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Minecraft [OT]

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Dafür gabs doch die ganzen prereleases :trollface:


schon, daher kommt wohl auch der eindruckt, es hätte sich nicht viel verändert.

aber bei dem kleinen entwicklerteam erwarte ich eigentlich viel mehr.

Kann man MC eigentlich auch irgendwie zweimal "installiert" haben? Wenn ich jetzt update, geht mir mein ganzer IC² und BC Kram flöten :omg:

Hatte immer 2 Ordner von .minecraft. Einmal mit Mods, einmal ohne. Und dann mit einem Script umbenannt, je nach dem was ich spielen wollte.


Ach ist das fein, kein einziges Prerelease gezockt, jetzt kann ich einen riesigen Haufen neuen Content genießen :trollface:


Was ist denn alles neu? :o


So komische Blöcke und so. Schau ma im Creative.


ich will serverupdate! :(

So komische Blöcke und so. Schau ma im Creative.

Tränke, Zauber...


Keinen Drachen spawnen!!11 :somuchwin:


Achja und noch "paar" Sachen:

RC2 - 1.0.0 changes:

Version number changed to Minecraft 1.0.0. SEE!

The sky is possibly a slightly different color, tinged lavender near the horizon [any one have an image comparison?]

Wooden doors work properly again. NOPE! See bugs below.

Endermen can be heard over ending credits / poem.

Experience points are not lost when leaving The End dimension.

New icon for 'The End' achievement. Was a spawner, now a Dragon egg.

Hitbox for Wheat block now changed slightly; slightly shorter.

Slight improvement to Bonemeal functionality. For some plants, it will not waste a Bonemeal if application would have no effect.

Overall increases in performance and frame rate for some users.

The range of blocks that Dragons can destroy may have been reduced, for example Cobblestone may now survive.

1.8.1 - 1.0.0 major changes:

Tools make a noise and have a drop animation when they break.

A large selection of the new sound effects can be heard here, however a few are not yet utilized.

Bows have durability but cannot be enchanted yet.

Sound and animation for when a tool is depleted completely.

New passive mob - the Villager - who inhabits villages.

Redstone ore break time much shorter.

Redstone dust looks different when placed.

Now has 'Quit' button.

There is a Particle toggle option under Video Settings.

Stairs now drop stair item when demolished.

Minor changes to some textures, such as Iron blocks.

Creepers, TNT, Ghast shots and explosions in general have new sound effect. Ghast fireball has changed texture.

New Mobs: Enderdragon, Mooshroom, Blaze, Magma Cube. Unique 'player made' mob: Snow Golem.

Animal breeding, including baby versions of pigs, cows and chickens.

New dimension and 'endgame' scenario - The End - Yogscast playthrough - MAJOR SPOILERS.

New structures for the Nether dimension - Nether Fortresses. Will often include Blaze spawners.

New Nether crop - Netherwart (can only be grown while player is in the Nether.)

New Nether materials, including Nether brick and Nether fence.

New sounds for fall damage, player damage and for collecting XP orbs.

More advanced experience collection and usage system, including enchanting of items for tool enhancements.

Complete potion making system added, including Brewing Stand block, glass bottles and the ability to brew potions from a variety of ingame substances and materials.

Sun and Moon now rise in the East; orientation of the two bodies is now at 90 degrees compared to 1.8.1. Moon has phases.

Drinking a bucket of Milk will cure the player of poison effect.

Destroying Obsidian and Spawner blocks is now faster.

Throwing eggs will now spawn a Chick.

Return of Ferns.

New 'Mushroom' biome including 'Giant Mushrooms' of two kinds, a new mob that is a cow with mushrooms growing on it and a new soil block called Mycelium.

Several new items including Blaze rod, Blaze powder, gold nuggets, Ghast tears, melons.

Use for 'Ender pearl' item whereby throwing the pearl will instantly transmit you to the resulting location. Does not work in Creative mode. When combined with Blaze power, forms a 'dowsing' tool for finding the location of Strongholds. When applied to 'Ender Portal Frame' blocks, creates a new complete block. A full set of completed Frames opens a portal to 'The End'.

The range of blocks that Enderman can pick up has been reduced.

9 New records of music produced by C418, possible found in Stronghold chests.

New sound effects for eating and drinking.

When loading a pre-existing world in 1.0.0, some users are finding that their Enchanting Table(s) may disappear.

Sun and Moon are square.

New 'dripping' effects for when a certain substance is directly above the block you are looking at; lava drips orange, water drips blue and slimes green.

Wooden posts now connected with a greater number of materials, such as stone, grass and wood. Fences have a smaller hitbox.

Changes to Bed functionality: When trying to sleep, you will be denied if mobs are close by and recieve this warning message. Once the area is cleared, you will be able to sleep and will no longer be disturbed by mobs at any point in the night. Unknown at this moment how big the area of effect is.

Nether portals unaffected by flowing water.

Ten new achievements - listed here. Unsure as to exactly which have been implemented and from which version.


Also ich werd jetzt wohl auch mal wieder anfangen und wollte meinen Server wieder aufsetzen. Habe mich allerdings schon länger nicht mehr mit PlugIns und dergleichen beschäftigt Und daher wollte ich fragen, ob man mit einem MultiworldPlugIn verschieden Mods laufen lassen kann. Also ich wollte 3 Welten erstellen (Survival, Creative, IndustrialCraft) und dann sollte man halt mittels Multiworld dazwischen einfach wechseln können. (Am liebsten wärs mir über Portale anstatt /goto world). Ist das möglich?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Was passiert eigentlich, wenn man den Drachen im MP besiegt? Respawnt man dann auch ohne alles wieder? o.O

Und wann wird der Server geupdated ? :trollface:

Bearbeitet von Cyborg11

Ziehe grad ein Backup und dann mach mache ich das denke ich..



Bin vorgestern mal über den Rand der uns bekannten Welt geschippert und wollte die neuen Gebiete sehen.

Nach 6000 Blöcken und 3 gefundener Mini-Inseln bin ich wieder umgedreht.

Poow, was machen wir denn jetzt? :trollface:


restart :fox:

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