dadrop 0 Melden Geschrieben 25. Oktober 2011 (bearbeitet) Gestern hat ein Treffen bei DiCE mit EAUK Forenmembern stattgefunden. Der Bericht auf Englisch steht noch aus, aber hier der Bericht auf schwedisch durch Google Translate gejagt: Ich habe endlich mal einen Schweden dazu bekommen, den Kurzbericht ins lesbares Englisch zu übersetzen. Es soll später noch ein Video mit dem kompletten Interview mit Untertitel geben. The article is written by M4u3N. He is the guy who was invited because of his e-sport focus. His impression is that DICE wants BF3 to become a e-sports game but that a lot of features will be missing at launch. Immediate focus appears to be a stable game, fixing game braking glitches and balancing. BETA was 2-2,5 months old when released. DICE appears to have been unsure about even releasing it since the code was so old. M4u3N confirms that the retail version is much improved over BETA version. Post-launch DICE will have a "Operations team" with 30 employees. They will be working on all the platforms(PC, PS3 and 360). They calculate 2-3 patches the first month of retail alone. The post-launch focus seems to be very serious and a great focus seems to be fixing things that the community feels is not working out. Exploits and server improvements seems to be high on the agenda and developing things the community feels are missing. They also state new tools for measuring and telemetry now exists. These tools were non-existent when BF2 was launched. DICE claims this will reduce the problems which occurred when they fixed problems and instead created 3 new ones by fixing the old. DICE does not want to promise too much because they are unsure of how high the workload will become post-launch. But M4u3N thinks they are sincere and honest when they claim that they are "looking into it". That does not mean they are actually producing this stuff atm. but that they are having serious discussions about it and are maybe even researching the issues. Apparently the server questions were mostly directed towards the 50-pages PDF that they released for servers and server-renters. Questions Ping - No, but in the making Results in tickets after each round - No They know that this is a much-requested feature. They couldn't answer this question, but promised to release some information soon. My interpretation was that it was in development. Software for managing your server - BF3CC Serversettings.ini - No They didn't want to confirm anything because it might take a while due to the things happening at launch. I got the impression that it was in development though. Serversettings/unranked, will we be able to experiment wilth tickets, timelimit, classes/unlocks - Yes/No*** To be able to change these things is the most requested feature from the e-sport side, according to DICE. At this time, they couldn't say how much you would actually be able to change at launch. More info soon (basically) Ability run your own server - No This one I already knew the answer to, but wanted to know the reason why. The simple answer is that they don't want people running cracked servers. Is there any way to bring up the console - Yes You can use commands like drawFps in the console (I didn't get it to work though) Rcon - No They are working on it. It won't be done by launch, but shortly thereafter. As well as commands like fast_restart etc. Spectate - No There is no specate whatsoever at launch but it is being discussed a lot. I didn't get any answer to whether it was in development or not though. Battlerecorder is far off, no one is working on it as of now. They are looking at it, but they couldn't confirm it. They are aware that battlerecorder is a requirement to make BF3 into an e-sports game though. Modtools - No If I understood correctly, no one is working on it right now. They say that they like modtools and that it's being discussed, but there are a lot of obstacles to overcome, like licensing for the engine and that it's a lot more complex than before. I gave them the suggestion that they could release some kind of "modtools light" where you can move flags, remove and add vehicles and turn the map so that it fits in more with the competitive gameplay. The response I got was good, and they said that it was a more possible solution. Tournaments - ESL They said that they as a developer won't arrange anything but they'll support the events that want to arrange something for BF3. They have been in close contact with ESL on a daily basis through Zhint0 and they have contacted Dreamhack. Third-party software - Yes For example, you will be able to use ESL's anti-cheat along with other 3rd party software. Mapsize The smallest map is the 32player one which is the same size as the 24player one, but the flags are positioned differently. Quelle EAUk Forum Bearbeitet 25. Oktober 2011 von dadrop
BäM 1043 Melden Geschrieben 25. Oktober 2011 where you can move flags, remove and add vehicles and turn the map so that it fits in more with the competitive gameplay. The response I got was good, and they said that it was a more possible solution. Hoffentlich. Aber was soll das denn heissen? Mapsize The smallest map is the 32player one which is the same size as the 24player one, but the flags are positioned differently. Also eine PC conquest small map, die genau so groß ist wie die Konsolen Conquest map, nur die Flaggen stehen wo anders? Sollen sie doch einfach den Namen sagen. Jede ist sich einig, dass OP Metro die kleinste Map ist...
-=Punkbuster=- 166 Melden Geschrieben 25. Oktober 2011 Alienware Dogtags
-=Punkbuster=- 166 Melden Geschrieben 25. Oktober 2011 Klingeltöne als MP3-Version BF3 Ringtone BF3 Alarm Tone
dadrop 0 Melden Geschrieben 26. Oktober 2011 Battleblog Update zum Launch in US (mäßig informativ, aber wer gerne Bilder von fröhlichen BF3 Käufern sehen will):
dadrop 0 Melden Geschrieben 26. Oktober 2011 (bearbeitet) kurzes Eurogamer Interview mit Patrick Bach (vom 24.10) Bearbeitet 26. Oktober 2011 von dadrop
BUdDY 111 Melden Geschrieben 27. Oktober 2011 (bearbeitet) BattleLog ist off, "Update in Progress". Da bin ich ja mal gespannt €: Wieder online Bearbeitet 27. Oktober 2011 von BUdDY2008
Blond3r 62 Melden Geschrieben 27. Oktober 2011 Moin Freunde, Gamestar Test des Multiplayers (einige Seiten vorher schon einmal angesprochen) jetzt auch als YT Video. PS: Back from 'real life'.
Turnbeutel 278 Melden Geschrieben 27. Oktober 2011 (bearbeitet) Blond3er ist wieder da! Hier haben sich ja einige schon Sorgen gemacht^^ €: sry 4 OT^^ Bearbeitet 27. Oktober 2011 von Turnbeutel
Blond3r 62 Melden Geschrieben 27. Oktober 2011 Blond3er ist wieder da! Hier haben sich ja einige schon Sorgen gemacht^^ Jo... bin wieder da. War die vergangenen Wochen beruflich voll eingespannt und musste mein virtuelles Leben für eine gewisse Zeit komplett ausblenden. Anbei mal die ersten Minuten der Kampagne... und da es sich nur um wenige Minuten handelt, lass ich mal die 'Spoiler - Warnmeldung' weg. Finde die deutsche Synchro recht gelungen... daher vorab ein kleiner Sprachenvergleich (deutsch/englisch). Sprachvergleich Deutsch/Englisch Ersten Minuten der Kampagne
Blond3r 62 Melden Geschrieben 27. Oktober 2011 Mahlzeit Freunde, Anbei bewegtes Bildmaterial vom Battlefield 3: Community Release Event mit Community Manager Andreas 'Gamm4' Koch.
-=Punkbuster=- 166 Melden Geschrieben 27. Oktober 2011 Okay, keine 100%ige News, aber Elxx denkt darüber nach @elxx Are there any plans to connect a platoon to a gameserver? @BFGames Great idea! I've just made the plans.!/Elxx/status/129562278650580992 I like... ich meine Hooah!
SargeRyan 0 Melden Geschrieben 27. Oktober 2011 Und weil das hier viel zu Positiv ist: Seit 19h oder so gibt es Probleme mit Origin und kaum einer kann das Spiel mehr aktivieren. Bravo EA. Morgen oder so in Richtung Wochenende soll das laut Hotline dann irgendwann eventuell mal behoben sein.
Gast Milano Melden Geschrieben 27. Oktober 2011 So ziemlich alles wäre besser als das aktuelle Ultimate Commorose v2.0 Concept aus EA UK Forum irgendwie verstehe ich die Spielerschaft nicht, denn einige beklagen sich, daß man mittels ComRose keine Muni anfodern kann, so wie in Battlefield 2. Ich lese ganz recht unten von der Rose, "request Ammo".
gcrFU 0 Melden Geschrieben 27. Oktober 2011 So ziemlich alles wäre besser als das aktuelle Ultimate Commorose v2.0 Concept aus EA UK Forum irgendwie verstehe ich die Spielerschaft nicht, denn einige beklagen sich, daß man mittels ComRose keine Muni anfodern kann, so wie in Battlefield 2. Ich lese ganz recht unten von der Rose, "request Ammo". Meinst du das verlinkte? Dir ist aber schon klar, dass das nicht das ist, welches in BF3 vorhanden ist..?