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Kann mal jemand bei Twitter nachfragen, ob das "Exclusive" heißt, dass das Zeug nur für die erhältlich ist, die sich das "Paket" kaufen, oder ob es freischaltbar wäre im Spiel?

The EA E3 press conference will include first live demos of BATTLEFIELD 3, MASS EFFECT 3, SSX, NEED FOR SPEED: THE RUN, FIFA and more.


Darf da gefilmt werden? Wer darf die E3 eigentlich besuchen und Spiele antesten? Wird man auch Material offiziel online stellen?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Wird alles im MinutenTakt auf Gametrailers.com landen. Wird auch wieder "genügend" Streams geben. Letztes Jahr liefs ganz gut fand ich.

Hinkommen tut nur die Presse, Entwickler etz...nicht das "Volk" ;)

Bearbeitet von complex


Getz biste aber nachtragen oder? :D


Getz biste aber nachtragen oder? :D

Nope, bin ich ned. Ist ja alles in Ordnung - da muss man ned nachtragend sein.:)

*Everything fine again*


Dann bin ich ja froh dat wa dahingehend im reinen sind ;)


Oh Mann , echt zum kotzen, die exklusiven Waffen, bleiben EXKLUSIV.

"Demize99: The Physical Warfare Pack is fully exclusive. There's no other way to get those 4 items."

gesehen hier.


Das komplette Q&A

Battlefield 3 Physical Warfare Pack Q&A [ 2 Comments ]

Tuesday, 24 May, 2011 at 16:55 PST | ^Scott^ | Print News

Battlefield 3 Senior Gameplay Designer, Alan "Demize99" Kertz has been busy field questions on twitter. Below are some of the more interesting and informative responses.

rcenters : You said no magnum ammo or body armor a long time ago, but now we see "DAO-12 armor piercing flechette rounds"?

Demize99: There is a trade off to their armor piercing: lower base damage.

Power2ouse : The flechette rounds I assume have less damage but more penetration than buckshot, or how is that going to work?

Demize99: Indeed

tfk777: No Physical Warfare pack for the U.S.? We better get something exclusive too...

Demize99: Wait for it.

Demize99: Before the forums goes all "omg magnum ammo" Armor Piercing comes at the expense of lowering damage. It's also unique to flechettes.

GamerOfFreedom : So what about Armor? I remember you saying there wouldn't be Magnum Ammo or Body Armor

Demize99: No body armor spec. Standard buck can't penetrate a thing. Flechettes can at lower damage values.

rcenters: So does that mean there will be body armor perks anyway, or class based automatic armor like in BF2?

Demize99: No, standard buck shot has no penetration. That's all it means.

ConorPFitz: I have a question about the DLC for BF3. Will the maps work like the VIP map system in BC2? Are the weapons unlockable?

Demize99: No comment on how DLC works right now.

JGrasli: Let me get this straight for ALL; #BF3 NO body armor, NO magnum ammo (except shotgun flech..), NO EXPLMK2-spec etc? And acc-spec?

Demize99: Shotgun Flechettes are lower damage. NOT MAGNUM. No Body Armor. No Explmk2. #NoComment other weapon stuff yet...

rcenters: So how will the kits in BF3 be setup? Recon, Assault, Engineer, Support like 2142, or Recon, Assault, Medic, Engineer like BC2?

Demize99: You'll hear plenty about kits in the future.

Jkoverlord: i remember you guys saying that you dont want anything that will increase your HP or damage, cuz thats the best decision u made

Demize99: And that's still true. I do think it's ok for a player to give up some damage for utility in another way. That's balanced.

arc7891: so the flechette ammo have the same accuracy & same distance as standard weapon without it?

Demize99: Yes.

Silver_Rook: question.... these pre order bonuses? are they available to everyone once they rank up? or are some TRUE exclusive?

Demize99: The Physical Warfare Pack is fully exclusive. There's no other way to get those 4 items.

Nathan__f : Well, that's good to hear. But what's the point of armour piercing if there is no armour?

Demize99: It goes through surfaces that normal buckshot won't, including over penetration on soldiers.

Demize99: It will over penetrate people and thin surfaces that buckshot otherwise won't... but it does less damage in trade.

MongolianGnome: So this armour piercing is going to have some material penetration while reg. ammo will have little/none?

Demize99: Exactly.

Demize99: Goes through thin walls and soldiers, which normal buckshot doesn't. But at a price: flechettes do less damage.

Psychnapple: Oh, cool - I like that. Thin walls similar to the thin metal ones on Isla Innocentes, the wood houses on Laguna Presa? That type?

Demize99: Yep, that type.

Demize99: Further Body Armor clarification: There is no way in BF3 to either increase your health or lower the damage you take from bullets. Period.

Power2ouse:Why is the four items exclusive and not unlockable in the game.... it starts to look good then you guys **** it up.

Demize99: We want to give our loyal fans something extra that says "Thanks for Preordering." I think PWP is a great way to do that.



Okay, nun wirds doch kacke! Bisher bin ich davon ausgegangen, dass man sich alles erspielen kann, was es an Preorder-Boni so gibt, aber dem erteilt demize ja nun eine klare Absage. :facepalm:


Und dieses Pack gibts nur in England, nicht in Deutschland? Das fänd ich blöd

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Es wird so ein Pack auch für Deutschland und andere Länder geben. Ob der Inhalt gleich ist weiß man noch nicht.

Bearbeitet von Dayjay

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