R.est I.n H.ell 540 Melden Geschrieben 13. November 2014 Dann ist meine Aussage prinzipiell ja nicht falsch
-=Sarlon=- 516 Melden Geschrieben 13. November 2014 ...und dann stellt sich hinterher heraus, dass alle Uhren doch echt waren .
Bösewicht 398 Melden Geschrieben 14. November 2014 ...und dann stellt sich hinterher heraus, dass alle Uhren doch echt waren . Würde ihm wohl hart am Arsch vorbei gehen, bei der Kohle die er hat.
Cpl.Basti 1488 Melden Geschrieben 14. November 2014 http://instagram.com/yoyoha See sollte richtige Kaffeebecher entwerfen! Find ich Sau geil!
Black__Jack 2655 Melden Geschrieben 15. November 2014 http://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/german-panzer-relics-recovered-europe.html Bulgaria’ s army has began to dig out its vintage WW2 tanks, in order to protect them from looters. A number of Panzer IV tanks, equipped with Maybach engines and buried as stationary guns, have already been moved to a secure military base. All WW2 tanks will be in a safe place before the end of February but it is unclear what their future will be. There are few tanks of the same type in the world still outside the military museums and robbers could make a good profit by selling tank parts to collectors. Recently authorities nailed two Germans and a Bulgarian army major over stealing a whole Panzer IV tank. After that there was a probe over a stolen turret of a vintage tank. Ersten sehr coole Bilder dabei, was noch überall so rumsteht... und zweitens fett markierte. Edit: paar Screens vom Set von Fury: http://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/brad-pitt-descends-englands-green-pleasant-land-turns-countryside-warzone-location-film-fury.html Da ist ja richtig was los. :3 Edit: man die Seite ist echt richtig gut: http://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/theres-nothing-sadder-wreck-great-submarine.html http://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/two-local-wwii-heroes-will-honored-bronze.html Jeder der Band of Brothers gefühlte 100 mal geguckt hat, kenn diese beiden Gesichter. Seventy years ago, he parachuted into a ferocious gun battle raging across the town square of Sainte-Mere-Eglise. Everywhere, buildings were ablaze and bullets zipped through the air. Army Sgt. William “Wild Bill” Guarnere couldn’t wait to get into the fight during the Normandy invasion and avenge his brother Henry, killed by the Germans in Italy. He later parachuted into Holland with fellow South Philadelphia native Edward “Babe” Heffron during Operation Market Garden, one the largest drops of airborne troops in history. They also fought together during the Battle of the Bulge, where Guarnere lost a leg to artillery fire while trying to save a comrade.But Wild Bill and Babe – portrayed in the 2001 HBO miniseries Band of Brothers – probably never thought they’d also be portrayed in bronze in their hometown. Their families and friends have been raising money for two statue projects.Heffron, who died in 2013 at 90, will be honored in a piece to be dedicated Sept. 17 – anniversary of the Holland operation – in the neighborhood where he grew up, at Second and Reed Streets. His platoon sergeant, Guarnere, who died this year at 90, will be remembered in a statue to be dedicated June 6 – anniversary of the D-Day invasion, dubbed Operation Overlord reports Philly.com 3
Flexen 1739 Melden Geschrieben 15. November 2014 (bearbeitet) Wieder ein paar Lifehacks Einiges schon gekannt, diesmal aber auch wieder cooles Zeug dabei^^http://www.epicdash.com/the-46-most-brilliant-life-hacks-every-human-being-needs-to-make-life-easier/ Bearbeitet 15. November 2014 von Scatman Brösel
Flexen 1739 Melden Geschrieben 16. November 2014 Schöne Natur Spiders Disguise Themselves as Ants to Hide and Hunt Their Prey http://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/spiders-disguise-themselves-ants-hide-and-hunt-their-prey#overlay-context=
Cpl.Basti 1488 Melden Geschrieben 17. November 2014 http://www.topgear.com/uk/car-news/top-gear-wins-wales-rally-gb-class-2014-11-17 Nice. Hätte auch mal bock drauf
Flexen 1739 Melden Geschrieben 18. November 2014 Also solang sich bei den Sachen niemand einen Spaß erlaubt hat, sind einige echt creepy. Allerdings bin ich bei sowas auch immer sehr sehr skeptisch.
Underdog 4378 Melden Geschrieben 21. November 2014 Wie genial die Tische in dem Spiel aussehen. Ich kann mich nicht erinnern jemals an einem echten Flipper gespielt zu haben und jetzt gibts die ja glaub ich gar nicht mehr. :\