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World of Tanks [OT]

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Seltsamerweise funktionieren alle.com und andere Domains bei mir nicht mehr. Kann weder auf Facebook, noch Memebase, noch die WoT Seite zugreifen.


Dann liegts wohl am Inet oder Firewall oder was auch immer, nicht an WoT selbst.^^


router neustarten- oder die ip´s sind alle ^^


Rechner neu gestartet, funzt. Danke an alle und macht's gut! Wer weiß, wann wir uns wieder sehen. Gehe dann mal mit meiner SU-76 jagen.

Tanks Go Stealth!

Update 7.0 details for World of Tanks announced.

The approaching update 7.0 will introduce a wide range of new gameplay features: along with unveiling two new maps, Fjords and Swamp, update 7.0 will feature the long-anticipated camouflage system that will fit tank skins to the battlefields they fight on. Available in different options, camouflage will provide enhanced invisibility and add more to the strategic element of tank combat.

Clan members will be able to represent their membership by using clan emblems on their vehicles. In addition, battles within the Clan Wars will feature the fog of war, where the teams will not see each other’s rosters.

The new Update will also include a special model SU-85 (I) available within special World of Tanks events.

“We are truly proud to present the new features to our players,” said Victor Kislyi, CEO of Wargaming.net. “We will keep upgrading the game, developing new content and introducing new modes. We promise there are a lot of new exciting features to come.”



Als wenn das Sichtsystem nicht schon beschissen genug wäre, kommen jetzt noch diese Skins mit Unsichtbarkeitsbonis...mMn der schlechteste Witz in der Geschichte von WoT <_< ,aber nun zum wichtigsten:



Die erscheinen doch erst in 7.01...


Noch ein paar panzerstunden entfernt :trollface:

Als wenn das Sichtsystem nicht schon beschissen genug wäre, kommen jetzt noch diese Skins mit Unsichtbarkeitsbonis...mMn der schlechteste Witz in der Geschichte von WoT <_< ,aber nun zum wichtigsten:


laut forum haben die noch probleme die 7 rückwärtsgänge einzubauen und performanceeinbrüche bei den weißen flaggen. braucht alles noch seine zeit anscheinend ...


iwann ist das auch nicht mehr lustig :mellow:

ach wird das schön wenn die Franzmänner in den unteren tiers alles wegrapen :awesome:

Massive Hitbox Overhaul

Nearly 30 vehicles (Tiger, VK 3002 DB, IS-3, IS-7) will get their hitboxes changed to ensure more accurate damaging mechanics. Tiger tank will finally get more detailed armor layout featuring 16 groups and benefit from skirt armor.

Map Debugging

Seems that we haven't done away with them so far, but this is definitely step in the right direction. It is going to be much more difficult to get stuck now.

Multi-cluster technology

It might not bring noticeable changes especially for EU and US players at the time of its introduction. But it is going to be extremely useful in two ways:

* it will help us cope with overload of RU server (in peak times it has more than 235k players) allocating the load between several independent servers within RU region

* the feature has really great potential and it would be impossible to merge clan wars or enable account transfers without it

Customize it!

The camos announced as a a part of vehicle customization functionality long time ago finally arrives in 7.0 (there will be lots of screenies in the days to come). As for horns, we are still thinking of them. :)

Tiered Companies

Instead of one single company battle mode (10/90), we are getting 4 - 4/45, 6/50, 8/90, and 10/150 (where 10 - max vehicle tier, 150 - max team tier points).

There will be separate restrictions on light tanks and SPGs. E.g. for 4/45 submode it is planned to restrict both SPGs and LTs to tier 3.

Report it!

Being harassed in-game or noticed some unfair play? RMB click on required player in team list, choose complaint type, and submit it! Customer support will see to it ASAP.

Mini-map v.2.0

Highly anticipated improvements, no doubt. It will be possible to scale the mini-map, toggle it on/off in battle, adjust its transparency, and we also added markers for Help!, Follow me! and Attacking! commands.

Tracers, anyone?

They are back, however not exactly the way they used to work.

* for LTs, MTs, HTs, TDs: tracers will be shown within 25 deg / 445 sector in the direction of the gun

* for SPGs: tracers will be shown for tanks that are within view range in howitzer mode

For sure we would like to reintroduce 100% tracer effects, however safety and fair play are even of major importance. So as to combat cheating, we have to bring them back this way.

Don't rage quit!

If you leave the battle before it ends (and your vehicle is safe and sound), it will be locked until the end of the battle, giving your enemies chance for easy kill (exp/credits). If somehow it makes to the end of the battle, the tank will be blown up automatically. Full repair costs, yes. :)

Balance Above All

They will be many balance adjustments in the upcoming update, the detailed patch notes will arrive upon the public release. Now I'm going to stop on a few curious things.

* T-44 is getting LB-1 gun (for 2nd turret) with the same specs as of T-54 barring RoF (slight decrease). This is aimed at bringing the tank on a par with the other tier 8 MTs (God help my poor M26 :( ).

* Conical gun will be nerfed on VK3601H, Tiger is getting this gun as it is now.

* Changed shells for 8.8 L/71 gun. Yes, damage increase is planned. However the current DPM will be retained.

* IS-3 is getting a new turret for stock setup, the existing stock turret goes to top setup. T-10 turret is reserved for future. :)


New special effects including shots, hits, explosions are coming to provide better visualization. In addition to it we are introducing in-game colour-blind mod and option to disable smoke effects to ensure smoother performance.

More details will come in the weeks ahead.

We've hit them hard!

There will be changes to penetration mechanics. First of, we are reducing the normalization parameter of AP and APCR shells, therefore the effectiveness of sloped armor will see an increase.

Also the new mechanics for HE will be in place (defining the spot with the thinnest armor to burn through), ensuring more realistic and credible penetration and damaging.


Ich bin echt mal gespannt wie sich die neue Normalisierung auswirkt. Vielleicht fahr ich dann auch mal öfter den IS7


Sloped Armor wird ~1% "besser/stärker" laut Overlord.


Wichtigesten Änderungen wieder mal nicht dabei :(

(chat und playerlist)

iwann ist das auch nicht mehr lustig :mellow:

ach wird das schön wenn die Franzmänner in den unteren tiers alles wegrapen :awesome:

Aber auch nur als Beutepanz0r! :trollface:

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