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Wie man sieht waren Klischees auch 1912 en Vogue. :ugly:


Native American couple, Situwuka and Katkwachsnea in 1912



Das sieht aus als wäre es 1:1 einer kitschigen KarlMay Vorstellung entsprungen.^^





Das hier ist ja merwürdig, "Kinder zu verkaufen"


Children for sale in Chicago, 1948.  Some parents sold their children due to poverty.



(-im sixPack noch günstiger) :o


two dicks AMA > bill murray

Der Author hat offensichtlich keine Ahnung wovon er schreibt.

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two dicks AMA > bill murray

Der Author hat offensichtlich keine Ahnung wovon er schreibt.


hahahahaha oh mein gott, danke dafür.




Eigentlich eher witzig, aber es ist einfach zu gut gemacht. *lol*




two dicks AMA > bill murray

Der Author hat offensichtlich keine Ahnung wovon er schreibt.


hahahahaha oh mein gott, danke dafür.


DoubleDickDude ist mein persönlicher Held.

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Da als Kfz Mechatroniker arbeiten - Ich würd sogar dafür bezahlen :trollface: Auch wenn ich nichtmal einer bin. :derb:



Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

inception soundtrack.. mind=blown

Remember that ultra-dramatic instrumental theme you hear over and over for the last 45 minutes of the movie? It sounds like a typical summer movie soundtrack meant to let you know that shit's getting real ... but it's actually that same Edith Piaf song, slowed down almost beyond recognition.

The really cool part is that it makes perfect sense. The Edith Piaf song is a way for the characters to know they're about to wake up -- but since time passes more slowly inside dreams, what seems like two minutes and 23 seconds in reality can last a lot longer for them. While the song is playing at normal speed in the waking world, the characters should hear it all slowed down.

Hans Zimmer, the film's composer, said that in order to achieve this, they actually went to France and extracted two notes from the original master of the song. Apparently those two notes went a long way, because he also said that "all the music in the score is subdivisions and multiplications of the tempo of the Edith Piaf track." So basically, old song + math = Oscar nomination.

Bearbeitet von Burner
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