El_Exodus 1405 Melden Geschrieben 16. November 2013 Things are progressing nicely towards our first development build of CraftBukkit for Minecraft 1.7.2. Although this update did not provide or add as much feature-wise as previous Minecraft updates have, this is probably one of the more complicated and larger updates we've had to work with from a mod development standpoint. With "almost all of [the code in Minecraft] having been changed - be it little or big" (according to Mojang), there has been significant shifting around of code and logic - to the estimated tune of ~220k lines changed - within Minecraft, resulting in our slowest and most involved update yet. Managing expectations - information about our initial CraftBukkit 1.7.2 builds Five days ago (on November 10th) I sent out a tweet trying to describe what our initial findings were regarding the impact this Minecraft update has on the project but it's frustratingly very difficult to communicate everything I want or need to in 140 characters. Nonetheless, sending out tweets is still our best form of communication that doesn't push other important topics out of view (like the potential structure loss PSA). The tweet was meant to explain that while we will definitely have development builds, our analysis and evaluation of the update (through reading the code and following Minecraft feedback/bug reports from the community) has revealed that there are issues in Minecraft that may prevent us from getting anything stable or reliable out. This was purely meant to assist us with managing expectations as to the quality, stability and reliability of any builds we're able to give out. As for the 'issues we cannot fix' aspect of the tweet, this is due to the nature and policies of the Bukkit project: it is not so much that we are unable to fix the issues ourselves (though this can sometimes be the case), but rather that the issues present are not the project's responsibility to fix and, instead, would be better addressed by Mojang. While we do sometimes make exceptions if we have a really good reason to do so (like to fix a security issue), we try and avoid altering the way Minecraft itself behaves and functions. To be clear: There WILL be development builds; we're still working towards getting our first one out. Due to significant changes in how Minecraft works, it will take us a while to get our Bukkit API updated. Hence, it is highly unlikely that all the plugins you are using will work on our initial development builds. There will MOST LIKELY be promoted builds, but they'll be lower quality than you could usually expect from us due to issues we can't address. What does updating CraftBukkit involve? To give you an idea as to why this update is taking longer than usual, I need to briefly touch on what our update process involves. Every time a Minecraft update is released, we have to go through a repetitive, time consuming and dry multi-step process. A simple breakdown of the process is as follows: decompile the server -> learn the new names (they change with every update) -> figure out how they apply to Bukkit's naming system -> learn what changed/what's new in the update -> update the changes we make to the server to support Bukkit -> get the code to compile -> fix issues that come up. Since we're working with a code base that is unfamiliar to us, we can sometimes find ourselves having to jump back to a previous step. For example: we may come across a piece of code that we're not familiar with and once we're able to figure out what it does, we realise that we've named something incorrectly which we then have to go back and fix. It is this fluid and unpredictable aspect of the update process that makes it difficult to come up with a communicable ETA or any progress/status updates. Though this process may seem inefficient or ineffective, this is the same process that we've used and improved upon to get all of our updates out (even our fastest ones) over the 3 years the project has existed. Bear in mind, the overview provided here barely touches the surface of our update process and is intended to give you a remote idea as to what we have to deal with for every update. This brief and simplified breakdown of our 'steps' does little to explain the varying level of difficulty or complexity of each step, for example. How can I help? The best way to help us out is to get involved. If you're a server admin: once we have our first development build out, we'd appreciate any testing you could perform and any issues you can report. Please bear in mind that development builds are unsupported and should not be run on production servers. If you're a plugin developer: once we have our first development build out with proper API support, we'd appreciate if you could test the build out and report any missing or broken API to our bug tracker. If you're looking to help us out with the update, you'll have to work towards that goal by getting involved in other aspects of the project first. Due to the sensitive and extremely team oriented nature of the update process, we require that you build a relationship and demonstrate your commitment to the project before getting involved with updating will benefit the process. As the update process is incredibly repetitive and mundane, intense commitment is a key requirement for the team. We know this update is taking longer than usual but I assure you we are working our hardest to get it done. Thanks for your patience and continued support, it makes a huge difference and really helps us push onward!
Black__Jack 2654 Melden Geschrieben 27. November 2013 Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException Man ey
SergejFaehrlich 504 Melden Geschrieben 27. November 2013 Wird wieder jemand auf nem anderen Server mit Worldedit rumspammen, ich mach gleich mal ein Ticket auf und frag nach, was da los ist... 2
Black__Jack 2654 Melden Geschrieben 27. November 2013 vor 20minuten ging es noch... mist ey, nu muss ich doch schlafen
SergejFaehrlich 504 Melden Geschrieben 27. November 2013 Läuft wieder, Antwort vom Support habe ich allerdings noch nicht...
Th3Z0n3 481 Melden Geschrieben 27. November 2013 Even though #Minecraft 1.7.3 is out next week, seems like it is mostly client fixes, so likely won't affect progress on @CraftBukkit 1.7.2 We'll likely have an unsupported, unstable @CraftBukkit 1.7.2 dev build this week if nothing comes up: first dev build that simply compiles Naja, es geht wohl vorran!
maettle 246 Melden Geschrieben 27. November 2013 ist 1.7.2 so neu oder so ein durcheinander, oder wieso haben so viele mods noch keine version dazu? gabs da gravierende änderungen?
Th3Z0n3 481 Melden Geschrieben 27. November 2013 Mojang hat den kompletten Code geändert. ID's, Abfragen, API etc. Das MCP (Minecraft Coder Pack) muss nun erstmal eine ordentliche und stabile API rausbringen. Mit dieser API können die Leute von Bukkit eine Update machen, was ebenfalls erst stabil sein muss und danach können Plugins geupdated werden. Mit der API können auch erst die Mods geupdated werden.
SergejFaehrlich 504 Melden Geschrieben 27. November 2013 Hallo, unsere Technik wird sich das Problem genauer anschauen und abstellen. Grüße Karsten Mal sehen, was noch kommt, sry für die ausfälle
Th3Z0n3 481 Melden Geschrieben 28. November 2013 Best bug we've caught before @CraftBukkit dev build? Inivisible, unextinguishable, infinite fire on the ocean floor and everywhere else. Wat? Was machen die da?!!!!
Th3Z0n3 481 Melden Geschrieben 1. Dezember 2013 (bearbeitet) CraftBukkit for Minecraft 1.7.2 DEVELOPMENT build is now available! Hab ich soebend auf meinem eigenen Server getestet und es funktioniert bis jetzt einwandfrei. Ich mache noch weitere Tests Ok, Essentials 2.12.1 scheint auch mit dem neuen Update zu funktionieren. Bearbeitet 1. Dezember 2013 von Th3Z0n3 1
SergejFaehrlich 504 Melden Geschrieben 3. Dezember 2013 Sehr schön, dann packe ich das heute auch mal drauf Kam vorher leider noch nicht an meinen Pc.. Hast du mittlerweile irgendwelche Bugs erlebt?
Th3Z0n3 481 Melden Geschrieben 3. Dezember 2013 (bearbeitet) Bis jetzt nicht. Hab die am häufig benutzten Befehle ausprobiert: top, tp, spawn, give, set spawn, set home etc. Bis jetzt funktioniert das alles tadellos. Und falls es eine richtig neue Essentials Version gibt, schreibe ich das eh sofort hier rein Bearbeitet 3. Dezember 2013 von Th3Z0n3