low wall but rather crouch away and flanking the guy supressing you. I like. •Graphics: The graphics looks very nice. not too much difference from BFBC2 but it's in the details and those are more awesome. the light etc •Animations: Animations looked really nice. Reloads were fairly accurate and the running/climbing stuff looked motion capped or at least equally realistic. •E-Sport: They were very secretive, but they hinted at them doing more for E-Sport than with previous titles. •Servers: There will be dedicated servers. No word on if it's only through GSPs, but unfortunately I find that likely. •Scopes: The scopes were in 3D and looked nice, but they zoomed the whole screen and not just the area in the sight :/
Blond3r 62 Melden Geschrieben 29. Juni 2011 Nabend Freunde, Die letzte MTV GameOne Folge, u.a. mit Battlefield 3 (ab 9:30) verpasst? Bitte schön.
Angstman 1394 Melden Geschrieben 29. Juni 2011 das aufbauen des bipods und das wechseln zur thermalsicht mit rechtsklick find ich etwas seltsam, da sollten eigentlich der zoom bzw das koaxial-mg sitzen
Hero-of-War 46 Melden Geschrieben 29. Juni 2011 (bearbeitet) das aufbauen des bipods und das wechseln zur thermalsicht mit rechtsklick find ich etwas seltsam, da sollten eigentlich der zoom bzw das koaxial-mg sitzen Hoffentlich heißt das nicht, dass man wieder nur ein Vehicle Spec benutzen kann, das war nämlich komplett schwachsinnig... Aber letztendlich kamen von einigen Quellen schon seltsame Informationen, wie der Pionier mit M60 etc Bearbeitet 29. Juni 2011 von Hero-of-War
Atwood 0 Melden Geschrieben 30. Juni 2011 Hands ON Dreamhack !!!! Hab hier einen Erfahrungsbericht eines Allied-Clanmembers bei mir aus dem Forum. Par nette Punkte bei, vorallem Rushmodus , bis dato, wie erwähnt mit nur 32 Playern. Lest selbst: Kits The kit layouts were something like this. (took this from my friends memory) USMC Assault - M16A4(4x scope), M9, Frag Grenade, Medic Box, Defibrillator Engineer - M4(ironsight+weapon light), M9, Frag Grenade, SMAW, Repair Tool Support - M249(4x scope), M9, Frag Grenade, Ammo Box Recon - M110(bit more powerful scope, dont know exactly), M9, Frag Grenade, C4 RUS Assault, AK74M(4x scope), MR-444, Frag Grenade, Medic Box, Defibrillator Engineer - AKS-74U(ironsight+weapon light), MR-444, Frag Grenade, RPG7, Repair Tool Support - Pecheneg(4x scope), MR-444, Frag Grenade, Ammo Box Recon - SVD(bit more powerful scope, dont know exactly), MR-444, Frag Grenade, C4 Das gefällt mir aber gar nicht, was ich da lese. Denn scheinbar sind die Waffen wieder fraktionsabhängig. Das war schon in Battlefield 2 so - naja zumindest teilweise: Die Basis-Waffen waren fraktionsabhängig. Also z.B. die M16 beim USMC-Medic und die AK101 beim MEC-Medic. Die Unlocks hingegen waren nicht mehr fraktionsabhängig. Das Problem an diesem System war die Balance. So wurde zB oftmals gesagt, dass die AK101 dank Full-Auto gerade im Nahkampf wesentlich effektiver sei als die M16 mit Burst-Auto. Deshalb hat man sich wahrscheinlich in Bad Company 2 auch dazu entschieden alle Waffen fraktionsunabhängig zu machen. Darunter leidet der Realismus wobei aber das Gameplay stark profitiert. Daher bin ich auch klar für fraktionsunabhängige Waffen. Was sagt ihr dazu? Grüße, Atwood
Kevterminator 9 Melden Geschrieben 30. Juni 2011 ich finds so viel besser ², solange Balance da ist, who cares? und ein + zum Feeling sowie Realismus
Blond3r 62 Melden Geschrieben 30. Juni 2011 Moin Kameraden, Vor einigen Tagen sorgte eine ungewöhnliche 'US Präsidentschaftswahl' für Schlagzeilen. Mehr dazu hier. Daraufhin startete PCGames eine Umfrage in unserem Lande: 'Wem würdet Ihr eure Stimme geben? Modern Warfare 3 oder Battlefield 3?' Das Ergebnis ist mehr als eindeutig. Thx @Malarkey für Screenshot.
TanteEmma 1436 Melden Geschrieben 30. Juni 2011 Krass, ist den Amis und der PCGames langweilig. Und da sagt mal einer es gibt kein Sommerloch...
Germanfragger 235 Melden Geschrieben 30. Juni 2011 BF3 Beta Delivered Via Origin, Says EA Support A member of our forums, Fliptaku, decided enough was enough, and headed straight for the hottest source of beta news – EA’s live customer support chat. It seems EA may have begun prepping their support system with new information ahead of a PR announcement. According to the likely-outsourced and possibly-misinformed representative, the beta will be delivered across EA’s Origin service to accounts with a registered MOH LE key, as many people have suspected or assumed, and access will be granted via an emailed product key. Unfortunately, he failed to say anything in specific terms about how LE owners will have their purchase validated, if the beta is indeed an open one. Chatlogs follow, for those interested in such drab things as “evidence”. Link Blonders retweet geklaut und ne news gemacht
Blond3r 62 Melden Geschrieben 30. Juni 2011 Blonders retweet geklaut und ne news gemacht Das lob ich mir. Gut gemacht @Germanfragger! War heute Morgen auf dem Sprung... mehr als 'some retweets' und eine Meldung (siehe oben) war nicht drin....