Com.Sordan 9 Melden Geschrieben 8. Juni 2011 Zusammengefasst : - PS3 Exclusive neeeeeeeein war doch schon bei Ankündigung bekannt. finds aber geil, falls es wirklich free2play wird
Fette Katze 0 Melden Geschrieben 8. Juni 2011 Zusammengefasst : - PS3 Exclusive neeeeeeeein war doch schon bei Ankündigung bekannt. damit isses für mich futsch, mir egal obs eve ist oder nicht ich werd mir garantiert keene ps3 kaufen
Com.Sordan 9 Melden Geschrieben 8. Juni 2011 Zusammengefasst : - PS3 Exclusive neeeeeeeein war doch schon bei Ankündigung bekannt. damit isses für mich futsch, mir egal obs eve ist oder nicht ich werd mir garantiert keene ps3 kaufen musst du doch nich... du kriegst die ganze konsoleros doch als kanonenfutter geschenkt
Krockeschinski 1765 Autor Melden Geschrieben 9. Juni 2011 Und mehr infos ^^ 1. Ein paar Fakten : RPS: I understand that there are advantages for you in using Sony’s infrastructure. But again, cutting off half of your console audience seems, from my perspective, to be a risk. That’s 50% of your player base gone. Torfi: Sony understand. They have an understanding, and they’re curious. Thomas: Our vision for the future is more closely aligned. For example, most of DUST is running on our own technology, it’s running on our own super-computer, on Tranquillity. And Sony is a lot more… open, shall we say, to allowing you to do those things. It may seem silly, but on Xbox Live your identity is your Xbox Live identity. In the EVE universe, having people not know who you are is quite important. RPS: So can you explain a bit more about DUST? Thomas: It’s a thinking man’s shooter. One of the core tenets of belief and design at CCP is the sandbox, and not treating our players like they’re idiots. I’ll give you an example. You don’t go onto the battlefield and pick, say, a sniper, and be given this stuff. We give you the tools to create your fit, your loadout. You create your own role on the battlefield. And the possibilities, the ways of doing that, are endless. Endlessly terrifying to our QA department. RPS: How do you have persistence in a match-based game? Thomas: We have, much like EVE – in fact exactly like EVE! – we have different security levels. We have high security, low security, and nulsec, where anything goes. And that’s where we’re pretty much hands off. When you’re in highsec we have NPC generated battles, so you’ll always be able to find a battle, you’re able to grind and get money, but without being exposed to the depth building an infrastructure on the surface of planets, things like that. But then as you play through into the lower levels of security it starts to be about: okay, I’ve got the hang of the game, I’ve got a group of friends, we’ve formed a corporation, and we’ve got backing from some EVE members for the corporation, so we’re going to hire a war barge, we’re going to load it up with supplies, and we’re going to try to attack this location. We’re going to get our first foothold on a planet. And that is all scheduled and controlled. Those matches are planned, and the defenders are warned in advance so they have the opportunity to defend. Once you get into that kind of game you’re making a larger commitment in terms of time to be able to defend your things. And so the more you invest, the more commitment you have to have to protect what’s yours. But there’s always matches rolling in highsec. RPS: So, if I’m an EVE player, how is my game going to change after DUST is released? Torfi: Well, you have the ability to be more strategic when you are conquering planets and solar systems, in nulsec. Those are the main touchpoints. Highsec carebears need not worry. The same for lowsec. The main touchpoint upon the launch of DUST, will be in nulsec, will be in sovereignty, will be in inflicting damage and destruction and death upon your enemies, destroying their infrastructure and their means to survive, either by means or scorched earth or by stealing their installations on the surfaces of planets. There will be more going on on the surfaces of planets. We’ve introduced mechanics allowing people to manufacture goods on the planets, but planets will play a more pivotal role in sovereignty mechanics further down the line. RPS: When I first heard about the idea of DUST and EVE, I felt like there was a class structure to it. You have your upper-middle class people flying ships, and then they employ the grunts on the surface. Now, that sounds massively appealing to an EVE player, but how do you sell that to a DUST player? Thomas: It’s actually not quite the case. It’s not a one-way relationship. The way we’ve designed it, and the way we’ve iterated on the design, is that if you have a corporation that’s pure mercenaries, pure DUST players, then sure, an EVE corp can say, “I want you to go over here and destroy this guy’s infrastructure. I’ll pay you this much to do it. And if you don’t do it I’m going to be kind of pissed at you.” But then you can also have that DUST corp load up their war barge, go to any planet, and just attack it themselves. And they can take control of that infrastructure. There’s no difference between the infrastructure being deployed between the games. So a pure DUST corp can come in and just start attacking, or if it’s a virgin planet they can deploy planetary infrastructure themselves. So they’re not slaves. They can be self-sufficient. But unless they cooperate they’ll never get the full benefits, because the orbital constructions and the surface-based constructions, they do literally need to be linked to form a space elevator, to gain the maximum benefits and impact sovereignity, so that encourages players to act together. 2. Dust 514 is a first-person shooter, which means the players play the game from the perspective of the mercenary on the ground and see the world through that character’s eyes. Every character starts with zero skills and instead of selecting a class or an archetype, Dust 514 players build the character by learning new skills. That means players can make a character as specialized as they want or try and make a jack of all trades that can do a lot of things pretty well. EVE Online players can create contracts for certain objectives they need to accomplish, such as capturing a planet or getting artillery support from the surface of a planet for a massive space battle taking place above the planet. Dust 514 players can then fulfill those contracts and get paid in the same Isk currency. It turns Dust 514 players into mercenaries for the pilots in EVE Online that are flying around in space trying to capture planets and solar systems. When a player starts the game, they’re presented with a list of available contracts and they select one to enter a match. The interaction goes both ways. Dust 514 players can call in support from EVE Online players that are flying around in space if they need it. They can call down an orbital strike on a part of the planet. Fannar wouldn’t get into any additional details about what EVE Online players can do to help out Dust 514 mercenaries, but he said that was just scratching the surface. Both the space battles and the ground battles are literally taking place at the same time, and the two games interact with each other in real time because they are run on the same servers. The matches will typically feature 40 players total, though CCP Games plans to scale that up over time. 3. “There is no magic in this game so things don’t just appear out of nothing,” said Torfi Frans Olafsson, creative director for EVE Online. “Everything has a cost, including the creation of clones.” In many first-person shooting games, players will “respawn,” meaning they’ll eventually come back to life after they being killed in the game. In Dust 514 and EVE, characters are cloned after death, so you have a finite supply of manufactured bodies that have to be purchased, produced and transported to your facilities. So every loss in the game has a painful economic cost, which tends to discourage reckless behavior like suicide charges.
Krockeschinski 1765 Autor Melden Geschrieben 10. Juni 2011 So noch zwei neue Videos So eine kleinere presse präsentation (der Fitting screen von dem Jeep sieht nach ner menge spaß aus ) Und ein Interview
Krockeschinski 1765 Autor Melden Geschrieben 18. August 2011 Neue Devblog über die kommunikationsmöglichkeiten, ist jetzt nicht soviel neues aber der letzte abschnitt ist ganz interresant The War Room The life of a mercenary is about fighting, but taking over a planet is no small task, so players will find themselves spending a lot of time in the War Room – a 3D lobby where players can go over their vehicle and character fittings; stock up on items from the corp inventory or the marketplace; chat with fellow corp members or once-off hires; scrutinize potential strategies and just generally get ready for the battles to come. Each War Room supports a maximum of 32 players at once. Players navigate the social spaces in DUST (of which the War Room is the first) in third-person.
Krockeschinski 1765 Autor Melden Geschrieben 20. August 2011 gefällt, auf seite 2 sind zudem noch neue screenshots und artworks zu sehen.
Krockeschinski 1765 Autor Melden Geschrieben 21. August 2011 Neue Bilder u. Artworks Amarr Pistol Gallente Outpost Caldari Outpost Gallente LAV Gallente HAV
Krockeschinski 1765 Autor Melden Geschrieben 26. August 2011,vorsch...le,1977835.html Sehr geile vorschau von der Gamescom wehe ich komm nicht in die beta :E
Krockeschinski 1765 Autor Melden Geschrieben 11. Dezember 2011 Infos zur Server struktur zum mobile command center rapid deployment vehicle vehicle dynamics Infantry weapons Start der beta ist im winter/early 2012 und dafür haben sind wohl eve online spieler und playstation + subscriber im visier.
Krockeschinski 1765 Autor Melden Geschrieben 19. Dezember 2011 dropsuits und "One Universe / One War - Get the inside scoop on the revolutionary team-based shooter, DUST 514, exclusively at Fanfest 2012. Event attendees can look forward to roundtables, playable demos, and a chance to compete against fellow gamers in live matches. Every attendee will also receive a DUST 514 beta key!" Ich wollt doch eh schon immer mal nach island
Black__Jack 2655 Melden Geschrieben 20. Dezember 2011 Menno... geiles Spiel versaut weil es nur für Konsolen ist, verbrennen sollen sie! Blöde Konsolen!
Krockeschinski 1765 Autor Melden Geschrieben 20. Dezember 2011 Menno... geiles Spiel versaut weil es nur für Konsolen ist, verbrennen sollen sie! Blöde Konsolen! Spielst halt mit Maus und Tastatur 6. Will CCP be making sure the Sharpshooter/Move will be fully competitive with DS3 users? We are dedicated to making a smooth integration for the SONY Move. But we also want to allow choices for the players. Some may prefer DS3, while others may go with Move and still others might want to use keyboard and mouse. We will be providing more details on this later on. das ganze interview hier