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watn dat? wm endpspiel gar nich in berlin?



Wowi war ja auch n bisl enttäuscht, das nur ein Spiel der WM in Berlin ausgetragen wurde, das offizielle Eröffnungsspiel.


Kennt ihr gute Lets Player die hauptsächlich Sport Spiele spielen? Ob Deutsch oder Englisch ist egal.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Hallo Leute! Ich bewerbe mich gerade in Holland für ein Studium und versuche eine Art "Gnadenersuch" per Email verfassen damit ich noch den Studiengang bekomme den ich will! Bewerbung muss natürlich in Englisch sein, da ich aber, wie manche wissen, nicht der beste in Englisch bin, und mich auch noch nie bei einer Uni schriftlich beworben habe würde ich mich SEHR freuen, falls einer von euch mal drüber gucken kann was ich getextet habe. Vorallem hinsichtlich Aufbau, Schmeichelei(Zuviel?), Argumente und natürlich dem Englischen ansich(richtige Zeitformen, Rechtschreibtechnisch, Grammatik?)

Das ist sehr wichtig für mich, und ich möcht´s nicht versauen^^

Dear Sir/Madamme,

Im a german scholar and just recieved my Abitur diploma in 2011. Over "studieren-in-holland.de" I firstly took notice of the Maastricht University, loved the conception, and instanly found the bachelor degree course I want to study, "Biomedicin".

But there is a little problem that keept me form applying so far: I havent had "Chemistiry" wether "Physic" in the eleventh grade of my school carrier. However, I am very sure to meet the requirements, and have the knowlege that is assumend to succesfuly start studying this major.

There are a few reasos that, in my view, justify (me for?) an Immatrikulation for this subject in 2011/2012.

I had "Biologie Leistungs Kurs" with an good final mark(13.2) of 13points and "Mathe Grundkurs" with 8 points on the other hand. I futher had, and still have the possiblity of private coaching in Chemesty by an old friend of mine which is studying Biochemisty right now. Aditionally im very sure to also catch up in physic on my own cause of my big scientific interest.

Biomedicin is all I ever wanted to study since I am thinking of. I love research and I am very persistnet in difficould biologicial issues. Futhermore the Maastricht University has a great call and is in a nice geografical position.

This all, in conclusion, made me certain to fit the requiremets and obtained me studying at your university. So is there a possibility to enroll me as student this jear(2011/2012)?

Best regarts,

Maurice [...].

Bearbeitet von Entenkiller

das schwache geschlecht vorran ;)

also dear madame, dear sir


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu; JETZT HAB ICHS BEIM EDITIEREN VERSENDET :trollface: . Ich brauch schnell hilfe um ne editierte Version nachzusenden :D

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

ne, war schon richtig so.

€ lol entenkiller, der erste eindruck ist damit schonmal ordentlich im sack :D

Bearbeitet von pnshr

Hihi :fox:

ne, war schon richtig so.

€ lol entenkiller, der erste eindruck ist damit schonmal ordentlich im sack :D


Bitte helft mir mal damit ich das direkt nachschicken kann. Die schauen sich das Montag morgen ja denke mal an

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Hallo Leute! Ich bewerbe mich gerade in Holland für ein Studium und versuche eine Art "Gnadenersuch" per Email verfassen damit ich noch den Studiengang bekomme den ich will! Bewerbung muss natürlich in Englisch sein, da ich aber, wie manche wissen, nicht der beste in Englisch bin, und mich auch noch nie bei einer Uni schriftlich beworben habe würde ich mich SEHR freuen, falls einer von euch mal drüber gucken kann was ich getextet habe. Vorallem hinsichtlich Aufbau, Schmeichelei(Zuviel?), Argumente und natürlich dem Englischen ansich(richtige Zeitformen, Rechtschreibtechnisch, Grammatik?)

Das ist sehr wichtig für mich, und ich möcht´s nicht versauen^^

Dear Sir/Madamme,

Im a german scholar and just recieved my Abitur diploma in 2011. Over "studieren-in-holland.de" I firstly took notice of the Maastricht University, loved the conception, and instanly found the bachelor degree course I want to study, "Biomedicin".

But there is a little problem that keept me form applying so far: I havent had "Chemistiry" wether "Physic" in the eleventh grade of my school carrier. However, I am very sure to meet the requirements, and have the knowlege that is assumend to succesfuly start studying this major.

There are a few reasos that, in my view, justify (me for?) an Immatrikulation for this subject in 2011/2012.

I had "Biologie Leistungs Kurs" with an good final mark(13.2) of 13points and "Mathe Grundkurs" with 8 points on the other hand. I futher had, and still have the possiblity of private coaching in Chemesty by an old friend of mine which is studying Biochemisty right now. Aditionally im very sure to also catch up in physic on my own cause of my big scientific interest.

Biomedicin is all I ever wanted to study since I am thinking of. I love research and I am very persistnet in difficould biologicial issues. Futhermore the Maastricht University has a great call and is in a nice geografical position.

This all, in conclusion, made me certain to fit the requiremets and obtained me studying at your university. So is there a possibility to enroll me as student this jear(2011/2012)?

Best regarts,

Maurice [...].


Das sind jetzt nur grammatikalische Fehler. Einfach die Englische Rechtschreibprüfung im FF anschmeissen, dann sind die schon mal weg. ;)

Bearbeitet von Timothy
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Dear Madam/Sir,

Im a german scholar and just recieved my Abitur diploma in 2011. Over "studieren-in-holland.de" I firstly took notice of the Maastricht University, loved the conception, and instantly found the bachelor degree course I want to study, "Biomedicine".

But there is a little problem that kept me form applying so far: I haven't had wether "Chemistiry" nor "Physics" in the eleventh grade of my school carreer. However, I am very sure to meet the requirements, and have the knowlege that i assume necessary to successfully start studying this major.

There are a few reasons that, in my view, justify (me for?) an Immatrikulation for this subject in 2011/2012.

I had "Biologie Leistungs Kurs" with an good final mark(13.2) of 13 points and "Mathe Grundkurs" with 8 points on the other hand. I further had, and still have the possiblity of private coaching in Chemistry by an old friend of mine which is studying Biochemistry right now. Additionally im very sure to be able to catch up in Physics on my own because of my own scientific interest in this topic.

Biomedicine is all I ever wanted to study since I am thinking of. I love research and I am very persistent in difficult biologicial issues. Furthermore the Maastricht University has a great reputation with a geographical position.

This all, in conclusion, made me certain to fit the requiremets to study at your university. So is there a possibility to enroll me as student this year(2011/2012)?

Best regards,

Maurice [...].

Mal drübergeguckt, sieht eigentlich ganz nett aus :)

Bearbeitet von fL0

Warum überlesen alle das "reasos"

Warum überlesen alle das "reasos"

oder carrier statt career^^


Jo, jetzt können alle Grammarnazis zuschlagen^^

Ich schreibs nachher mal so wie ich es machen/für richtig halten würde.


Das ist jetzt was ich fertig hab:

I am very sorry, my Email software failed and instead of the right copy I wanted to send to you, a first, non-edited version of my mail was issued. It contains a lot of gamma and other mistakes. I deeply regret this occourance and hope not to made a false impression. Anyhow, I attached the “final” version below.

Thanks for your (habt ihr ne idee?)

Dear Madam/Sir,

Im a German scholar and just received my Abitur diploma in 2011. Over "studieren-in-holland.de" I firstly took notice of the Maastricht University, loved the conception, and instantly found the bachelor degree course I want to study, "Biomedicine".

But there is a little problem that kept me form applying so far: I haven't had whether "Chemistry" nor "Physics" in the eleventh grade of my school carrier. However, I am very sure to meet the requirements, and have the knowledge that I assume necessary to successfully start studying this major.

There are a few reasons that, in my view, justify an Immatrikulation for this subject in 2011/2012.

I had "Biologie Leistungs Kurs" with an good final mark(13.2) of 13 points and "Mathe Grundkurs" with 8 points on the other hand. I further had, and still have the possibility of private coaching in Chemistry by an old friend of mine which is studying Biochemistry right now. Additionally I am very sure to be able to catch up in Physics on my own because of my own scientific interest in this topic.

Biomedicine is all I ever wanted to study since I am thinking of. I love research and I am very persistent in difficult biological issues. Furthermore the Maastricht University has a great reputation with a geographical position.

This all, in conclusion, made me certain to fit the requirements to study at your university. So is there a possibility to enroll me as student this year(2011/2012)?

Best regards,

Maurice ....

Ok so?

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