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Minecraft [OT]

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Wie ist denn dein Ingame name?

Listing of new features in the 1.9 prerelease. So far:

Nether specific:

Nether blocks: Nether brick, Nether Fence, Nether Stairs http://i.imgur.com/lswAA.png

Nether brick is flammable, it will stay on fire regular than a regular stone block but not indefinitely like Netherrack. Nether fences cannot be lit on fire.

Nether Terrain Features: Strongholds & bridges of Nether brick (can be MASSIVE complexes) http://imgur.com/a/RUMiz

Blazeman- Nether mob, A sort of Fire Elemental that comes from spawners and shoots fireballs http://i.imgur.com/U94ZX.jpg

Magma Cube- Nether mob, look like a slime but upon jump they uncoil like a spring. They also will split apart into smaller versions of themselves when hit like slimes. http://imgur.com/a/xYgp9

Nether items: Blaze Rod (dropped by new mob), Nether Wart (new crop) , Ghast Tear, Gold Nuggets (dropped by zombie pigmen)(put 9 of them together to craft into a gold bar)

Farm-able Nether crop (Nether Warts), only plantable on soul sand.

Ghast fireballs do not damage new Nether materials.

Other than the gold nuggets, no uses for other new Nether items are known yet.

NPC Related:

NPCs in villages, one main model with different colors for different "jobs." Pics here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments...pre_out/c2lrg2m

NPCs will not react to attacks on other NPCs

Hostile mobs will not go after NPCs, but can kill them while coming after you.

NPCs do not have any specific purpose of actions yet, they kinda just walk around.

NPCs will only appear in towns newly generated in 1.9; if you have villages generated in any stage of 1.8 there will be no NPCs

Other features:

Swamps: darker colored water and lily pads http://imgur.com/tRSB4.png http://mc.jarryd.net/prettynewswamps.png

The shade of the water seems to depend on the biome the water is located in: If you pour "swamp water" into a non-swamp biome, you get normal-shade water. If said water flows from a non-swamp biome into a swamp biome, it changes colour at the biome border.

Red flowers and Snow Biomes are back!

Mushroom Biome! purple tinted grass and large mushrooms growing. http://ii.snag.gy/zwfpr.jpg

"Mooshroom" cows appear in Mushroom biome, can be sheared to get mushrooms and then turn into regular cows http://imgur.com/NNi99

Snow "Golem"- can be crafted by placing two snow blocks vertically on the ground, and then placing a pumpkin head on top of them. NOTE: They are crafted by block placement not a crafting square! http://i.imgur.com/Vx4OW.jpg http://mc.jarryd.net/littlebabbysnowman.png

Rain is re-textured.

Water and Lava leak through adjacent blocks. http://i.imgur.com/KQL09.png

Chests now make no sound at all.

Holding space no longer allows sustained jumping; must tap jump key for each jump.

Lava and Water Interactions: (to be clear)

When flowing lava hits flowing water = smooth stone

When flowing lava hits still water = smooth stone

When flowing water hits flowing lava = cobblestone

When flowing water hits still lava = obsidian

Bug Related:

FIXED- Stair lighting issues Except with smoothstone stairs

Experience bar changes every time the player jumps (Jeb tweeted that it's not a bug, it "is to test SMP exp orbs... ;)"

Swamp water and regular water appearing side by side for bad visuals. http://imgur.com/tRSB4.png (left side)

Reports of a lot of players having major FPS problems. Lag spikes of death are not yet defeated :(

Bow sometimes has extra-long melee range?

Swamp Grass blocks have improper grass coloring on their sides.

Shearing "Mooshroom" cows gives the "getting wood" achievement

Shift clicking items when you craft doesn't get tracked in your stats properly

Preexisting light sources (lave, flaming netherrack, etc) might not give off light properly.

Add in the comments any other new discoveries!

Disclosure: all of this information is coming from comments posted here and pictures in r/minecraft/new. Give others the credit for discovering all this not me!

" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />

Swampbiomes aus 1.8 sind ja reinste Claygruben jetzt o:


Mushroom Cows :ugly: Das Minecraft Pendant zur Milka-Kuh?

Holding space no longer allows sustained jumping; must tap jump key for each jump.

:daumenrunter: :daumenrunter:

Also dieser Regen in Gebäuden (passiert sporadisch) seit 1.8 nervt aber auch......




Holding space no longer allows sustained jumping; must tap jump key for each jump.


Lava and Water Interactions: (to be clear)

When flowing lava hits flowing water = smooth stone

When flowing lava hits still water = smooth stone

When flowing water hits flowing lava = cobblestone

When flowing water hits still lava = obsidian


Holding space no longer allows sustained jumping; must tap jump key for each jump.

Wurde einige Stunden später wieder rückgängig gemacht, weil man dann kaum noch Berge hoch kommt.


" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />

Das Ende ^^

Geschrieben am 24.09.2011 um 15:54 Uhr

Liebe Kunden,

derzeit ist der Trafficcarrier Link11 down. Andere Konkurrenzseiten sind beispielsweise gar nicht erreichbar. Betroffen sind bei uns nicht alle Server, nur Server mit den IP-Adressen 78.143.20.*.

Der Imageserver hat die IP-Adresse, er ist beispielsweise daher auch nicht erreichbar.

Konsequenz für das Webinterface:

Das Webinterface sendet tausende Timeouts zu den 78.143.20.* Servern. In den einzelnen Modulen kann es dann bei den Kunden zu sehr langen Ladezeiten kommen.

Konsequenz für die Minecraftserver, die nicht mit der IP-Adresse 78.143.20.* anfangen:

Teilweise Loginprobleme, da große Teile der NOTCH Masterserver über Link11 laufen und ebenfalls offline sind.

Wir warten auf Rückmeldung seitens Link11 und denken, dass das Problem im Laufe des Tages behoben sein wird.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis!


" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />

Das Ende ^^


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Sergej, deine Mobfalle hat Löcher . Glaube diese Enderman reißen da von innen Blöcke raus.

Bearbeitet von Gambler

Jupp die machen den Montower von innen kaputt

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Wer hat den Server jetzt wieder gecraaaaaashed? :trollface: :trollface:

Bearbeitet von Wasper

Ich wars net. :trollface:

Ich wars net. :trollface:


3 Posts über dir. War es wirklich zu viel verlangt?


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